blob: ff75e3c319bb6d5f8c91e9eb3affe8d32a8ce4b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/native_content_controller.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "testing/platform_test.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
using NativeContentControllerTest = PlatformTest;
TEST_F(NativeContentControllerTest, TestInitWithURL) {
GURL url("");
NativeContentController* controller =
[[NativeContentController alloc] initWithURL:url];
EXPECT_EQ(url, controller.url);
// There is no default view without a nib.
EXPECT_EQ(nil, controller.view);
TEST_F(NativeContentControllerTest, TestInitWithEmptyNibNameAndURL) {
GURL url("");
NativeContentController* controller =
[[NativeContentController alloc] initWithNibName:nil url:url];
EXPECT_EQ(url, controller.url);
// There is no default view without a nib.
EXPECT_EQ(nil, controller.view);
TEST_F(NativeContentControllerTest, TestInitWithNibAndURL) {
GURL url("");
NSString* nibName = @"native_content_controller_test";
NativeContentController* controller =
[[NativeContentController alloc] initWithNibName:nibName url:url];
EXPECT_EQ(url, controller.url);
// Check that view is loaded from nib.
EXPECT_NE(nil, controller.view);
UIView* view = controller.view;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, view.subviews.count);
EXPECT_NE(nil, [view.subviews firstObject]);
UILabel* label = [view.subviews firstObject];
EXPECT_TRUE([label isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]);
EXPECT_TRUE([label.text isEqualToString:@"test pass"]);
} // namespace