blob: a6bc7f9fef8c2ebc4dfab7defbffb42c6ad393fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @typedef {{
* tetherHostDeviceName: string,
* batteryPercentage: number,
* connectionStrength: number,
* isTetherHostCurrentlyOnWifi: boolean
* }}
let TetherConnectionData;
is: 'tether-connection-dialog',
behaviors: [I18nBehavior],
properties: {
* The current properties for the network matching |guid|.
* @type {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties|undefined}
networkProperties: {
type: Object,
* Whether the network has been lost (e.g., has gone out of range).
* @type {boolean}
outOfRange: Boolean,
open: function() {
const dialog = this.getDialog_();
if (!
close: function() {
const dialog = this.getDialog_();
if (
* @return {!CrDialogElement}
* @private
getDialog_: function() {
return /** @type {!CrDialogElement} */ (this.$.dialog);
/** @private */
onNotNowTap_: function() {
* Fires the 'connect-tap' event.
* @private
onConnectTap_: function() {'tether-connect');
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network
* properties.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
shouldShowDisconnectFromWifi_: function(networkProperties) {
// TODO(khorimoto): Pipe through a new network property which describes
// whether the tether host is currently connected to a Wi-Fi network. Return
// whether it is here.
return true;
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string} The battery percentage integer value converted to a
* string. Note that this will not return a string with a "%" suffix.
* @private
getBatteryPercentageAsString_: function(networkProperties) {
const percentage = this.get('Tether.BatteryPercentage', networkProperties);
if (percentage === undefined)
return '';
return percentage.toString();
* Retrieves an image that corresponds to signal strength of the tether host.
* Custom icons are used here instead of a <cr-network-icon> because this
* dialog uses a special color scheme.
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string} The name of the icon to be used to represent the network's
* signal strength.
getSignalStrengthIconName_: function(networkProperties) {
let signalStrength = this.get('Tether.SignalStrength', networkProperties);
if (signalStrength === undefined)
signalStrength = 4;
return 'settings:signal-cellular-' +
Math.min(4, Math.max(signalStrength, 0)) + '-bar';
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string}
* @private
getDeviceName_: function(networkProperties) {
return CrOnc.getNetworkName(networkProperties);
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string}
* @private
getBatteryPercentageString_: function(networkProperties) {
return this.i18n(
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string}
* @private
getExplanation_: function(networkProperties) {
return this.i18n(
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string}
* @private
getDescriptionTitle_: function(networkProperties) {
return this.i18n(
* @param {!CrOnc.NetworkProperties} networkProperties The network properties.
* @return {string}
* @private
getBatteryDescription_: function(networkProperties) {
return this.i18n(