blob: 0b9830d5d8faa49e90cf8b48288a15cf4b192e67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// File utilities that use the ICU library go in this file. Functions using ICU
// are separated from the other functions to prevent ICU being pulled in by the
// linker if there is a false dependency.
// (The VS2005 linker finds such a false dependency and adds ~300K of ICU to
// chrome.exe if this code lives in, even though none of this code
// is called.)
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
namespace file_util {
void ReplaceIllegalCharacters(std::wstring* file_name, int replace_char) {
// Control characters, formatting characters, non-characters, and
// some printable ASCII characters regarded as dangerous ('"*/:<>?\\').
// See
// and
// TODO(jungshik): Revisit the set. ZWJ and ZWNJ are excluded because they
// are legitimate in Arabic and some S/SE Asian scripts. However, when used
// elsewhere, they can be confusing/problematic.
// Also, consider wrapping the set with our Singleton class to create and
// freeze it only once. Note that there's a trade-off between memory and
// speed.
UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
UnicodeSet illegal_characters(UnicodeString(
L"[[\"*/:<>?\\\\|][:Cc:][:Cf:] - [\u200c\u200d]]"), status);
UnicodeSet illegal_characters(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE(
"[[\"*/:<>?\\\\|][:Cc:][:Cf:] - [\\u200c\\u200d]]").unescape(), status);
// Add non-characters. If this becomes a performance bottleneck by
// any chance, check |ucs4 & 0xFFFEu == 0xFFFEu|, instead.
illegal_characters.add(0xFDD0, 0xFDEF);
for (int i = 0; i <= 0x10; ++i) {
int plane_base = 0x10000 * i;
illegal_characters.add(plane_base + 0xFFFE, plane_base + 0xFFFF);
DCHECK(!illegal_characters.contains(replace_char) && replace_char < 0x10000);
// Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
TrimWhitespace(*file_name, TRIM_ALL, file_name);
std::wstring::size_type i = 0;
std::wstring::size_type length = file_name->size();
const wchar_t* wstr = file_name->data();
#if defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF16)
// Using |span| method of UnicodeSet might speed things up a bit, but
// it's not likely to matter here.
std::wstring temp;
while (i < length) {
UChar32 ucs4;
std::wstring::size_type prev = i;
U16_NEXT(wstr, i, length, ucs4);
if (illegal_characters.contains(ucs4)) {
} else if (ucs4 < 0x10000) {
} else {
temp.push_back(wstr[prev + 1]);
#elif defined(WCHAR_T_IS_UTF32)
while (i < length) {
if (illegal_characters.contains(wstr[i])) {
(*file_name)[i] = replace_char;
#error wchar_t* should be either UTF-16 or UTF-32
} // namespace