blob: e49f3ba4dd06aa283e9aee9d95b3259bad406619 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/app_list/search/mixer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "ui/app_list/app_list_switches.h"
#include "ui/app_list/search_provider.h"
#include "ui/app_list/search_result.h"
namespace app_list {
namespace {
// Maximum number of results to show. Ignored if the AppListMixer field trial is
// "Blended".
const size_t kMaxResults = 6;
// The minimum number of results to show, if the AppListMixer field trial is
// "Blended". If this quota is not reached, the per-group limitations are
// removed and we try again. (We may still not reach the minumum, but at least
// we tried.) Ignored if the field trial is off.
const size_t kMinBlendedResults = 6;
const char kAppListMixerFieldTrialName[] = "AppListMixer";
const char kAppListMixerFieldTrialEnabled[] = "Blended";
const char kAppListMixerFieldTrialDisabled[] = "Control";
void UpdateResult(const SearchResult& source, SearchResult* target) {
// Returns true if the "AppListMixer" trial is set to "Blended". This is an
// experiment on the new Mixer logic that allows results from different groups
// to be blended together, rather than stratified.
bool IsBlendedMixerTrialEnabled() {
// Note: It's important to query the field trial state first, to ensure that
// UMA reports the correct group.
const std::string group_name =
// Respect command-line flags first.
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kDisableNewAppListMixer)) {
return false;
if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
switches::kEnableNewAppListMixer)) {
return true;
// Next, respect field-trial groups.
if (group_name == kAppListMixerFieldTrialEnabled)
return true;
if (group_name == kAppListMixerFieldTrialDisabled)
return false;
// By default, enable the new logic if the experimental app list is enabled.
return app_list::switches::IsExperimentalAppListEnabled();
} // namespace
Mixer::SortData::SortData() : result(NULL), score(0.0) {
Mixer::SortData::SortData(SearchResult* result, double score)
: result(result), score(score) {
bool Mixer::SortData::operator<(const SortData& other) const {
// This data precedes (less than) |other| if it has higher score.
return score > other.score;
// Used to group relevant providers together for mixing their results.
class Mixer::Group {
Group(size_t max_results, double boost, double multiplier)
: max_results_(max_results), boost_(boost), multiplier_(multiplier) {}
~Group() {}
void AddProvider(SearchProvider* provider) { providers_.push_back(provider); }
void FetchResults(bool is_voice_query, const KnownResults& known_results) {
for (const SearchProvider* provider : providers_) {
for (SearchResult* result : provider->results()) {
// We cannot rely on providers to give relevance scores in the range
// [0.0, 1.0] (e.g., PeopleProvider directly gives values from the
// Google+ API). Clamp to that range.
double relevance = std::min(std::max(result->relevance(), 0.0), 1.0);
double multiplier = multiplier_;
double boost = boost_;
// Recommendations should not be affected by query-to-launch correlation
// from KnownResults as it causes recommendations to become dominated by
// previously clicked results. This happens because the recommendation
// query is the empty string and the clicked results get forever
// boosted.
if (result->display_type() != SearchResult::DISPLAY_RECOMMENDATION) {
KnownResults::const_iterator known_it =
if (known_it != known_results.end()) {
switch (known_it->second) {
boost = 4.0;
boost = 3.75;
boost = 3.25;
boost = 3.0;
NOTREACHED() << "Unknown result in KnownResults?";
// If this is a voice query, voice results receive a massive boost.
if (is_voice_query && result->voice_result())
boost += 4.0;
results_.push_back(SortData(result, relevance * multiplier + boost));
std::sort(results_.begin(), results_.end());
const SortedResults& results() const { return results_; }
size_t max_results() const { return max_results_; }
typedef std::vector<SearchProvider*> Providers;
const size_t max_results_;
const double boost_;
const double multiplier_;
Providers providers_; // Not owned.
SortedResults results_;
Mixer::Mixer(AppListModel::SearchResults* ui_results)
: ui_results_(ui_results) {
Mixer::~Mixer() {
size_t Mixer::AddGroup(size_t max_results, double boost, double multiplier) {
// Only consider |boost| if the AppListMixer field trial is default.
// Only consider |multiplier| if the AppListMixer field trial is "Blended".
if (IsBlendedMixerTrialEnabled())
boost = 0.0;
multiplier = 1.0;
groups_.push_back(new Group(max_results, boost, multiplier));
return groups_.size() - 1;
size_t Mixer::AddOmniboxGroup(size_t max_results,
double boost,
double multiplier) {
// There should not already be an omnibox group.
size_t id = AddGroup(max_results, boost, multiplier);
omnibox_group_ = id;
has_omnibox_group_ = true;
return id;
void Mixer::AddProviderToGroup(size_t group_id, SearchProvider* provider) {
void Mixer::MixAndPublish(bool is_voice_query,
const KnownResults& known_results) {
FetchResults(is_voice_query, known_results);
SortedResults results;
if (IsBlendedMixerTrialEnabled()) {
// Add results from each group. Limit to the maximum number of results in
// each group.
for (const Group* group : groups_) {
size_t num_results =
std::min(group->results().size(), group->max_results());
results.insert(results.end(), group->results().begin(),
group->results().begin() + num_results);
// Remove results with duplicate IDs before sorting. If two providers give a
// result with the same ID, the result from the provider with the *lower
// group number* will be kept (e.g., an app result takes priority over a web
// store result with the same ID).
std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
if (results.size() < kMinBlendedResults) {
size_t original_size = results.size();
// We didn't get enough results. Insert all the results again, and this
// time, do not limit the maximum number of results from each group. (This
// will result in duplicates, which will be removed by RemoveDuplicates.)
for (const Group* group : groups_) {
results.insert(results.end(), group->results().begin(),
// Sort just the newly added results. This ensures that, for example, if
// there are 6 Omnibox results (score = 0.8) and 1 People result (score =
// 0.4) that the People result will be 5th, not 7th, because the Omnibox
// group has a soft maximum of 4 results. (Otherwise, the People result
// would not be seen at all once the result list is truncated.)
std::sort(results.begin() + original_size, results.end());
} else {
// Add results from non-omnibox groups first. Limit to the maximum number of
// results in each group.
for (size_t i = 0; i < groups_.size(); ++i) {
if (!has_omnibox_group_ || i != omnibox_group_) {
const Group& group = *groups_[i];
size_t num_results =
std::min(group.results().size(), group.max_results());
results.insert(results.end(), group.results().begin(),
group.results().begin() + num_results);
// Collapse duplicate apps from local and web store.
// Fill the remaining slots with omnibox results. Always add at least one
// omnibox result (even if there are no more slots; if we over-fill the
// vector, the web store and people results will be removed in a later
// step). Note: max_results() is ignored for the omnibox group.
if (has_omnibox_group_) {
CHECK_LT(omnibox_group_, groups_.size());
const Group& omnibox_group = *groups_[omnibox_group_];
const size_t omnibox_results = std::min(
results.size() < kMaxResults ? kMaxResults - results.size() : 1);
results.insert(results.end(), omnibox_group.results().begin(),
omnibox_group.results().begin() + omnibox_results);
std::sort(results.begin(), results.end());
if (results.size() > kMaxResults)
Publish(results, ui_results_);
void Mixer::Publish(const SortedResults& new_results,
AppListModel::SearchResults* ui_results) {
typedef std::map<std::string, SearchResult*> IdToResultMap;
// The following algorithm is used:
// 1. Transform the |ui_results| list into an unordered map from result ID
// to item.
// 2. Use the order of items in |new_results| to build an ordered list. If the
// result IDs exist in the map, update and use the item in the map and delete
// it from the map afterwards. Otherwise, clone new items from |new_results|.
// 3. Delete the objects remaining in the map as they are unused.
// A map of the items in |ui_results| that takes ownership of the items.
IdToResultMap ui_results_map;
for (SearchResult* ui_result : *ui_results)
ui_results_map[ui_result->id()] = ui_result;
// We have to erase all results at once so that observers are notified with
// meaningful indexes.
// Add items back to |ui_results| in the order of |new_results|.
for (const SortData& sort_data : new_results) {
const SearchResult& new_result = *sort_data.result;
IdToResultMap::const_iterator ui_result_it =
if (ui_result_it != ui_results_map.end()) {
// Update and use the old result if it exists.
SearchResult* ui_result = ui_result_it->second;
UpdateResult(new_result, ui_result);
// |ui_results| takes back ownership from |ui_results_map| here.
// Remove the item from the map so that it ends up only with unused
// results.
} else {
std::unique_ptr<SearchResult> result_copy = new_result.Duplicate();
// Copy the result from |new_results| otherwise.
// Delete the results remaining in the map as they are not in the new results.
for (const auto& ui_result : ui_results_map) {
delete ui_result.second;
void Mixer::RemoveDuplicates(SortedResults* results) {
SortedResults final;
std::set<std::string> id_set;
for (const SortData& sort_data : *results) {
const std::string& id = sort_data.result->id();
if (id_set.find(id) != id_set.end())
void Mixer::FetchResults(bool is_voice_query,
const KnownResults& known_results) {
for (auto* group : groups_)
group->FetchResults(is_voice_query, known_results);
} // namespace app_list