blob: 9c1700af69163ce5bc74a862cb96c5ccc67f4a9e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/account_tracker_service.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/fake_gaia_cookie_manager_service.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/fake_profile_oauth2_token_service.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/fake_signin_manager.h"
#include "services/identity/public/cpp/identity_manager.h"
#include "services/identity/public/cpp/identity_test_utils.h"
namespace identity {
// Internal class that creates and owns dependencies of IdentityManager
// when those dependencies are not passed in externally.
class IdentityManagerDependenciesOwner;
// Class that creates an IdentityManager for use in testing contexts and
// provides facilities for driving that IdentityManager. The IdentityManager
// instance is brought up in an environment where the primary account is
// not available; call MakePrimaryAccountAvailable() as needed.
class IdentityTestEnvironment : public IdentityManager::DiagnosticsObserver {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
using SigninManagerForTest = FakeSigninManagerBase;
using SigninManagerForTest = FakeSigninManager;
#endif // OS_CHROMEOS
// Preferred constructor: constructs an IdentityManager object and its
// dependencies internally. Cannot be used if the client of this class
// is still interacting directly with those dependencies (e.g., if
// IdentityTestEnvironment is being introduced to incrementally convert
// a test). In that case, use the below constructor and switch to this
// constructor once the conversion is complete.
bool use_fake_url_loader_for_gaia_cookie_manager = false);
// Constructor that takes in instances of the dependencies of
// IdentityManager and constructs an IdentityManager instance from those
// dependencies. For use in contexts where those dependencies are still
// being used directly by the creator of this object (i.e., while a test is
// being incrementally converted). Prefer the above constructor, and switch to
// that constructor once possible (e.g., when an incremental conversion is
// completed). NOTE: The passed-in objects must all outlive this object.
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker_service,
FakeProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service,
SigninManagerForTest* signin_manager,
FakeGaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service);
~IdentityTestEnvironment() override;
// The IdentityManager instance created and owned by this instance.
IdentityManager* identity_manager();
// Sets the primary account for the given email address, generating a GAIA ID
// that corresponds uniquely to that email address. On non-ChromeOS, results
// in the firing of the IdentityManager and SigninManager callbacks for signin
// success. Blocks until the primary account is set. Returns the AccountInfo
// of the newly-set account.
AccountInfo SetPrimaryAccount(const std::string& email);
// Sets a refresh token for the primary account (which must already be set).
// Blocks until the refresh token is set.
void SetRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount();
// Sets a special invalid refresh token for the primary account (which must
// already be set). Blocks until the refresh token is set.
void SetInvalidRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount();
// Removes any refresh token for the primary account, if present. Blocks until
// the refresh token is removed.
void RemoveRefreshTokenForPrimaryAccount();
// Makes the primary account available for the given email address, generating
// a GAIA ID and refresh token that correspond uniquely to that email address.
// On non-ChromeOS platforms, this will also result in the firing of the
// IdentityManager and SigninManager callbacks for signin success. On all
// platforms, this method blocks until the primary account is available.
// Returns the AccountInfo of the newly-available account.
AccountInfo MakePrimaryAccountAvailable(const std::string& email);
// Clears the primary account if present, with |policy| used to determine
// whether to keep or remove all accounts. On non-ChromeOS, results in the
// firing of the IdentityManager and SigninManager callbacks for signout.
// Blocks until the primary account is cleared.
void ClearPrimaryAccount(
ClearPrimaryAccountPolicy policy = ClearPrimaryAccountPolicy::DEFAULT);
// Makes an account available for the given email address, generating a GAIA
// ID and refresh token that correspond uniquely to that email address. Blocks
// until the account is available. Returns the AccountInfo of the
// newly-available account.
AccountInfo MakeAccountAvailable(const std::string& email);
// Sets a refresh token for the given account (which must already be
// available). Blocks until the refresh token is set. NOTE: See disclaimer at
// top of file re: direct usage.
void SetRefreshTokenForAccount(const std::string& account_id);
// Sets a special invalid refresh token for the given account (which must
// already be available). Blocks until the refresh token is set. NOTE: See
// disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void SetInvalidRefreshTokenForAccount(const std::string& account_id);
// Removes any refresh token that is present for the given account. Blocks
// until the refresh token is removed.
// NOTE: See disclaimer at top of file re: direct usage.
void RemoveRefreshTokenForAccount(const std::string& account_id);
// Puts the given accounts into the Gaia cookie, replacing any previous
// accounts. Blocks until the accounts have been set.
void SetCookieAccounts(const std::vector<CookieParams>& cookie_accounts);
// When this is set, access token requests will be automatically granted with
// an access token value of "access_token".
void SetAutomaticIssueOfAccessTokens(bool grant);
// Issues |token| in response to any access token request that either has (a)
// already occurred and has not been matched by a previous call to this or
// other WaitFor... method, or (b) will occur in the future. In the latter
// case, waits until the access token request occurs.
