blob: 93d416ff6a0abbbf0e42c76772e842f10680433c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "pdf/paint_manager.h"
#include "pdf/pdf_engine.h"
#include "pdf/pdfium/pdfium_form_filler.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace chrome_pdf {
class Image;
class PDFiumEngine;
class UrlLoader;
struct AccessibilityActionData;
struct AccessibilityCharInfo;
struct AccessibilityDocInfo;
struct AccessibilityPageInfo;
struct AccessibilityPageObjects;
struct AccessibilityTextRunInfo;
struct AccessibilityViewportInfo;
// Common base to share code between the two plugin implementations,
// `OutOfProcessInstance` (Pepper) and `PdfViewWebPlugin` (Blink).
class PdfViewPluginBase : public PDFEngine::Client,
public PaintManager::Client {
using PDFEngine::Client::ScheduleTaskOnMainThread;
PdfViewPluginBase(const PdfViewPluginBase& other) = delete;
PdfViewPluginBase& operator=(const PdfViewPluginBase& other) = delete;
// PDFEngine::Client:
void Invalidate(const gfx::Rect& rect) override;
SkColor GetBackgroundColor() override;
// PaintManager::Client
void OnPaint(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& paint_rects,
std::vector<PaintReadyRect>& ready,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>& pending) override;
// Enable accessibility for PDF plugin.
void EnableAccessibility();
// Handle invoked accessibility actions.
void HandleAccessibilityAction(const AccessibilityActionData& action_data);
enum class AccessibilityState {
kOff = 0, // Off.
kPending, // Enabled but waiting for doc to load.
kLoaded, // Fully loaded.
enum class DocumentLoadState {
kLoading = 0,
struct BackgroundPart {
gfx::Rect location;
uint32_t color;
~PdfViewPluginBase() override;
// Initializes the main `PDFiumEngine`. Any existing engine will be replaced.
void InitializeEngine(PDFiumFormFiller::ScriptOption script_option);
// Destroys the main `PDFiumEngine`. Subclasses should call this method in
// their destructor to ensure the engine is destroyed first.
void DestroyEngine();
PDFiumEngine* engine() { return engine_.get(); }
PaintManager& paint_manager() { return paint_manager_; }
// Starts loading `url`. If `is_print_preview` is `true`, load for print
// preview instead of normal PDF viewing.
void LoadUrl(const std::string& url, bool is_print_preview);
// Gets a weak pointer with a lifetime matching the derived class.
virtual base::WeakPtr<PdfViewPluginBase> GetWeakPtr() = 0;
// Creates a URL loader and allows it to access all urls, i.e. not just the
// frame's origin.
virtual std::unique_ptr<UrlLoader> CreateUrlLoaderInternal() = 0;
// Handles `LoadUrl()` result.
virtual void DidOpen(std::unique_ptr<UrlLoader> loader, int32_t result) = 0;
// Handles `LoadUrl()` result for print preview.
virtual void DidOpenPreview(std::unique_ptr<UrlLoader> loader,
int32_t result) = 0;
// Handles `postMessage()` calls from the embedder.
void HandleMessage(const base::Value& message);
// Enqueues a "message" event carrying `message` to the embedder. Messages are
// guaranteed to be received in the order that they are sent. This method is
// non-blocking.
virtual void SendMessage(base::Value message) = 0;
// Initialize image buffer(s) according to the new context size.
virtual void InitImageData(const gfx::Size& size) = 0;
// Schedules invalidation tasks after painting finishes.
void InvalidateAfterPaintDone();
// Updates the available area and the background parts, notifies the PDF
// engine, and updates the accessibility information.
void OnGeometryChanged(double old_zoom, float old_device_scale);
// Returns the plugin-specific image data buffer.
virtual Image GetPluginImageData() const;
// Updates the geometry of the plugin and its image data if the view's
// size or scale has changed.
void UpdateGeometryOnViewChanged(const gfx::Rect& new_view_rect,
float new_device_scale);
// A helper of OnGeometryChanged() which updates the available area and
// the background parts, and notifies the PDF engine of geometry changes.
void RecalculateAreas(double old_zoom, float old_device_scale);
// Figures out the location of any background rectangles (i.e. those that
// aren't painted by the PDF engine).
void CalculateBackgroundParts();
// Bound the given scroll position to the document.
gfx::PointF BoundScrollPositionToDocument(const gfx::PointF& scroll_position);
// Computes document width/height in device pixels, based on current zoom and
// device scale
int GetDocumentPixelWidth() const;
int GetDocumentPixelHeight() const;
// Starts loading accessibility information.
void LoadAccessibility();
// Sets the accessibility information about the PDF document in the renderer.
virtual void SetAccessibilityDocInfo(
const AccessibilityDocInfo& doc_info) = 0;
// Sets the accessibility information about the given |page_index| in the
// renderer.
void PrepareAndSetAccessibilityPageInfo(int32_t page_index);
// Sets the accessibility information about the page in the renderer.
