| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface_aggregator.h" |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "base/macros.h" |
| #include "cc/output/compositor_frame.h" |
| #include "cc/output/delegated_frame_data.h" |
| #include "cc/quads/render_pass.h" |
| #include "cc/quads/render_pass_draw_quad.h" |
| #include "cc/quads/solid_color_draw_quad.h" |
| #include "cc/quads/surface_draw_quad.h" |
| #include "cc/quads/texture_draw_quad.h" |
| #include "cc/resources/shared_bitmap_manager.h" |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface.h" |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface_factory.h" |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface_factory_client.h" |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface_id_allocator.h" |
| #include "cc/surfaces/surface_manager.h" |
| #include "cc/test/fake_output_surface.h" |
| #include "cc/test/fake_output_surface_client.h" |
| #include "cc/test/fake_resource_provider.h" |
| #include "cc/test/render_pass_test_utils.h" |
| #include "cc/test/surface_aggregator_test_helpers.h" |
| #include "cc/test/test_shared_bitmap_manager.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" |
| |
| namespace cc { |
| namespace { |
| |
| SurfaceId InvalidSurfaceId() { |
| static SurfaceId invalid; |
| invalid.id = static_cast<uint64_t>(-1); |
| return invalid; |
| } |
| |
| gfx::Size SurfaceSize() { |
| static gfx::Size size(5, 5); |
| return size; |
| } |
| |
| class EmptySurfaceFactoryClient : public SurfaceFactoryClient { |
| public: |
| void ReturnResources(const ReturnedResourceArray& resources) override {} |
| |
| void WillDrawSurface(SurfaceId id, const gfx::Rect& damage_rect) override { |
| last_surface_id_ = id; |
| last_damage_rect_ = damage_rect; |
| } |
| |
| void SetBeginFrameSource(SurfaceId surface_id, |
| BeginFrameSource* begin_frame_source) override {} |
| |
| gfx::Rect last_damage_rect_; |
| SurfaceId last_surface_id_; |
| }; |
| |
| class FakeSurfaceAggregatorClient : public SurfaceAggregatorClient { |
| public: |
| void AddSurface(Surface* surface) override { |
| EXPECT_FALSE(HasSurface(surface)); |
| surfaces_.insert(surface); |
| } |
| |
| void RemoveSurface(Surface* surface) override { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(HasSurface(surface)); |
| surfaces_.erase(surface); |
| } |
| |
| bool HasSurface(Surface* surface) const { |
| return surfaces_.count(surface) != 0; |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| std::set<Surface*> surfaces_; |
| }; |
| |
| class SurfaceAggregatorTest : public testing::Test { |
| public: |
| explicit SurfaceAggregatorTest(bool use_damage_rect) |
| : factory_(&manager_, &empty_client_), |
| aggregator_(&surface_aggregator_client_, |
| &manager_, |
| NULL, |
| use_damage_rect) {} |
| |
| SurfaceAggregatorTest() : SurfaceAggregatorTest(false) {} |
| |
| protected: |
| SurfaceManager manager_; |
| EmptySurfaceFactoryClient empty_client_; |
| SurfaceFactory factory_; |
| FakeSurfaceAggregatorClient surface_aggregator_client_; |
| SurfaceAggregator aggregator_; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorTest, ValidSurfaceNoFrame) { |
| SurfaceId one_id(7); |
| factory_.Create(one_id); |
| Surface* surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(one_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame = aggregator_.Aggregate(one_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(frame); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(one_id); |
| } |
| |
| class SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest : public SurfaceAggregatorTest { |
| public: |
| explicit SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest(bool use_damage_rect) |
| : SurfaceAggregatorTest(use_damage_rect), |
| allocator_(1u), |
| child_allocator_(2u) {} |
| SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest() |
| : SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest(false) {} |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| SurfaceAggregatorTest::SetUp(); |
| root_surface_id_ = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(root_surface_id_); |
| root_surface_ = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(root_surface_id_); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDown() override { |
| factory_.Destroy(root_surface_id_); |
| SurfaceAggregatorTest::TearDown(); |
| } |
| |
| void AggregateAndVerify(test::Pass* expected_passes, |
| size_t expected_pass_count, |
| SurfaceId* surface_ids, |
| size_t expected_surface_count) { |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| TestPassesMatchExpectations( |
| expected_passes, expected_pass_count, &frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| // Ensure no duplicate pass ids output. |
| std::set<RenderPassId> used_passes; |
| for (const auto& pass : frame_data->render_pass_list) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(used_passes.insert(pass->id).second); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_surface_count, |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < expected_surface_count; i++) { |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().find(surface_ids[i]) != |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().end()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void SubmitPassListAsFrame(SurfaceId surface_id, RenderPassList* pass_list) { |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| pass_list->swap(frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(surface_id, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| void SubmitCompositorFrame(test::Pass* passes, |
| size_t pass_count, |
| SurfaceId surface_id) { |
| RenderPassList pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), passes, pass_count); |
| SubmitPassListAsFrame(surface_id, &pass_list); |
