blob: c0d1f4a5da7ee21cdd55737eab8e8b88a2e5da68 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is used by the GN meta build system to find the root of the source
# tree and to set startup options. For documentation on the values set in this
# file, run "gn help dotfile" at the command line.
# The location of the build configuration file.
buildconfig = "//build/config/"
# The secondary source root is a parallel directory tree where
# GN build files are placed when they can not be placed directly
# in the source tree, e.g. for third party source trees.
secondary_source = "//build/secondary/"
# These are the targets to check headers for by default. The files in targets
# matching these patterns (see "gn help label_pattern" for format) will have
# their includes checked for proper dependencies when you run either
# "gn check" or "gn gen --check".
check_targets = [
#"//apps/*", # Medium-hard.
#"//ash/*", # Medium-hard.
#"//chrome/*", # Epic number of errors.
#"//content/*", # A whole lot of errors.
#"//extensions/*", # Lots of errors.
#"//gpu/*", # Lots of errors.
#"//media/*", # Lots of errors.
#"//net/*", # Needs GN binary changes to work on Android.
#"//pdf/*", # Medium-hard.
#"//ppapi/*", # Lots of errors.
#"//remoting/*", # Medium-hard.
#"//rlz/*", # Needs checking on Windows.
#"//sandbox/*", # Medium-hard.
#"//third_party/*", # May not ever want this.
#"//ui/*", # Work left on Chromeos w/ use_ozone. Some parts of UI that work:
"//ui/events:events", # Specifically avoid //ui/events/ozone
# These are the list of GN files that run exec_script. This whitelist exists
# to force additional review for new uses of exec_script, which is strongly
# discouraged except for gypi_to_gn calls.
exec_script_whitelist = [
# TODO(dgn): Layer violation but breaks the build otherwise, see