blob: 61eab9f4f97a154c0b961479f99bd74fbfb52e2b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/scale_gesture_detector.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/motion_event.h"
#include "ui/events/gesture_detection/scale_gesture_listeners.h"
using base::TimeDelta;
using base::TimeTicks;
namespace ui {
namespace {
// Using a small epsilon when comparing slop distances allows pixel perfect
// slop determination when using fractional DPI coordinates (assuming the slop
// region and DPI scale are reasonably proportioned).
const float kSlopEpsilon = .05f;
const float kScaleFactor = .5f;
} // namespace
// Note: These constants were taken directly from the default (unscaled)
// versions found in Android's ViewConfiguration. Do not change these default
// values without explicitly consulting an OWNER.
: span_slop(16),
stylus_scale_enabled(false) {}
ScaleGestureDetector::Config::~Config() {}
ScaleGestureDetector::ScaleGestureDetector(const Config& config,
ScaleGestureListener* listener)
: listener_(listener),
event_before_or_above_starting_gesture_event_(false) {
span_slop_ = config.span_slop + kSlopEpsilon;
min_span_ = config.min_scaling_span + kSlopEpsilon;
ScaleGestureDetector::~ScaleGestureDetector() {}
bool ScaleGestureDetector::OnTouchEvent(const MotionEvent& event) {
curr_time_ = event.GetEventTime();
const int action = event.GetAction();
const int count = static_cast<int>(event.GetPointerCount());
const bool is_stylus_button_down =
(event.GetButtonState() & MotionEvent::BUTTON_STYLUS_PRIMARY) != 0;
const bool anchored_scale_cancelled =
anchored_scale_mode_ == ANCHORED_SCALE_MODE_STYLUS &&
const bool stream_complete =
action == MotionEvent::ACTION_UP ||
action == MotionEvent::ACTION_CANCEL || anchored_scale_cancelled ||
(action == MotionEvent::ACTION_POINTER_DOWN && InAnchoredScaleMode());
if (action == MotionEvent::ACTION_DOWN || stream_complete) {
// Reset any scale in progress with the listener.
// If it's an ACTION_DOWN we're beginning a new event stream.
// This means the app probably didn't give us all the events. Shame on it.
if (in_progress_) {
listener_->OnScaleEnd(*this, event);
} else if (InAnchoredScaleMode() && stream_complete) {
if (stream_complete)
return true;
if (!in_progress_ && stylus_scale_enabled_ && !InAnchoredScaleMode() &&
!stream_complete && is_stylus_button_down) {
// Start of a stylus scale gesture.
anchored_scale_start_x_ = event.GetX();
anchored_scale_start_y_ = event.GetY();
anchored_scale_mode_ = ANCHORED_SCALE_MODE_STYLUS;
initial_span_ = 0;
const bool config_changed = action == MotionEvent::ACTION_DOWN ||
action == MotionEvent::ACTION_POINTER_UP ||
action == MotionEvent::ACTION_POINTER_DOWN ||
const bool pointer_up = action == MotionEvent::ACTION_POINTER_UP;
const int skip_index = pointer_up ? event.GetActionIndex() : -1;
// Determine focal point.
float sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0;
const int unreleased_point_count = pointer_up ? count - 1 : count;
const float inverse_unreleased_point_count = 1.0f / unreleased_point_count;
float focus_x;
float focus_y;
if (InAnchoredScaleMode()) {
// In double tap mode, the focal pt is always where the double tap
// gesture started.
focus_x = anchored_scale_start_x_;
focus_y = anchored_scale_start_y_;
if (event.GetY() < focus_y) {
event_before_or_above_starting_gesture_event_ = true;
} else {
event_before_or_above_starting_gesture_event_ = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (skip_index == i)
sum_x += event.GetX(i);
sum_y += event.GetY(i);
focus_x = sum_x * inverse_unreleased_point_count;
focus_y = sum_y * inverse_unreleased_point_count;
// Determine average deviation from focal point.
float dev_sum_x = 0, dev_sum_y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (skip_index == i)
dev_sum_x += std::abs(event.GetX(i) - focus_x);
dev_sum_y += std::abs(event.GetY(i) - focus_y);
const float dev_x = dev_sum_x * inverse_unreleased_point_count;
const float dev_y = dev_sum_y * inverse_unreleased_point_count;
// Span is the average distance between touch points through the focal point;
// i.e. the diameter of the circle with a radius of the average deviation from
// the focal point.
const float span_x = dev_x * 2;
const float span_y = dev_y * 2;
float span;
if (InAnchoredScaleMode()) {
span = span_y;
} else {
span = std::sqrt(span_x * span_x + span_y * span_y);
// Dispatch begin/end events as needed.
