blob: 85f08fc9134d14a2f97a3fe31920a5b5d2f1395c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
// LICENSE file.
#include "BackForwardList.h"
class WebViewImpl;
namespace webkit_glue {
extern const char kBackForwardNavigationScheme[];
class BackForwardListClientImpl : public WebCore::BackForwardListClient {
BackForwardListClientImpl(WebViewImpl* webview);
void SetCurrentHistoryItem(WebCore::HistoryItem* item);
WebCore::HistoryItem* GetPreviousHistoryItem() const;
// WebCore::BackForwardListClient methods:
virtual void addItem(PassRefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> item);
virtual void goToItem(WebCore::HistoryItem* item);
virtual WebCore::HistoryItem* currentItem();
virtual WebCore::HistoryItem* itemAtIndex(int index);
virtual int backListCount();
virtual int forwardListCount();
virtual void close();
WebViewImpl* webview_;
RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> previous_item_;
RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> current_item_;
// The last history item that was accessed via itemAtIndex(). We keep track
// of this until goToItem() is called, so we can track the navigation.
RefPtr<WebCore::HistoryItem> pending_history_item_;
} // namespace webkit_glue