| } |
| |
| void QueuePassAsFrame(scoped_ptr<RenderPass> pass, SurfaceId surface_id) { |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> delegated_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| delegated_frame_data->render_pass_list.push_back(std::move(pass)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> child_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| child_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(surface_id, std::move(child_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| SurfaceId root_surface_id_; |
| Surface* root_surface_; |
| SurfaceIdAllocator allocator_; |
| SurfaceIdAllocator child_allocator_; |
| }; |
| |
| // Tests that a very simple frame containing only two solid color quads makes it |
| // through the aggregator correctly. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, SimpleFrame) { |
| test::Quad quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorRED), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = {test::Pass(quads, arraysize(quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_}; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| AggregateAndVerify(passes, arraysize(passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| |
| // Check that WillDrawSurface was called. |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), empty_client_.last_damage_rect_); |
| EXPECT_EQ(root_surface_id_, empty_client_.last_surface_id_); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, OpacityCopied) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| |
| test::Quad quads[] = {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, .5f)}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = {test::Pass(quads, arraysize(quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| RenderPassList& render_pass_list(frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, render_pass_list.size()); |
| SharedQuadStateList& shared_quad_state_list( |
| render_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1.f, shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(0)->opacity); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1.f, shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(1)->opacity); |
| |
| SharedQuadStateList& shared_quad_state_list2( |
| render_pass_list[1]->shared_quad_state_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, shared_quad_state_list2.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(.5f, shared_quad_state_list2.ElementAt(0)->opacity); |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, MultiPassSimpleFrame) { |
| test::Quad quads[][2] = {{test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorLTGRAY)}, |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGRAY), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorDKGRAY)}}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(quads[0], arraysize(quads[0]), RenderPassId(1, 1)), |
| test::Pass(quads[1], arraysize(quads[1]), RenderPassId(1, 2))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_}; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| AggregateAndVerify(passes, arraysize(passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests very simple embedding. root_surface has a frame containing a few |
| // solid color quads and a surface quad referencing embedded_surface. |
| // embedded_surface has a frame containing only a solid color quad. The solid |
| // color quad should be aggregated into the final frame. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, SimpleSurfaceReference) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = {test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(root_passes, arraysize(root_passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_, embedded_surface_id}; |
| AggregateAndVerify( |
| expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, CopyRequest) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> copy_request( |
| CopyOutputRequest::CreateEmptyRequest()); |
| CopyOutputRequest* copy_request_ptr = copy_request.get(); |
| factory_.RequestCopyOfSurface(embedded_surface_id, std::move(copy_request)); |
| |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = {test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(root_passes, arraysize(root_passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->id), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads)), |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| TestPassesMatchExpectations(expected_passes, |
| arraysize(expected_passes), |
| &frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, frame_data->render_pass_list.size()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests.size()); |
| DCHECK_EQ(copy_request_ptr, |
| frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests[0].get()); |
| |
| SurfaceId surface_ids[] = {root_surface_id_, embedded_surface_id}; |
| EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(surface_ids), |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(surface_ids); i++) { |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().find(surface_ids[i]) != |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().end()); |
| } |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Root surface may contain copy requests. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, RootCopyRequest) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> copy_request( |
| CopyOutputRequest::CreateEmptyRequest()); |
| CopyOutputRequest* copy_request_ptr = copy_request.get(); |
| scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> copy_request2( |
| CopyOutputRequest::CreateEmptyRequest()); |
| CopyOutputRequest* copy_request2_ptr = copy_request2.get(); |
| |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Quad root_quads2[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorRED)}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads), RenderPassId(1, 1)), |
| test::Pass(root_quads2, arraysize(root_quads2), RenderPassId(1, 2))}; |
| { |
| RenderPassList pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| pass_list[0]->copy_requests.push_back(std::move(copy_request)); |
| pass_list[1]->copy_requests.push_back(std::move(copy_request2)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| pass_list.swap(frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads)), |
| test::Pass(root_quads2, arraysize(root_quads2))}; |
| TestPassesMatchExpectations(expected_passes, |
| arraysize(expected_passes), |
| &frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, frame_data->render_pass_list.size()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests.size()); |
| DCHECK_EQ(copy_request_ptr, |
| frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests[0].get()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_data->render_pass_list[1]->copy_requests.size()); |
| DCHECK_EQ(copy_request2_ptr, |
| frame_data->render_pass_list[1]->copy_requests[0].get()); |
| |
| SurfaceId surface_ids[] = {root_surface_id_, embedded_surface_id}; |
| EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(surface_ids), |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(surface_ids); i++) { |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().find(surface_ids[i]) != |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().end()); |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure copy requests have been removed from root surface. |
| const CompositorFrame* original_frame = |
| manager_.GetSurfaceForId(root_surface_id_)->GetEligibleFrame(); |
| RenderPassList& original_pass_list = |
| original_frame->delegated_frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, original_pass_list.size()); |
| DCHECK(original_pass_list[0]->copy_requests.empty()); |
| DCHECK(original_pass_list[1]->copy_requests.empty()); |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, UnreferencedSurface) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| SurfaceId nonexistent_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| scoped_ptr<CopyOutputRequest> copy_request( |
| CopyOutputRequest::CreateEmptyRequest()); |
| CopyOutputRequest* copy_request_ptr = copy_request.get(); |
| factory_.RequestCopyOfSurface(embedded_surface_id, std::move(copy_request)); |
| |
| SurfaceId parent_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(parent_surface_id); |
| Surface* parent_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(parent_surface_id); |
| |
| test::Quad parent_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass parent_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(parent_quads, arraysize(parent_quads))}; |
| |
| { |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| AddPasses(&frame_data->render_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| parent_passes, arraysize(parent_passes)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| frame->metadata.referenced_surfaces.push_back(embedded_surface_id); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(parent_surface_id, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorWHITE), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLACK)}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = {test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| { |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| AddPasses(&frame_data->render_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| frame->metadata.referenced_surfaces.push_back(parent_surface_id); |
| // Reference to Surface ID of a Surface that doesn't exist should be |
| // included in previous_contained_surfaces, but otherwise ignored. |
| frame->metadata.referenced_surfaces.push_back(nonexistent_surface_id); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| // First pass should come from surface that had a copy request but was not |
| // referenced directly. The second pass comes from the root surface. |
| // parent_quad should be ignored because it is neither referenced through a |
| // SurfaceDrawQuad nor has a copy request on it. |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads, arraysize(embedded_quads)), |
| test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| TestPassesMatchExpectations(expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), |
| &frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, frame_data->render_pass_list.size()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests.size()); |
| DCHECK_EQ(copy_request_ptr, |
| frame_data->render_pass_list[0]->copy_requests[0].get()); |
| |
| SurfaceId surface_ids[] = {root_surface_id_, parent_surface_id, |
| embedded_surface_id, nonexistent_surface_id}; |
| EXPECT_EQ(arraysize(surface_ids), |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().size()); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(surface_ids); i++) { |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().find(surface_ids[i]) != |
| aggregator_.previous_contained_surfaces().end()); |
| } |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(parent_surface_id); |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests referencing a surface that has multiple render passes. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, MultiPassSurfaceReference) { |
| SurfaceId embedded_surface_id = child_allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(embedded_surface_id); |
| Surface* embedded_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(embedded_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| RenderPassId pass_ids[] = {RenderPassId(1, 1), RenderPassId(1, 2), |
| RenderPassId(1, 3)}; |
| |
| test::Quad embedded_quads[][2] = { |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(1), test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(2)}, |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(3), test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(pass_ids[0])}, |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(4), test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(pass_ids[1])}}; |
| test::Pass embedded_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads[0], arraysize(embedded_quads[0]), pass_ids[0]), |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads[1], arraysize(embedded_quads[1]), pass_ids[1]), |
| test::Pass(embedded_quads[2], arraysize(embedded_quads[2]), pass_ids[2])}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(embedded_passes, arraysize(embedded_passes), |
| embedded_surface_id); |
| |
| test::Quad root_quads[][2] = { |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(5), test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(6)}, |
| {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(embedded_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(pass_ids[0])}, |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(7), test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(pass_ids[1])}}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(root_quads[0], arraysize(root_quads[0]), pass_ids[0]), |
| test::Pass(root_quads[1], arraysize(root_quads[1]), pass_ids[1]), |
| test::Pass(root_quads[2], arraysize(root_quads[2]), pass_ids[2])}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(root_passes, arraysize(root_passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(embedded_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(5u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| RenderPassId actual_pass_ids[] = { |
| aggregated_pass_list[0]->id, aggregated_pass_list[1]->id, |
| aggregated_pass_list[2]->id, aggregated_pass_list[3]->id, |
| aggregated_pass_list[4]->id}; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { |
| for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { |
| EXPECT_NE(actual_pass_ids[i], actual_pass_ids[j]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("First pass"); |
| // The first pass will just be the first pass from the root surfaces quad |
| // with no render pass quads to remap. |
| TestPassMatchesExpectations(root_passes[0], aggregated_pass_list[0].get()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Second pass"); |
| // The next two passes will be from the embedded surface since we have to |
| // draw those passes before they are referenced from the render pass draw |
| // quad embedded into the root surface's second pass. |
| // First, there's the first embedded pass which doesn't reference anything |
| // else. |
| TestPassMatchesExpectations(embedded_passes[0], |
| aggregated_pass_list[1].get()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Third pass"); |
| const QuadList& third_pass_quad_list = aggregated_pass_list[2]->quad_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, third_pass_quad_list.size()); |
| TestQuadMatchesExpectations(embedded_quads[1][0], |
| third_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(0)); |
| |
| // This render pass pass quad will reference the first pass from the |
| // embedded surface, which is the second pass in the aggregated frame. |
| third_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)->material); |
| const RenderPassDrawQuad* third_pass_render_pass_draw_quad = |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(third_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(actual_pass_ids[1], |
| third_pass_render_pass_draw_quad->render_pass_id); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Fourth pass"); |
| // The fourth pass will have aggregated quads from the root surface's second |
| // pass and the embedded surface's first pass. |
| const QuadList& fourth_pass_quad_list = aggregated_pass_list[3]->quad_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, fourth_pass_quad_list.size()); |
| |
| // The first quad will be the yellow quad from the embedded surface's last |
| // pass. |
| TestQuadMatchesExpectations(embedded_quads[2][0], |
| fourth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(0)); |
| |
| // The next quad will be a render pass quad referencing the second pass from |
| // the embedded surface, which is the third pass in the aggregated frame. |
| fourth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)->material); |
| const RenderPassDrawQuad* fourth_pass_first_render_pass_draw_quad = |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(fourth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(actual_pass_ids[2], |
| fourth_pass_first_render_pass_draw_quad->render_pass_id); |
| |
| // The last quad will be a render pass quad referencing the first pass from |
| // the root surface, which is the first pass overall. |
| fourth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(2)->material); |
| const RenderPassDrawQuad* fourth_pass_second_render_pass_draw_quad = |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(fourth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(2)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(actual_pass_ids[0], |
| fourth_pass_second_render_pass_draw_quad->render_pass_id); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| SCOPED_TRACE("Fifth pass"); |
| const QuadList& fifth_pass_quad_list = aggregated_pass_list[4]->quad_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, fifth_pass_quad_list.size()); |
| |
| TestQuadMatchesExpectations(root_quads[2][0], |
| fifth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(0)); |
| |
| // The last quad in the last pass will reference the second pass from the |
| // root surface, which after aggregating is the fourth pass in the overall |
| // list. |
| fifth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)->material); |
| const RenderPassDrawQuad* fifth_pass_render_pass_draw_quad = |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(fifth_pass_quad_list.ElementAt(1)); |
| EXPECT_EQ(actual_pass_ids[3], |
| fifth_pass_render_pass_draw_quad->render_pass_id); |
| } |
| factory_.Destroy(embedded_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests an invalid surface reference in a frame. The surface quad should just |
| // be dropped. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, InvalidSurfaceReference) { |
| test::Quad quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(InvalidSurfaceId(), 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = {test::Pass(quads, arraysize(quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_, InvalidSurfaceId()}; |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| AggregateAndVerify( |
| expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests a reference to a valid surface with no submitted frame. This quad |
| // should also just be dropped. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, ValidSurfaceReferenceWithNoFrame) { |
| SurfaceId surface_with_no_frame_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(surface_with_no_frame_id); |
| Surface* surface_with_no_frame = |
| manager_.GetSurfaceForId(surface_with_no_frame_id); |
| |
| test::Quad quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(surface_with_no_frame_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = {test::Pass(quads, arraysize(quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_, surface_with_no_frame_id}; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface_with_no_frame)); |
| AggregateAndVerify( |
| expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface_with_no_frame)); |
| factory_.Destroy(surface_with_no_frame_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests a surface quad referencing itself, generating a trivial cycle. |
| // The quad creating the cycle should be dropped from the final frame. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, SimpleCyclicalReference) { |
| test::Quad quads[] = {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(root_surface_id_, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorYELLOW)}; |
| test::Pass passes[] = {test::Pass(quads, arraysize(quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(passes, arraysize(passes), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorYELLOW)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_}; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| AggregateAndVerify( |
| expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests a more complex cycle with one intermediate surface. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, TwoSurfaceCyclicalReference) { |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| test::Quad parent_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorCYAN)}; |
| test::Pass parent_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(parent_quads, arraysize(parent_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(parent_passes, arraysize(parent_passes), |
| root_surface_id_); |
| |
| test::Quad child_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(root_surface_id_, 1.f), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorMAGENTA)}; |
| test::Pass child_passes[] = {test::Pass(child_quads, arraysize(child_quads))}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(child_passes, arraysize(child_passes), |
| child_surface_id); |
| |
| // The child surface's reference to the root_surface_ will be dropped, so |
| // we'll end up with: |
| // SK_ColorBLUE from the parent |
| // SK_ColorGREEN from the child |
| // SK_ColorMAGENTA from the child |
| // SK_ColorCYAN from the parent |
| test::Quad expected_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorBLUE), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorMAGENTA), |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorCYAN)}; |
| test::Pass expected_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(expected_quads, arraysize(expected_quads))}; |
| SurfaceId ids[] = {root_surface_id_, child_surface_id}; |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| AggregateAndVerify( |
| expected_passes, arraysize(expected_passes), ids, arraysize(ids)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| factory_.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that we map render pass IDs from different surfaces into a unified |
| // namespace and update RenderPassDrawQuad's id references to match. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, RenderPassIdMapping) { |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| RenderPassId child_pass_id[] = {RenderPassId(1, 1), RenderPassId(1, 2)}; |
| test::Quad child_quad[][1] = {{test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}, |
| {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id[0])}}; |
| test::Pass surface_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(child_quad[0], arraysize(child_quad[0]), child_pass_id[0]), |
| test::Pass(child_quad[1], arraysize(child_quad[1]), child_pass_id[1])}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(surface_passes, arraysize(surface_passes), |
| child_surface_id); |
| |
| // Pass IDs from the parent surface may collide with ones from the child. |
| RenderPassId parent_pass_id[] = {RenderPassId(2, 1), RenderPassId(1, 2)}; |
| test::Quad parent_quad[][1] = { |
| {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f)}, |
| {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(parent_pass_id[0])}}; |
| test::Pass parent_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(parent_quad[0], arraysize(parent_quad[0]), parent_pass_id[0]), |