// NOTE: This method behaves this way to allow IdentityTestEnvironment to be
// agnostic with respect to whether access token requests are handled
// synchronously or asynchronously in the production code.
// NOTE: This version is suitable for use in the common context where access
// token requests are only being made for one account. If you need to
// disambiguate requests coming for different accounts, see the version below.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWithToken(
const std::string& token,
const base::Time& expiration);
// Issues |token| in response to any access token request that either has (a)
// already occurred and has not been matched by a previous call to this or
// other WaitFor... method, or (b) will occur in the future. In the latter
// case, waits until the access token request occurs.
// NOTE: This method behaves this way to allow IdentityTestEnvironment to be
// agnostic with respect to whether access token requests are handled
// synchronously or asynchronously in the production code.
// NOTE: This version is suitable for use in the common context where access
// token requests are only being made for one account. If you need to
// disambiguate requests coming for different accounts, see the version below.
// NOTE: This version allows passing the uncommon id_token parameter which is
// needed to test some cases where checking for that extra info is required.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWithToken(
const std::string& token,
const base::Time& expiration,
const std::string& id_token);
// Issues |token| in response to an access token request for |account_id| that
// either already occurred and has not been matched by a previous call to this
// or other WaitFor... method , or (b) will occur in the future. In the latter
// case, waits until the access token request occurs.
// NOTE: This method behaves this way to allow
// IdentityTestEnvironment to be agnostic with respect to whether access token
// requests are handled synchronously or asynchronously in the production
// code.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWithToken(
const std::string& account_id,
const std::string& token,
const base::Time& expiration);
// Issues |error| in response to any access token request that either has (a)
// already occurred and has not been matched by a previous call to this or
// other WaitFor... method, or (b) will occur in the future via In the latter
// case, waits until the access token request occurs.
// NOTE: This method behaves this way to allow IdentityTestEnvironment to be
// agnostic with respect to whether access token requests are handled
// synchronously or asynchronously in the production code.
// NOTE: This version is suitable for use in the common context where access
// token requests are only being made for one account. If you need to
// disambiguate requests coming for different accounts, see the version below.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWithError(
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
// Issues |error| in response to an access token request for |account_id| that
// either has (a) already occurred and has not been matched by a previous call
// to this or other WaitFor... method, or (b) will occur in the future. In the
// latter case, waits until the access token request occurs.
// NOTE: This method behaves this way to allow
// IdentityTestEnvironment to be agnostic with respect to whether access token
// requests are handled synchronously or asynchronously in the production
// code.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWithError(
const std::string& account_id,
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error);
// Sets a callback that will be invoked on the next incoming access token
// request. Note that this can not be combined with the
// WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessaryAndRespondWith* methods - you must
// either wait for the callback to get called, or explicitly reset it by
// passing in a null callback, before the Wait* methods can be used again.
void SetCallbackForNextAccessTokenRequest(base::OnceClosure callback);
struct AccessTokenRequestState {
AccessTokenRequestState(AccessTokenRequestState&& other);
AccessTokenRequestState& operator=(AccessTokenRequestState&& other);
enum {
} state;
base::Optional<std::string> account_id;
base::OnceClosure on_available;
// Constructs this object and its IdentityManager instance from the supplied
// dependencies of IdentityManager, which must be either:
// (1) non-null instances of the backing classes, OR
// (2) a non-null instance of |dependencies_owner|.
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker_service,
FakeProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service,
SigninManagerForTest* signin_manager,
FakeGaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service,
std::unique_ptr<IdentityManagerDependenciesOwner> dependencies_owner);
// IdentityManager::DiagnosticsObserver:
void OnAccessTokenRequested(
const std::string& account_id,
const std::string& consumer_id,
const OAuth2TokenService::ScopeSet& scopes) override;
// Handles the notification that an access token request was received for
// |account_id|. Invokes |on_access_token_request_callback_| if the latter
// is non-null *and* either |*pending_access_token_requester_| equals
// |account_id| or |pending_access_token_requester_| is empty.
void HandleOnAccessTokenRequested(std::string account_id);
// If a token request for |account_id| (or any account if nullopt) has already
// been made and not matched by a different call, returns immediately.
// Otherwise and runs a nested runloop until a matching access token request
// is observed.
void WaitForAccessTokenRequestIfNecessary(
base::Optional<std::string> account_id);
// NOTE: This object must be first in the list, as it owns the objects
// pointed to below in the case where those objects are not passed in via
// the IdentityTestEnvironment constructor.
std::unique_ptr<IdentityManagerDependenciesOwner> dependencies_owner_;
AccountTrackerService* account_tracker_service_ = nullptr;
FakeProfileOAuth2TokenService* token_service_ = nullptr;
SigninManagerForTest* signin_manager_ = nullptr;
FakeGaiaCookieManagerService* gaia_cookie_manager_service_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<IdentityManager> identity_manager_;
base::OnceClosure on_access_token_requested_callback_;
std::vector<AccessTokenRequestState> requesters_;
} // namespace identity