blob: 062dd8de7181e74542b4586b900370a74d1cf6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Thes file contains stuff that should be shared among projects that do some
// special handling with ActiveX.
#include <string>
class GURL;
namespace activex_shim {
// Well known ActiveX control types that we may need to do special processing
// to support them better.
enum ActiveXTypes {
ACTIVEX_TESTCONTROL, // Internal test control.
// Given a clsid, map it to ActiveXTypes. The given clsid must be in format
// as: d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000. i.e. no {} at both ends,
// no spaces, case insensitive.
ActiveXTypes MapClassIdToType(const std::string& clsid);
// Parse out the real clsid given from a classid attribute of an object tag.
// the classid string should be in format as:
bool GetClsidFromClassidAttribute(const std::string& classid,
std::string* clsid);
// Get version string from codebase attribute of an object tag. e.g.:
// codebase=",2,0,1",
// then we will return "1,2,0,1". if the version part doesn't exist,
// returns empty string.
std::string GetVersionFromCodebaseAttribute(const std::string& codebase);
// Look up the registry to see if ActiveX is installed. Here clsid could be just
// clsid, e.g. "0CA54D3F-CEAE-48AF-9A2B-31909CB9515D". Or it could be combined
// with a version string comes from the codebase:
// "0CA54D3F-CEAE-48AF-9A2B-31909CB9515D#1,2,0,1". In the latter case, we need
// to look up the version info of the dll to see if it meets the version
// requirement.
bool IsActiveXInstalled(const std::string& combined_clsid);
// If an ActiveX control is allowed to run from a specific URL.
bool IsActiveXAllowed(const std::string& clsid, const GURL& url);
// If an ActiveX control's codebase comes from allowed websites.
bool IsCodebaseAllowed(const std::string& clsid, const std::string& codebase);
// Check If a given mimetype is of "application/x-oleobject" or
// "application/oleobject"
bool IsMimeTypeActiveX(const std::string& mimetype);
// Returns the NPAPI mime type for the CLSID passed in. On failure
// return false
bool GetMimeTypeForClsid(const std::string& clsid, std::string* mime_type);
} // namespace activex_shim