blob: dfa059265228416d67c1920dc6c4b98d346cfe97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "cc/base/region.h"
#include "cc/tiles/picture_layer_tiling.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
namespace cc {
class CC_EXPORT PictureLayerTilingSet {
enum TilingRangeType {
struct TilingRange {
TilingRange(size_t start, size_t end) : start(start), end(end) {}
size_t start;
size_t end;
static std::unique_ptr<PictureLayerTilingSet> Create(
WhichTree tree,
PictureLayerTilingClient* client,
int tiling_interest_area_padding,
float skewport_target_time_in_seconds,
int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_screen_pixels);
const PictureLayerTilingClient* client() const { return client_; }
void CleanUpTilings(float min_acceptable_high_res_scale,
float max_acceptable_high_res_scale,
const std::vector<PictureLayerTiling*>& needed_tilings,
PictureLayerTilingSet* twin_set);
void RemoveNonIdealTilings();
// This function is called on the active tree during activation.
void UpdateTilingsToCurrentRasterSourceForActivation(
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
const PictureLayerTilingSet* pending_twin_set,
const Region& layer_invalidation,
float minimum_contents_scale,
float maximum_contents_scale);
// This function is called on the sync tree during commit.
void UpdateTilingsToCurrentRasterSourceForCommit(
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
const Region& layer_invalidation,
float minimum_contents_scale,
float maximum_contents_scale);
// This function is called on the sync tree right after commit.
void UpdateRasterSourceDueToLCDChange(
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
const Region& layer_invalidation);
PictureLayerTiling* AddTiling(float contents_scale,
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source);
size_t num_tilings() const { return tilings_.size(); }
int NumHighResTilings() const;
PictureLayerTiling* tiling_at(size_t idx) { return tilings_[idx].get(); }
const PictureLayerTiling* tiling_at(size_t idx) const {
return tilings_[idx].get();
WhichTree tree() const { return tree_; }
PictureLayerTiling* FindTilingWithScale(float scale) const;
PictureLayerTiling* FindTilingWithResolution(TileResolution resolution) const;
void MarkAllTilingsNonIdeal();
// If a tiling exists whose scale is within |snap_to_existing_tiling_ratio|
// ratio of |start_scale|, then return that tiling's scale. Otherwise, return
// |start_scale|. If multiple tilings match the criteria, return the one with
// the least ratio to |start_scale|.
float GetSnappedContentsScale(float start_scale,
float snap_to_existing_tiling_ratio) const;
// Returns the maximum contents scale of all tilings, or 0 if no tilings
// exist.
float GetMaximumContentsScale() const;
// Removes all tilings with a contents scale < |minimum_scale|.
void RemoveTilingsBelowScale(float minimum_scale);
// Removes all tilings with a contents scale > |maximum_scale|.
void RemoveTilingsAboveScale(float maximum_scale);
// Remove all tilings.
void RemoveAllTilings();
// Remove all tiles; keep all tilings.
void RemoveAllTiles();
// Update the rects and priorities for tiles based on the given information.
// Returns true if PrepareTiles is required.
bool UpdateTilePriorities(const gfx::Rect& required_rect_in_layer_space,
float ideal_contents_scale,
double current_frame_time_in_seconds,
const Occlusion& occlusion_in_layer_space,
bool can_require_tiles_for_activation);
void GetAllPrioritizedTilesForTracing(
std::vector<PrioritizedTile>* prioritized_tiles) const;
// For a given rect, iterates through tiles that can fill it. If no
// set of tiles with resources can fill the rect, then it will iterate
// through null tiles with valid geometry_rect() until the rect is full.
// If all tiles have resources, the union of all geometry_rects will
// exactly fill rect with no overlap.
class CC_EXPORT CoverageIterator {
CoverageIterator(const PictureLayerTilingSet* set,
float contents_scale,
const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
float ideal_contents_scale);
// Visible rect (no borders), always in the space of rect,
// regardless of the relative contents scale of the tiling.
gfx::Rect geometry_rect() const;
// Texture rect (in texels) for geometry_rect
gfx::RectF texture_rect() const;
Tile* operator->() const;
Tile* operator*() const;
CoverageIterator& operator++();
operator bool() const;
TileResolution resolution() const;
PictureLayerTiling* CurrentTiling() const;
size_t NextTiling() const;
const PictureLayerTilingSet* set_;
float contents_scale_;
float ideal_contents_scale_;
PictureLayerTiling::CoverageIterator tiling_iter_;
size_t current_tiling_;
size_t ideal_tiling_;
Region current_region_;
Region missing_region_;
Region::Iterator region_iter_;
void AsValueInto(base::trace_event::TracedValue* array) const;
size_t GPUMemoryUsageInBytes() const;
TilingRange GetTilingRange(TilingRangeType type) const;
struct FrameVisibleRect {
FrameVisibleRect(const gfx::Rect& rect, double time_in_seconds)
: visible_rect_in_layer_space(rect),
frame_time_in_seconds(time_in_seconds) {}
gfx::Rect visible_rect_in_layer_space;
double frame_time_in_seconds;
struct StateSinceLastTilePriorityUpdate {
class AutoClear {
explicit AutoClear(StateSinceLastTilePriorityUpdate* state_to_clear)
: state_to_clear_(state_to_clear) {}
~AutoClear() { *state_to_clear_ = StateSinceLastTilePriorityUpdate(); }
StateSinceLastTilePriorityUpdate* state_to_clear_;
: invalidated(false), added_tilings(false) {}
bool invalidated;
bool added_tilings;
explicit PictureLayerTilingSet(
WhichTree tree,
PictureLayerTilingClient* client,
int tiling_interest_area_padding,
float skewport_target_time_in_seconds,
int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_screen_pixels);
void CopyTilingsAndPropertiesFromPendingTwin(
const PictureLayerTilingSet* pending_twin_set,
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source,
const Region& layer_invalidation);
// Remove one tiling.
void Remove(PictureLayerTiling* tiling);
void VerifyTilings(const PictureLayerTilingSet* pending_twin_set) const;
bool TilingsNeedUpdate(const gfx::Rect& required_rect_in_layer_space,
double current_frame_time_in_Seconds);
gfx::Rect ComputeSkewport(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_layer_space,
double current_frame_time_in_seconds,
float ideal_contents_scale);
gfx::Rect ComputeSoonBorderRect(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_layer_space,
float ideal_contents_scale);
void UpdatePriorityRects(const gfx::Rect& visible_rect_in_layer_space,
double current_frame_time_in_seconds,
float ideal_contents_scale);
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PictureLayerTiling>> tilings_;
const int tiling_interest_area_padding_;
const float skewport_target_time_in_seconds_;
const int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_screen_pixels_;
WhichTree tree_;
PictureLayerTilingClient* client_;
// State saved for computing velocities based on finite differences.
// .front() of the list refers to the most recent FrameVisibleRect.
std::list<FrameVisibleRect> visible_rect_history_;
StateSinceLastTilePriorityUpdate state_since_last_tile_priority_update_;
scoped_refptr<RasterSource> raster_source_;
gfx::Rect visible_rect_in_layer_space_;
gfx::Rect skewport_in_layer_space_;
gfx::Rect soon_border_rect_in_layer_space_;
gfx::Rect eventually_rect_in_layer_space_;
friend class Iterator;
} // namespace cc