blob: 64cb0b8aaa2b83b3115e5bf8713ccf8b3a66fc9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/interception_internal.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/internal_types.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_utils.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/service_resolver.h"
namespace {
enum Version {
VERSION_PRE_XP_SP2 = 0, // Not supported.
VERSION_SERVER_2003, // Also includes XP Pro x64 and Server 2003 R2.
VERSION_VISTA, // Also includes Windows Server 2008.
VERSION_WIN7, // Also includes Windows Server 2008 R2.
VERSION_WIN8, // Also includes Windows Server 2012.
VERSION_WIN_LAST, // Indicates error condition.
#if !defined(_WIN64)
// Whether a process is running under WOW64 (the wrapper that allows 32-bit
// processes to run on 64-bit versions of Windows). This will return
// WOW64_DISABLED for both "32-bit Chrome on 32-bit Windows" and "64-bit
// Chrome on 64-bit Windows". WOW64_UNKNOWN means "an error occurred", e.g.
// the process does not have sufficient access rights to determine this.
WOW64Status GetWOW64StatusForCurrentProcess() {
typedef BOOL(WINAPI * IsWow64ProcessFunc)(HANDLE, PBOOL);
IsWow64ProcessFunc is_wow64_process = reinterpret_cast<IsWow64ProcessFunc>(
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "IsWow64Process"));
if (!is_wow64_process)
return WOW64_DISABLED;
BOOL is_wow64 = FALSE;
if (!is_wow64_process(GetCurrentProcess(), &is_wow64))
return WOW64_UNKNOWN;
return is_wow64 ? WOW64_ENABLED : WOW64_DISABLED;
#endif // !defined(_WIN64)
class OSInfo {
struct VersionNumber {
int major;
int minor;
int build;
struct ServicePack {
int major;
int minor;
OSInfo() {
OSVERSIONINFOEX version_info = {sizeof(version_info)};
version_number_.major = version_info.dwMajorVersion;
version_number_.minor = version_info.dwMinorVersion; = version_info.dwBuildNumber;
if ((version_number_.major == 5) && (version_number_.minor > 0)) {
// Treat XP Pro x64, Home Server, and Server 2003 R2 as Server 2003.
version_ =
(version_number_.minor == 1) ? VERSION_XP_SP2 : VERSION_SERVER_2003;
if (version_ == VERSION_XP_SP2 && version_info.wServicePackMajor < 2)
version_ = VERSION_PRE_XP_SP2;
} else if (version_number_.major == 6) {
switch (version_number_.minor) {
case 0:
// Treat Windows Server 2008 the same as Windows Vista.
version_ = VERSION_VISTA;
case 1:
// Treat Windows Server 2008 R2 the same as Windows 7.
version_ = VERSION_WIN7;
case 2:
// Treat Windows Server 2012 the same as Windows 8.
version_ = VERSION_WIN8;
version_ = VERSION_WIN8_1;
} else if (version_number_.major == 10) {
version_ = VERSION_WIN10;
} else if (version_number_.major > 6) {
version_ = VERSION_WIN_LAST;
} else {
version_ = VERSION_PRE_XP_SP2;
service_pack_.major = version_info.wServicePackMajor;
service_pack_.minor = version_info.wServicePackMinor;
Version version() const { return version_; }
VersionNumber version_number() const { return version_number_; }
ServicePack service_pack() const { return service_pack_; }
Version version_;
VersionNumber version_number_;
ServicePack service_pack_;
} // namespace
sandbox::ServiceResolverThunk* GetThunk(bool relaxed) {
// Create a thunk via the appropriate ServiceResolver instance.
sandbox::ServiceResolverThunk* thunk = NULL;
// No thunks for unsupported OS versions.
OSInfo os_info;
if (os_info.version() <= VERSION_PRE_XP_SP2)
return thunk;
// Pseudo-handle, no need to close.
HANDLE current_process = ::GetCurrentProcess();
#if defined(_WIN64)
// ServiceResolverThunk can handle all the formats in 64-bit (instead only
// handling one like it does in 32-bit versions).
thunk = new sandbox::ServiceResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
if (GetWOW64StatusForCurrentProcess() == WOW64_ENABLED) {
if (os_info.version() >= VERSION_WIN10)
thunk = new sandbox::Wow64W10ResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
else if (os_info.version() >= VERSION_WIN8)
thunk = new sandbox::Wow64W8ResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
thunk = new sandbox::Wow64ResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
} else if (os_info.version() >= VERSION_WIN8) {
thunk = new sandbox::Win8ResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
} else {
thunk = new sandbox::ServiceResolverThunk(current_process, relaxed);
return thunk;