blob: 45ab2d5723a341a4bf213b87d2b4703d9dadbb98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "media/capture/video/chromeos/camera_device_delegate.h"
#include "media/capture/video/chromeos/mojo/camera3.mojom.h"
#include "media/capture/video_capture_types.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
namespace gfx {
class GpuMemoryBuffer;
} // namespace base
namespace media {
class CameraBufferFactory;
class CameraDeviceContext;
// StreamBufferManager is responsible for managing the buffers of the
// stream. StreamBufferManager allocates buffers according to the given
// stream configuration, and circulates the buffers along with capture
// requests and results between Chrome and the camera HAL process.
class CAPTURE_EXPORT StreamBufferManager final
: public arc::mojom::Camera3CallbackOps {
arc::mojom::Camera3CallbackOpsRequest callback_ops_request,
std::unique_ptr<StreamCaptureInterface> capture_interface,
CameraDeviceContext* device_context,
std::unique_ptr<CameraBufferFactory> camera_buffer_factory,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ipc_task_runner);
~StreamBufferManager() final;
// Sets up the stream context and allocate buffers according to the
// configuration specified in |stream|.
void SetUpStreamAndBuffers(VideoCaptureFormat capture_format,
uint32_t partial_result_count,
arc::mojom::Camera3StreamPtr stream);
// StartCapture is the entry point to starting the video capture. The way
// the video capture loop works is:
// (1) If there is a free buffer, RegisterBuffer registers the buffer with
// the camera HAL.
// (2) Once the free buffer is registered, ProcessCaptureRequest is called
// to issue a capture request which will eventually fill the registered
// buffer. Goto (1) to register the remaining free buffers.
// (3) The camera HAL returns the shutter time of a capture request through
// Notify, and the filled buffer through ProcessCaptureResult.
// (4) Once all the result metadata are collected,
// SubmitCaptureResultIfComplete is called to deliver the filled buffer
// to Chrome. After the buffer is consumed by Chrome it is enqueued back
// to the free buffer queue. Goto (1) to start another capture loop.
void StartCapture(arc::mojom::CameraMetadataPtr settings);
// Stops the capture loop. After StopCapture is called |callback_ops_| is
// unbound, so no new capture request or result will be processed.
void StopCapture();
friend class StreamBufferManagerTest;
// Registers a free buffer, if any, to the camera HAL.
void RegisterBuffer();
// Calls ProcessCaptureRequest if the buffer specified by |buffer_id| is
// successfully registered.
void OnRegisteredBuffer(size_t buffer_id, int32_t result);
// The capture request contains the buffer handle specified by |buffer_id|.
void ProcessCaptureRequest(size_t buffer_id);
// Calls RegisterBuffer to attempt to register any remaining free buffers.
void OnProcessedCaptureRequest(int32_t result);
// Camera3CallbackOps implementations.
// ProcessCaptureResult receives the result metadata as well as the filled
// buffer from camera HAL. The result metadata may be divided and delivered
// in several stages. Before all the result metadata is received the
// partial results are kept in |partial_results_|.
void ProcessCaptureResult(arc::mojom::Camera3CaptureResultPtr result) final;
// Notify receives the shutter time of capture requests and various errors
// from camera HAL. The shutter time is used as the timestamp in the video
// frame delivered to Chrome.
void Notify(arc::mojom::Camera3NotifyMsgPtr message) final;
void HandleNotifyError(uint32_t frame_number,
uint64_t error_stream_id,
arc::mojom::Camera3ErrorMsgCode error_code);
// Submits the captured buffer of frame |frame_number_| to Chrome if all the
// required metadata and the captured buffer are received. After the buffer
// is submitted the function then enqueues the buffer to free buffer queue for
// the next capture request.
void SubmitCaptureResultIfComplete(uint32_t frame_number);
void SubmitCaptureResult(uint32_t frame_number);
mojo::Binding<arc::mojom::Camera3CallbackOps> callback_ops_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamCaptureInterface> capture_interface_;
CameraDeviceContext* device_context_;
std::unique_ptr<CameraBufferFactory> camera_buffer_factory_;
// Where all the Mojo IPC calls takes place.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> ipc_task_runner_;
// A flag indicating whether the capture loops is running.
bool capturing_;
// The frame number. Increased by one for each capture request sent; reset
// to zero in AllocateAndStart.
uint32_t frame_number_;
struct StreamContext {
// The actual pixel format used in the capture request.
VideoCaptureFormat capture_format;
// The camera HAL stream.
arc::mojom::Camera3StreamPtr stream;
// The request settings used in the capture request of this stream.
arc::mojom::CameraMetadataPtr request_settings;
// The allocated buffers of this stream.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<gfx::GpuMemoryBuffer>> buffers;
// The free buffers of this stream. The queue stores indices into the
// |buffers| vector.
base::queue<size_t> free_buffers;
// The stream context of the preview stream.
std::unique_ptr<StreamContext> stream_context_;
// CaptureResult is used to hold the partial capture results for each frame.
struct CaptureResult {
// |reference_time| and |timestamp| are derived from the shutter time of
// this frame. They are be passed to |client_->OnIncomingCapturedData|
// along with the |buffers| when the captured frame is submitted.
base::TimeTicks reference_time;
base::TimeDelta timestamp;
// The result metadata. Contains various information about the captured
// frame.
arc::mojom::CameraMetadataPtr metadata;
// The buffer handle that hold the captured data of this frame.
arc::mojom::Camera3StreamBufferPtr buffer;
// The set of the partial metadata received. For each capture result, the
// total number of partial metadata should equal to
// |partial_result_count_|.
std::set<uint32_t> partial_metadata_received;
// The number of partial stages. |partial_result_count_| is learned by
// querying |static_metadata_|. In case the result count is absent in
// |static_metadata_|, it defaults to one which means all the result
// metadata and captured buffer of a frame are returned together in one
// shot.
uint32_t partial_result_count_;
// The shutter time of the first frame. We derive the |timestamp| of a
// frame using the difference between the frame's shutter time and
// |first_frame_shutter_time_|.
base::TimeTicks first_frame_shutter_time_;
// Stores the partial capture results of the current in-flight frames.
std::map<uint32_t, CaptureResult> partial_results_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StreamBufferManager> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace media