blob: 1ae8231e02d816cee2d56e272c9e685e08362958 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <utility>
#include "base/containers/unique_any.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/promise/dependent_list.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
namespace base {
class TaskRunner;
// std::variant, std::tuple and other templates can't contain void but they can
// contain the empty type Void. This is the same idea as std::monospace.
struct Void {};
// Signals that a promise doesn't resolve. E.g. Promise<NoResolve, int>
struct NoResolve {};
// Signals that a promise doesn't reject. E.g. Promise<int, NoReject>
struct NoReject {};
// A promise for either |ResolveType| if successful or |RejectType| on error.
template <typename ResolveType, typename RejectType>
class Promise;
// This enum is used to configure AbstractPromise's uncaught reject detection.
// Usually not catching a reject reason is a coding error, but at times that can
// become onerous. When that happens kCatchNotRequired should be used.
enum class RejectPolicy {
// Internally Resolved<> is used to store the result of a promise callback that
// resolved. This lets us disambiguate promises with the same resolve and reject
// type.
template <typename T>
struct Resolved {
using Type = T;
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, NoReject>::value,
"Can't have Resolved<NoReject>");
Resolved() {
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, NoResolve>::value,
"Can't have Resolved<NoResolve>");
template <typename... Args>
Resolved(Args&&... args) noexcept : value(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
T value;
template <>
struct Resolved<void> {
using Type = void;
Void value;
// Internally Rejected<> is used to store the result of a promise callback that
// rejected. This lets us disambiguate promises with the same resolve and reject
// type.
template <typename T>
struct Rejected {
using Type = T;
T value;
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, NoResolve>::value,
"Can't have Rejected<NoResolve>");
Rejected() {
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, NoReject>::value,
"Can't have Rejected<NoReject>");
template <typename... Args>
Rejected(Args&&... args) noexcept : value(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {
static_assert(!std::is_same<T, NoReject>::value,
"Can't have Rejected<NoReject>");
template <>
struct Rejected<void> {
using Type = void;
Void value;
namespace internal {
// Internal promise representation, maintains a graph of dependencies and posts
// promises as they become ready. In debug builds various sanity checks are
// performed to catch common errors such as double move or forgetting to catch a
// potential reject (NB this last check can be turned off with
// RejectPolicy::kCatchNotRequired).
class BASE_EXPORT AbstractPromise
: public RefCountedThreadSafe<AbstractPromise> {
struct AdjacencyList;
template <typename ConstructType, typename DerivedExecutorType>
struct ConstructWith {};
template <typename ConstructType,
typename DerivedExecutorType,
typename... ExecutorArgs>
AbstractPromise(scoped_refptr<TaskRunner>&& task_runner,
const Location& from_here,
std::unique_ptr<AdjacencyList> prerequisites,
RejectPolicy reject_policy,
ConstructWith<ConstructType, DerivedExecutorType>,
ExecutorArgs&&... executor_args) noexcept
: task_runner_(std::move(task_runner)),
prerequisites_(std::move(prerequisites)) {
CheckedAutoLock lock(GetCheckedLock());
if (executor_can_resolve_) {
this_resolve_ =
MakeRefCounted<DoubleMoveDetector>(from_here_, "resolve");
if (executor_can_reject_) {
this_reject_ = MakeRefCounted<DoubleMoveDetector>(from_here_, "reject");
if (reject_policy_ == RejectPolicy::kMustCatchRejection) {
this_must_catch_ = MakeRefCounted<LocationRef>(from_here_);
if (prerequisites_)
AbstractPromise(const AbstractPromise&) = delete;
AbstractPromise& operator=(const AbstractPromise&) = delete;
const Location& from_here() const { return from_here_; }
bool IsCanceled() const;
bool IsRejected() const { return dependents_.IsRejected(); }
bool IsResolved() const { return dependents_.IsResolved(); }
bool IsSettled() const { return dependents_.IsSettled(); }
bool IsResolvedWithPromise() const {
return value_.type() ==
const unique_any& value() const { return FindNonCurriedAncestor()->value_; }
// Moves the value from within T::value.
template <typename T>
auto TakeInnerValue() {
T* ptr = unique_any_cast<T>(&FindNonCurriedAncestor()->value_);
return std::move(ptr->value);
// If this promise isn't curried, returns this. Otherwise follows the chain of
// currying until a non-curried promise is found.
const AbstractPromise* FindNonCurriedAncestor() const;
AbstractPromise* FindNonCurriedAncestor() {
return const_cast<AbstractPromise*>(
const_cast<const AbstractPromise*>(this)->FindNonCurriedAncestor());
// Sets the |value_| to |t|. The caller should call OnResolved() or
// OnRejected() afterwards.
template <typename T>
void emplace(T&& t) {
DCHECK(GetExecutor() != nullptr) << "Only valid to emplace once";
value_ = std::forward<T>(t);
// Unresolved promises have an executor which invokes one of the callbacks
// associated with the promise. Once the callback has been invoked the
// Executor is destroyed.
// Ideally Executor would be a pure virtual class, but we want to store these
// inline to reduce the number of memory allocations (small object
// optimization). The problem is even though placement new returns the same
// address it was allocated at, you have to use the returned pointer. Casting
// the buffer to the derived class is undefined behavior. STL implementations
// usually store an extra pointer, but there we have opted for implementing
// our own VTable to save a little bit of memory.
class BASE_EXPORT Executor {
// Constructs |Derived| in place.
template <typename Derived, typename... Args>
explicit Executor(in_place_type_t<Derived>, Args&&... args) {
static_assert(sizeof(Derived) <= MaxSize, "Derived is too big");
static_assert(sizeof(Executor) <= sizeof(AnyInternal::InlineAlloc),
"Executor is too big");
vtable_ = &VTableHelper<Derived>::vtable_;
new (storage_) Derived(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Controls whether or not a promise should wait for its prerequisites
// before becoming eligible for execution.
enum class PrerequisitePolicy : uint8_t {
// Wait for all prerequisites to resolve (or any to reject) before
// becoming eligible for execution. If any prerequisites are canceled it
// will be canceled too.
// Wait for any prerequisite to resolve or reject before becoming eligible
// for execution. If all prerequisites are canceled it will be canceled
// too.
// Never become eligible for execution. Cancellation is ignored.
// Returns the associated PrerequisitePolicy.
PrerequisitePolicy GetPrerequisitePolicy() const;
// NB if there is both a resolve and a reject executor we require them to
// be both canceled at the same time.
bool IsCancelled() const;
// Describes an executor callback.
enum class ArgumentPassingType : uint8_t {
// No callback. E.g. the RejectArgumentPassingType in a promise with a
// resolve callback but no reject callback.
// Executor callback argument passed by value or by reference.
// Executor callback argument passed by r-value reference.
// Returns details of the resolve and reject executor callbacks if any. This
// data is used to diagnose double moves and missing catches.
ArgumentPassingType ResolveArgumentPassingType() const;
ArgumentPassingType RejectArgumentPassingType() const;
bool CanResolve() const;
bool CanReject() const;
// Invokes the associate callback for |promise|. If the callback was
// cancelled it should call |promise->OnCanceled()|. If the callback
// resolved it should store the resolve result via |promise->emplace()| and
// call |promise->OnResolved()|. If the callback was rejected it should
// store the reject result in |promise->state()| and call
// |promise->OnResolved()|.
// Caution the Executor will be destructed when |promise->state()| is
// written to.
void Execute(AbstractPromise* promise);
static constexpr size_t MaxSize = sizeof(void*) * 2;
struct VTable {
void (*destructor)(void* self);
PrerequisitePolicy (*get_prerequsite_policy)(const void* self);
bool (*is_cancelled)(const void* self);
ArgumentPassingType (*resolve_argument_passing_type)(const void* self);
ArgumentPassingType (*reject_argument_passing_type)(const void* self);
bool (*can_resolve)(const void* self);
bool (*can_reject)(const void* self);
void (*execute)(void* self, AbstractPromise* promise);
template <typename DerivedType>
struct VTableHelper {
VTableHelper(const VTableHelper& other) = delete;
VTableHelper& operator=(const VTableHelper& other) = delete;
static void Destructor(void* self) {
static PrerequisitePolicy GetPrerequisitePolicy(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)->GetPrerequisitePolicy();
static bool IsCancelled(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)->IsCancelled();
static ArgumentPassingType ResolveArgumentPassingType(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)
static ArgumentPassingType RejectArgumentPassingType(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)
static bool CanResolve(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)->CanResolve();
static bool CanReject(const void* self) {
return static_cast<const DerivedType*>(self)->CanReject();
static void Execute(void* self, AbstractPromise* promise) {
return static_cast<DerivedType*>(self)->Execute(promise);
static constexpr VTable vtable_ = {
const VTable* vtable_;
char storage_[MaxSize];
// Signals that this promise was cancelled. If executor hasn't run yet, this
// will prevent it from running and cancels any dependent promises unless they
// have PrerequisitePolicy::kAny, in which case they will only be canceled if
// all of their prerequisites are canceled. If OnCanceled() or OnResolved() or
// OnRejected() has already run, this does nothing.
void OnCanceled();
// Signals that |value_| now contains a resolve value. Dependent promises may
// scheduled for execution.
void OnResolved();
// Signals that |value_| now contains a reject value. Dependent promises may
// scheduled for execution.
void OnRejected();
struct BASE_EXPORT AdjacencyListNode {
explicit AdjacencyListNode(scoped_refptr<AbstractPromise> prerequisite);
explicit AdjacencyListNode(AdjacencyListNode&& other) noexcept;
scoped_refptr<AbstractPromise> prerequisite;
DependentList::Node dependent_node;
// This is separate from AbstractPromise to reduce the memory footprint of
// regular PostTask without promise chains.
struct BASE_EXPORT AdjacencyList {
explicit AdjacencyList(scoped_refptr<AbstractPromise> prerequisite);
explicit AdjacencyList(std::vector<AdjacencyListNode> prerequisite_list);
void ResetWithSingleDependency(scoped_refptr<AbstractPromise> prerequisite);
bool DecrementPrerequisiteCountAndCheckIfZero();
std::vector<AdjacencyListNode> prerequisite_list;
// PrerequisitePolicy::kAny waits for at most 1 resolve or N cancellations.
// PrerequisitePolicy::kAll waits for N resolves or at most 1 cancellation.
// PrerequisitePolicy::kNever doesn't use this.
std::atomic_int action_prerequisite_count;
const std::vector<AdjacencyListNode>* prerequisite_list() const {
if (!prerequisites_)
return nullptr;
return &prerequisites_->prerequisite_list;
// Returns the first and only prerequisite AbstractPromise. It's an error to
// call this if the number of prerequisites isn't exactly one.
AbstractPromise* GetOnlyPrerequisite() const {
DCHECK_EQ(prerequisites_->prerequisite_list.size(), 1u);
return prerequisites_->prerequisite_list[0].prerequisite.get();
// Calls |RunExecutor()| or posts a task to do so if |from_here_| is not
// nullopt.
void Execute();
friend base::RefCountedThreadSafe<AbstractPromise>;
NOINLINE ~AbstractPromise();
// Returns the associated Executor if there is one.
const Executor* GetExecutor() const;
Executor* GetExecutor() {
return const_cast<Executor*>(
const_cast<const AbstractPromise*>(this)->GetExecutor());
// With the exception of curried promises, this may only be called before the
// executor has run.
Executor::PrerequisitePolicy GetPrerequisitePolicy();
void AddAsDependentForAllPrerequisites();
// If the promise hasn't executed then |node| is added to the list. If it has
// and it was resolved or rejected then the corresponding promise is scheduled
// for execution if necessary. If this promise was canceled this is a NOP.
// Returns false if this operation failed because this promise became canceled
// as a result of adding a dependency on a canceled |node|.
bool InsertDependentOnAnyThread(DependentList::Node* node);
// Checks if the promise is now ready to be executed and if so posts it on the
// given task runner.
void OnPrerequisiteResolved();
// Schedules the promise for execution.
void OnPrerequisiteRejected();
// Returns true if we are still potentially eligible to run despite the
// cancellation.
bool OnPrerequisiteCancelled();
// This promise was resolved, post any dependent promises that are now ready
// as a result.
void OnResolvePostReadyDependents();
// This promise was rejected, post any dependent promises that are now ready
// as a result.
void OnRejectPostReadyDependents();
// Reverses |list| so dependents can be dispatched in the order they where
// added. Assumes no other thread is accessing |list|.
static DependentList::Node* NonThreadSafeReverseList(
DependentList::Node* list);
// Finds the non-curried root, and if settled ready dependents are posted.
// Returns true if the non-curried root was settled.
bool DispatchIfNonCurriedRootSettled();
scoped_refptr<TaskRunner> task_runner_;
const Location from_here_;
// To save memory |value_| contains Executor (which is stored inline) before
// it has run and afterwards it contains one of:
// * Resolved<T>
// * Rejected<T>
// * scoped_refptr<AbstractPromise> (for curried promises - i.e. a promise
// which is resolved with a promise).
unique_any value_;
void MaybeInheritChecks(AbstractPromise* source)
// Controls how we deal with unhandled rejection.
const RejectPolicy reject_policy_;
// Cached because we need to access these values after the Executor they came
// from has gone away.
const Executor::ArgumentPassingType resolve_argument_passing_type_;
const Executor::ArgumentPassingType reject_argument_passing_type_;
const bool executor_can_resolve_;
const bool executor_can_reject_;
// Whether responsibility for catching rejected promise has been passed on to
// this promise's dependents.
bool passed_catch_responsibility_ GUARDED_BY(GetCheckedLock()) = false;
static CheckedLock& GetCheckedLock();
// Used to avoid refcounting cycles.
class BASE_EXPORT LocationRef : public RefCountedThreadSafe<LocationRef> {
explicit LocationRef(const Location& from_here);
const Location& from_here() const { return from_here_; }
Location from_here_;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<LocationRef>;
// For catching missing catches.
scoped_refptr<LocationRef> must_catch_ancestor_that_could_reject_
// Used to supply all child nodes with a single LocationRef.
scoped_refptr<LocationRef> this_must_catch_ GUARDED_BY(GetCheckedLock());
class BASE_EXPORT DoubleMoveDetector
: public RefCountedThreadSafe<DoubleMoveDetector> {
DoubleMoveDetector(const Location& from_here, const char* callback_type);
void CheckForDoubleMoveErrors(
const base::Location& new_dependent_location,
Executor::ArgumentPassingType new_dependent_executor_type);
const Location from_here_;
const char* callback_type_;
std::unique_ptr<Location> dependent_move_only_promise_;
std::unique_ptr<Location> dependent_normal_promise_;
friend class RefCountedThreadSafe<DoubleMoveDetector>;
// Used to supply all child nodes with a single DoubleMoveDetector.
scoped_refptr<DoubleMoveDetector> this_resolve_ GUARDED_BY(GetCheckedLock());
// Used to supply all child nodes with a single DoubleMoveDetector.
scoped_refptr<DoubleMoveDetector> this_reject_ GUARDED_BY(GetCheckedLock());
// Validates that the value of this promise, or the value of the closest
// ancestor that can resolve if this promise can't resolve, is not
// double-moved.
scoped_refptr<DoubleMoveDetector> ancestor_that_could_resolve_
// Validates that the value of this promise, or the value of the closest
// ancestor that can reject if this promise can't reject, is not
// double-moved.
scoped_refptr<DoubleMoveDetector> ancestor_that_could_reject_
// List of promises which are dependent on this one.
DependentList dependents_;
// Details of any promises this promise is dependent on. If there are none
// |prerequisites_| will be null. This is a space optimization for the common
// case of a non-chained PostTask.
std::unique_ptr<AdjacencyList> prerequisites_;
// static
template <typename T>
const AbstractPromise::Executor::VTable
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base