blob: 22760383cd940ca5f44a7f9d4db0107a7b1c9be1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/clipboard.h"
#include "base/file_path.h"
#include "base/string16.h"
class GURL;
class SkBitmap;
class StringPiece;
class WebView;
class WebFrame;
struct WebPluginInfo;
namespace WebKit {
class WebString;
namespace webkit_glue {
//---- BEGIN FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY WEBKIT/GLUE -----------------------------
void SetJavaScriptFlags(const std::wstring& flags);
// Turn on the logging for notImplemented() calls from WebCore.
void EnableWebCoreNotImplementedLogging();
// Returns the text of the document element.
std::wstring DumpDocumentText(WebFrame* web_frame);
// Returns the text of the document element and optionally its child frames.
// If recursive is false, this is equivalent to DumpDocumentText followed by
// a newline. If recursive is true, it recursively dumps all frames as text.
std::wstring DumpFramesAsText(WebFrame* web_frame, bool recursive);
// Returns the renderer's description of its tree (its externalRepresentation).
std::wstring DumpRenderer(WebFrame* web_frame);
// Returns a dump of the scroll position of the webframe.
std::wstring DumpFrameScrollPosition(WebFrame* web_frame, bool recursive);
// Returns a dump of the given history state suitable for implementing the
// dumpBackForwardList command of the layoutTestController.
std::wstring DumpHistoryState(const std::string& history_state, int indent,
bool is_current);
// Cleans up state left over from the previous test run.
void ResetBeforeTestRun(WebView* view);
// Returns the WebKit version (major.minor).
std::string GetWebKitVersion();
// Called to override the default user agent with a custom one. Call this
// before anyone actually asks for the user agent in order to prevent
// inconsistent behavior.
void SetUserAgent(const std::string& new_user_agent);
// Returns the user agent to use for the given URL, which is usually the
// default user agent but may be overriden by a call to SetUserAgent() (which
// should be done at startup).
const std::string& GetUserAgent(const GURL& url);
// Creates serialized state for the specified URL. This is a variant of
// HistoryItemToString (in glue_serialize) that is used during session restore
// if the saved state is empty.
std::string CreateHistoryStateForURL(const GURL& url);
// Removes any form data state from the history state string |content_state|.
std::string RemoveFormDataFromHistoryState(const std::string& content_state);
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Checks various important objects to see if there are any in memory, and
// calls AppendToLog with any leaked objects. Designed to be called on shutdown
void CheckForLeaks();
// Decodes the image from the data in |image_data| into |image|.
// Returns false if the image could not be decoded.
bool DecodeImage(const std::string& image_data, SkBitmap* image);
// Tells the plugin thread to terminate the process forcefully instead of
// exiting cleanly.
void SetForcefullyTerminatePluginProcess(bool value);
// Returns true if the plugin thread should terminate the process forcefully
// instead of exiting cleanly.
bool ShouldForcefullyTerminatePluginProcess();
// File path string conversions.
FilePath::StringType WebStringToFilePathString(const WebKit::WebString& str);
WebKit::WebString FilePathStringToWebString(const FilePath::StringType& str);
//---- END FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY WEBKIT/GLUE -------------------------------
//---- BEGIN FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY EMBEDDER --------------------------------
// This function is called to request a prefetch of the entire URL, loading it
// into our cache for (expected) future needs. The given URL may NOT be in
// canonical form and it will NOT be null-terminated; use the length instead.
void PrecacheUrl(const char16* url, int url_length);
// This function is called to add a line to the application's log file.
void AppendToLog(const char* filename, int line, const char* message);
// Gather usage statistics from the in-memory cache and inform our host, if
// applicable.
void NotifyCacheStats();
// Glue to get resources from the embedder.
// Gets a localized string given a message id. Returns an empty string if the
// message id is not found.
string16 GetLocalizedString(int message_id);
// Returns the raw data for a resource. This resource must have been
// specified as BINDATA in the relevant .rc file.
StringPiece GetDataResource(int resource_id);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Loads and returns a cursor.
HCURSOR LoadCursor(int cursor_id);
// Glue to access the clipboard.
// Get a clipboard that can be used to construct a ScopedClipboardWriterGlue.
Clipboard* ClipboardGetClipboard();
// Tests whether the clipboard contains a certain format
bool ClipboardIsFormatAvailable(const Clipboard::FormatType& format);
// Reads UNICODE text from the clipboard, if available.
void ClipboardReadText(string16* result);
// Reads ASCII text from the clipboard, if available.
void ClipboardReadAsciiText(std::string* result);
// Reads HTML from the clipboard, if available.
void ClipboardReadHTML(string16* markup, GURL* url);
// Gets the directory where the application data and libraries exist. This
// may be a versioned subdirectory, or it may be the same directory as the
// GetExeDirectory(), depending on the embedder's implementation.
// Path is an output parameter to receive the path.
// Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool GetApplicationDirectory(std::wstring* path);
// Gets the URL where the inspector's HTML file resides. It must use the
// protocol returned by GetUIResourceProtocol.
GURL GetInspectorURL();
// Gets the protocol that is used for all user interface resources, including
// the Inspector. It must end with "-resource".
std::string GetUIResourceProtocol();
// Gets the directory where the launching executable resides on disk.
// Path is an output parameter to receive the path.
// Returns true if successful, false otherwise.
bool GetExeDirectory(std::wstring* path);
// Embedders implement this function to return the list of plugins to Webkit.
bool GetPlugins(bool refresh, std::vector<WebPluginInfo>* plugins);
// Returns true if the plugins run in the same process as the renderer, and
// false otherwise.
bool IsPluginRunningInRendererProcess();
// Returns a bool indicating if the Null plugin should be enabled or not.
bool IsDefaultPluginEnabled();
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Downloads the file specified by the URL. On sucess a WM_COPYDATA message
// will be sent to the caller_window.
bool DownloadUrl(const std::string& url, HWND caller_window);
// Returns the plugin finder URL.
bool GetPluginFinderURL(std::string* plugin_finder_url);
// Resolves the proxies for the url, returns true on success.
bool FindProxyForUrl(const GURL& url, std::string* proxy_list);
// Returns the locale that this instance of webkit is running as. This is of
// the form language-country (e.g., en-US or pt-BR).
std::wstring GetWebKitLocale();
// Close idle connections. Used for debugging.
void CloseIdleConnections();
// Enable or disable the disk cache. Used for debugging.
void SetCacheMode(bool enabled);
// ---- END FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY EMBEDDER ---------------------------------
} // namespace webkit_glue