| test::Pass(parent_quad[1], arraysize(parent_quad[1]), parent_pass_id[1])}; |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrame(parent_passes, arraysize(parent_passes), |
| root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| RenderPassId actual_pass_ids[] = {aggregated_pass_list[0]->id, |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->id, |
| aggregated_pass_list[2]->id}; |
| // Make sure the aggregated frame's pass IDs are all unique. |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
| for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { |
| EXPECT_NE(actual_pass_ids[j], actual_pass_ids[i]) << "pass ids " << i |
| << " and " << j; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Make sure the render pass quads reference the remapped pass IDs. |
| DrawQuad* render_pass_quads[] = {aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.front(), |
| aggregated_pass_list[2]->quad_list.front()}; |
| ASSERT_EQ(render_pass_quads[0]->material, DrawQuad::RENDER_PASS); |
| actual_pass_ids[0], |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(render_pass_quads[0])->render_pass_id); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(render_pass_quads[1]->material, DrawQuad::RENDER_PASS); |
| actual_pass_ids[1], |
| RenderPassDrawQuad::MaterialCast(render_pass_quads[1])->render_pass_id); |
| factory_.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| void AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode(const gfx::Size& size, |
| RenderPass* pass, |
| const SkXfermode::Mode blend_mode) { |
| const gfx::Transform layer_to_target_transform; |
| const gfx::Size layer_bounds(size); |
| const gfx::Rect visible_layer_rect(size); |
| const gfx::Rect clip_rect(size); |
| |
| bool is_clipped = false; |
| float opacity = 1.f; |
| |
| bool force_anti_aliasing_off = false; |
| SharedQuadState* sqs = pass->CreateAndAppendSharedQuadState(); |
| sqs->SetAll(layer_to_target_transform, layer_bounds, visible_layer_rect, |
| clip_rect, is_clipped, opacity, blend_mode, 0); |
| |
| SolidColorDrawQuad* color_quad = |
| pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<SolidColorDrawQuad>(); |
| color_quad->SetNew(pass->shared_quad_state_list.back(), visible_layer_rect, |
| visible_layer_rect, SK_ColorGREEN, |
| force_anti_aliasing_off); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests that we update shared quad state pointers correctly within |
| // aggregated passes. The shared quad state list on the aggregated pass will |
| // include the shared quad states from each pass in one list so the quads will |
| // end up pointed to shared quad state objects at different offsets. This test |
| // uses the blend_mode value stored on the shared quad state to track the shared |
| // quad state, but anything saved on the shared quad state would work. |
| // |
| // This test has 4 surfaces in the following structure: |
| // root_surface -> quad with kClear_Mode, |
| // [child_one_surface], |
| // quad with kDstOver_Mode, |
| // [child_two_surface], |
| // quad with kDstIn_Mode |
| // child_one_surface -> quad with kSrc_Mode, |
| // [grandchild_surface], |
| // quad with kSrcOver_Mode |
| // child_two_surface -> quad with kSrcIn_Mode |
| // grandchild_surface -> quad with kDst_Mode |
| // |
| // Resulting in the following aggregated pass: |
| // quad_root_0 - blend_mode kClear_Mode |
| // quad_child_one_0 - blend_mode kSrc_Mode |
| // quad_grandchild_0 - blend_mode kDst_Mode |
| // quad_child_one_1 - blend_mode kSrcOver_Mode |
| // quad_root_1 - blend_mode kDstOver_Mode |
| // quad_child_two_0 - blend_mode kSrcIn_Mode |
| // quad_root_2 - blend_mode kDstIn_Mode |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, AggregateSharedQuadStateProperties) { |
| const SkXfermode::Mode blend_modes[] = {SkXfermode::kClear_Mode, // 0 |
| SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode, // 1 |
| SkXfermode::kDst_Mode, // 2 |
| SkXfermode::kSrcOver_Mode, // 3 |
| SkXfermode::kDstOver_Mode, // 4 |
| SkXfermode::kSrcIn_Mode, // 5 |
| SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode, // 6 |
| }; |
| |
| RenderPassId pass_id(1, 1); |
| SurfaceId grandchild_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(grandchild_surface_id); |
| Surface* grandchild_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(grandchild_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(grandchild_surface)); |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> grandchild_pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| gfx::Rect output_rect(SurfaceSize()); |
| gfx::Rect damage_rect(SurfaceSize()); |
| gfx::Transform transform_to_root_target; |
| grandchild_pass->SetNew( |
| pass_id, output_rect, damage_rect, transform_to_root_target); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), grandchild_pass.get(), blend_modes[2]); |
| QueuePassAsFrame(std::move(grandchild_pass), grandchild_surface_id); |
| |
| SurfaceId child_one_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_one_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_one_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_one_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_one_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> child_one_pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| child_one_pass->SetNew( |
| pass_id, output_rect, damage_rect, transform_to_root_target); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), child_one_pass.get(), blend_modes[1]); |
| SurfaceDrawQuad* grandchild_surface_quad = |
| child_one_pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<SurfaceDrawQuad>(); |