virtual void SetAccessibilityPageInfo(
AccessibilityPageInfo page_info,
std::vector<AccessibilityTextRunInfo> text_runs,
std::vector<AccessibilityCharInfo> chars,
AccessibilityPageObjects page_objects) = 0;
// Prepares the accessibility information about the current viewport. Calls
// SetAccessibilityViewportInfo() internally to set this information in the
// renderer. This is done once when accessibility is first loaded and again
// when the geometry changes.
void PrepareAndSetAccessibilityViewportInfo();
// Sets the accessibility information about the current viewport in the
// renderer.
virtual void SetAccessibilityViewportInfo(
const AccessibilityViewportInfo& viewport_info) = 0;
const SkBitmap& image_data() const { return image_data_; }
SkBitmap& mutable_image_data() { return image_data_; }
const gfx::Rect& available_area() const { return available_area_; }
void set_document_size(const gfx::Size& size) { document_size_ = size; }
const gfx::Size& plugin_size() const { return plugin_size_; }
const gfx::Point& plugin_offset() const { return plugin_offset_; }
void SetBackgroundColor(SkColor background_color) {
background_color_ = background_color;
// Sets the new zoom scale.
void SetZoom(double scale);
double zoom() const { return zoom_; }
float device_scale() const { return device_scale_; }
bool stop_scrolling() const { return stop_scrolling_; }
void set_stop_scrolling(bool stop_scrolling) {
stop_scrolling_ = stop_scrolling;
DocumentLoadState document_load_state() { return document_load_state_; }
void set_document_load_state(DocumentLoadState state) {
document_load_state_ = state;
AccessibilityState accessibility_state() { return accessibility_state_; }
// Message handlers.
void HandleDisplayAnnotationsMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleGetNamedDestinationMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleGetSelectedTextMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleRotateClockwiseMessage(const base::Value& /*message*/);
void HandleRotateCounterclockwiseMessage(const base::Value& /*message*/);
void HandleSelectAllMessage(const base::Value& /*message*/);
void HandleSetBackgroundColorMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleSetReadOnlyMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleSetTwoUpViewMessage(const base::Value& message);
void HandleViewportMessage(const base::Value& message);
// Paints the given invalid area of the plugin to the given graphics device.
// PaintManager::Client::OnPaint() should be its only caller.
void DoPaint(const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& paint_rects,
std::vector<PaintReadyRect>& ready,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>& pending);
// The preparation when painting on the image data buffer for the first
// time.
void PrepareForFirstPaint(std::vector<PaintReadyRect>& ready);
// Callback to clear deferred invalidates after painting finishes.
void ClearDeferredInvalidates(int32_t /*unused_but_required*/);
std::unique_ptr<PDFiumEngine> engine_;
PaintManager paint_manager_{this};
// Image data buffer for painting.
SkBitmap image_data_;
std::vector<BackgroundPart> background_parts_;
// Deferred invalidates while |in_paint_| is true.
std::vector<gfx::Rect> deferred_invalidates_;
// Remaining area, in pixels, to render the pdf in after accounting for
// horizontal centering.
gfx::Rect available_area_;
// The size of the entire document in pixels (i.e. if each page is 800 pixels
// high and there are 10 pages, the height will be 8000).
gfx::Size document_size_;
// Size, in pixels, of plugin rectangle.
gfx::Size plugin_size_;
// Size, in DIPs, of plugin rectangle.
gfx::Size plugin_dip_size_;
// Positional offset, in CSS pixels, of the plugin rectangle.
gfx::Point plugin_offset_;
// The background color of the PDF viewer.
SkColor background_color_ = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
// Current zoom factor.
double zoom_ = 1.0;
// Current device scale factor. Multiply by `device_scale_` to convert from
// viewport to screen coordinates. Divide by `device_scale_` to convert from
// screen to viewport coordinates.
float device_scale_ = 1.0f;
// True if we haven't painted the plugin viewport yet.
bool first_paint_ = true;
// Whether OnPaint() is in progress or not.
bool in_paint_ = false;
// True if last bitmap was smaller than the screen.
bool last_bitmap_smaller_ = false;
// True if we request a new bitmap rendering.
bool needs_reraster_ = true;
// The scroll position for the last raster, before any transformations are
// applied.
gfx::PointF scroll_position_at_last_raster_;
// If this is true, then don't scroll the plugin in response to the messages
// from DidChangeView() or HandleUpdateScrollMessage(). This will be true when
// the extension page is in the process of zooming the plugin so that
// flickering doesn't occur while zooming.
bool stop_scrolling_ = false;
// Whether the plugin has received a viewport changed message. Nothing should
// be painted until this is received.
bool received_viewport_message_ = false;
// The current state of document load.
DocumentLoadState document_load_state_ = DocumentLoadState::kLoading;
// The current state of accessibility.
AccessibilityState accessibility_state_ = AccessibilityState::kOff;
// The next accessibility page index, used to track interprocess calls when
// reconstructing the tree for new document layouts.
int32_t next_accessibility_page_index_ = 0;
} // namespace chrome_pdf