blob: 991c35289e9f0e169b131c2a04d506f577863503 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
cr.define('downloads', function() {
class SearchService {
constructor() {
/** @private {!Array<string>} */
this.searchTerms_ = [];
/** @private {!downloads.BrowserProxy} */
this.browserProxy_ = downloads.BrowserProxy.getInstance();
* @param {string} searchText Input typed by the user into a search box.
* @return {Array<string>} A list of terms extracted from |searchText|.
static splitTerms(searchText) {
// Split quoted terms (e.g., 'The "lazy" dog' => ['The', 'lazy', 'dog']).
return searchText.split(/"([^"]*)"/).map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !!s);
/** Instructs the browser to clear all finished downloads. */
clearAll() {
if (loadTimeData.getBoolean('allowDeletingHistory')) {
/** Loads more downloads with the current search terms. */
loadMore() {
* @return {boolean} Whether the user is currently searching for downloads
* (i.e. has a non-empty search term).
isSearching() {
return this.searchTerms_.length > 0;
* @param {string} searchText What to search for.
* @return {boolean} Whether |searchText| resulted in new search terms.
search(searchText) {
const searchTerms = SearchService.splitTerms(searchText);
let sameTerms = searchTerms.length == this.searchTerms_.length;
for (let i = 0; sameTerms && i < searchTerms.length; ++i) {
if (searchTerms[i] != this.searchTerms_[i])
sameTerms = false;
if (sameTerms)
return false;
this.searchTerms_ = searchTerms;
return true;
return {SearchService: SearchService};