| grandchild_surface_quad->SetNew(child_one_pass->shared_quad_state_list.back(), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| grandchild_surface_id); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), child_one_pass.get(), blend_modes[3]); |
| QueuePassAsFrame(std::move(child_one_pass), child_one_surface_id); |
| |
| SurfaceId child_two_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_two_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_two_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_two_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_two_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> child_two_pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| child_two_pass->SetNew( |
| pass_id, output_rect, damage_rect, transform_to_root_target); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), child_two_pass.get(), blend_modes[5]); |
| QueuePassAsFrame(std::move(child_two_pass), child_two_surface_id); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> root_pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| root_pass->SetNew( |
| pass_id, output_rect, damage_rect, transform_to_root_target); |
| |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), root_pass.get(), blend_modes[0]); |
| SurfaceDrawQuad* child_one_surface_quad = |
| root_pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<SurfaceDrawQuad>(); |
| child_one_surface_quad->SetNew(root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.back(), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| child_one_surface_id); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), root_pass.get(), blend_modes[4]); |
| SurfaceDrawQuad* child_two_surface_quad = |
| root_pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<SurfaceDrawQuad>(); |
| child_two_surface_quad->SetNew(root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.back(), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| child_two_surface_id); |
| AddSolidColorQuadWithBlendMode( |
| SurfaceSize(), root_pass.get(), blend_modes[6]); |
| |
| QueuePassAsFrame(std::move(root_pass), root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(grandchild_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_one_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_two_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(grandchild_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_one_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_two_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| const QuadList& aggregated_quad_list = aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(7u, aggregated_quad_list.size()); |
| |
| for (auto iter = aggregated_quad_list.cbegin(); |
| iter != aggregated_quad_list.cend(); |
| ++iter) { |
| EXPECT_EQ(blend_modes[iter.index()], iter->shared_quad_state->blend_mode) |
| << iter.index(); |
| } |
| factory_.Destroy(child_one_surface_id); |
| factory_.Destroy(child_two_surface_id); |
| factory_.Destroy(grandchild_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // This tests that when aggregating a frame with multiple render passes that we |
| // map the transforms for the root pass but do not modify the transform on child |
| // passes. |
| // |
| // The root surface has one pass with a surface quad transformed by +10 in the y |
| // direction. |
| // |
| // The middle surface has one pass with a surface quad scaled by 2 in the x |
| // and 3 in the y directions. |
| // |
| // The child surface has two passes. The first pass has a quad with a transform |
| // of +5 in the x direction. The second pass has a reference to the first pass' |
| // pass id and a transform of +8 in the x direction. |
| // |
| // After aggregation, the child surface's root pass quad should have all |
| // transforms concatenated for a total transform of +23 x, +10 y. The |
| // contributing render pass' transform in the aggregate frame should not be |
| // affected. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, AggregateMultiplePassWithTransform) { |
| // Innermost child surface. |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| { |
| RenderPassId child_pass_id[] = {RenderPassId(1, 1), RenderPassId(1, 2)}; |
| test::Quad child_quads[][1] = { |
| {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(SK_ColorGREEN)}, |
| {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id[0])}, |
| }; |
| test::Pass child_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(child_quads[0], arraysize(child_quads[0]), child_pass_id[0]), |
| test::Pass(child_quads[1], arraysize(child_quads[1]), |
| child_pass_id[1])}; |
| |
| RenderPassList child_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&child_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), child_passes, |
| arraysize(child_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* child_nonroot_pass = child_pass_list[0].get(); |
| child_nonroot_pass->transform_to_root_target.Translate(8, 0); |
| SharedQuadState* child_nonroot_pass_sqs = |
| child_nonroot_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| child_nonroot_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(5, 0); |
| |
| RenderPass* child_root_pass = child_pass_list[1].get(); |
| SharedQuadState* child_root_pass_sqs = |
| child_root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| child_root_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(8, 0); |
| child_root_pass_sqs->is_clipped = true; |
| child_root_pass_sqs->clip_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 5, 5); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> child_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| child_pass_list.swap(child_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> child_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| child_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(child_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(child_surface_id, std::move(child_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| // Middle child surface. |