// If the configuration changes, notify the app to reset its current state by
// beginning a fresh scale event stream.
const bool was_in_progress = in_progress_;
focus_x_ = focus_x;
focus_y_ = focus_y;
if (!InAnchoredScaleMode() && in_progress_ &&
(span < min_span_ || config_changed)) {
listener_->OnScaleEnd(*this, event);
if (config_changed) {
prev_span_x_ = curr_span_x_ = span_x;
prev_span_y_ = curr_span_y_ = span_y;
initial_span_ = prev_span_ = curr_span_ = span;
const float min_span = InAnchoredScaleMode() ? span_slop_ : min_span_;
if (!in_progress_ && span >= min_span &&
(was_in_progress || std::abs(span - initial_span_) > span_slop_)) {
prev_span_x_ = curr_span_x_ = span_x;
prev_span_y_ = curr_span_y_ = span_y;
prev_span_ = curr_span_ = span;
prev_time_ = curr_time_;
in_progress_ = listener_->OnScaleBegin(*this, event);
// Handle motion; focal point and span/scale factor are changing.
if (action == MotionEvent::ACTION_MOVE) {
curr_span_x_ = span_x;
curr_span_y_ = span_y;
curr_span_ = span;
bool update_prev = true;
if (in_progress_) {
update_prev = listener_->OnScale(*this, event);
if (update_prev) {
prev_span_x_ = curr_span_x_;
prev_span_y_ = curr_span_y_;
prev_span_ = curr_span_;
prev_time_ = curr_time_;
return true;
bool ScaleGestureDetector::IsInProgress() const { return in_progress_; }
bool ScaleGestureDetector::InAnchoredScaleMode() const {
return anchored_scale_mode_ != ANCHORED_SCALE_MODE_NONE;
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetFocusX() const { return focus_x_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetFocusY() const { return focus_y_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetCurrentSpan() const { return curr_span_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetCurrentSpanX() const { return curr_span_x_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetCurrentSpanY() const { return curr_span_y_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetPreviousSpan() const { return prev_span_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetPreviousSpanX() const { return prev_span_x_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetPreviousSpanY() const { return prev_span_y_; }
float ScaleGestureDetector::GetScaleFactor() const {
if (InAnchoredScaleMode()) {
// Drag is moving up; the further away from the gesture start, the smaller
// the span should be, the closer, the larger the span, and therefore the
// larger the scale.
const bool scale_up = (event_before_or_above_starting_gesture_event_ &&
(curr_span_ < prev_span_)) ||
(!event_before_or_above_starting_gesture_event_ &&
(curr_span_ > prev_span_));
const float span_diff =
(std::abs(1.f - (curr_span_ / prev_span_)) * kScaleFactor);
return prev_span_ <= 0 ? 1.f
: (scale_up ? (1.f + span_diff) : (1.f - span_diff));
return prev_span_ > 0 ? curr_span_ / prev_span_ : 1;
base::TimeDelta ScaleGestureDetector::GetTimeDelta() const {
return curr_time_ - prev_time_;
base::TimeTicks ScaleGestureDetector::GetEventTime() const {
return curr_time_;
bool ScaleGestureDetector::OnDoubleTap(const MotionEvent& ev) {
// Double tap: start watching for a swipe.
anchored_scale_start_x_ = ev.GetX();
anchored_scale_start_y_ = ev.GetY();
anchored_scale_mode_ = ANCHORED_SCALE_MODE_DOUBLE_TAP;
return true;
void ScaleGestureDetector::ResetScaleWithSpan(float span) {
in_progress_ = false;
initial_span_ = span;
anchored_scale_mode_ = ANCHORED_SCALE_MODE_NONE;
} // namespace ui