| SurfaceId middle_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(middle_surface_id); |
| Surface* middle_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(middle_surface_id); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| { |
| test::Quad middle_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| test::Pass middle_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(middle_quads, arraysize(middle_quads)), |
| }; |
| |
| RenderPassList middle_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&middle_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), middle_passes, |
| arraysize(middle_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* middle_root_pass = middle_pass_list[0].get(); |
| middle_root_pass->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(0, 1, 100, 7); |
| SharedQuadState* middle_root_pass_sqs = |
| middle_root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| middle_root_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Scale(2, 3); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> middle_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| middle_pass_list.swap(middle_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> middle_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| middle_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(middle_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(middle_surface_id, std::move(middle_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| // Root surface. |
| test::Quad secondary_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(1), |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(middle_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SolidColorQuad(1)}; |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(secondary_quads, arraysize(secondary_quads)), |
| test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| root_pass_list[0] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(0, 7); |
| root_pass_list[0] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(1) |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(0, 10); |
| root_pass_list[0]->quad_list.ElementAt(1)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(0, 0, 8, 100); |
| |
| root_pass_list[0]->transform_to_root_target.Translate(10, 5); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> root_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| root_pass_list.swap(root_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> root_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| root_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(root_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(root_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| |
| // The first pass should have one shared quad state for the one solid color |
| // quad. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| // The second pass should have just two shared quad states. We'll |
| // verify the properties through the quads. |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list[1]->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[2]->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| |
| SharedQuadState* aggregated_first_pass_sqs = |
| aggregated_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| |
| // The first pass's transform should be unaffected by the embedding and still |
| // be a translation by +5 in the x direction. |
| gfx::Transform expected_aggregated_first_pass_sqs_transform; |
| expected_aggregated_first_pass_sqs_transform.Translate(5, 0); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_aggregated_first_pass_sqs_transform.ToString(), |
| aggregated_first_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.ToString()); |
| |
| // The first pass's transform to the root target should include the aggregated |
| // transform, including the transform from the child pass to the root. |
| gfx::Transform expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target; |
| expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target.Translate(10, 5); |
| expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target.Translate(0, 10); |
| expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target.Scale(2, 3); |
| expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target.Translate(8, 0); |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_first_pass_transform_to_root_target.ToString(), |
| aggregated_pass_list[0]->transform_to_root_target.ToString()); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.size()); |
| |
| gfx::Transform expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[2]; |
| // The first quad in the root pass is the solid color quad from the original |
| // root surface. Its transform should be unaffected by the aggregation and |
| // still be +7 in the y direction. |
| expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[0].Translate(0, 7); |
| // The second quad in the root pass is aggregated from the child surface so |
| // its transform should be the combination of its original translation |
| // (0, 10), the middle surface draw quad's scale of (2, 3), and the |
| // child surface draw quad's translation (8, 0). |
| expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[1].Translate(0, 10); |
| expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[1].Scale(2, 3); |
| expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[1].Translate(8, 0); |
| |
| for (auto iter = aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.cbegin(); |
| iter != aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.cend(); |
| ++iter) { |
| EXPECT_EQ(expected_root_pass_quad_transforms[iter.index()].ToString(), |
| iter->shared_quad_state->quad_to_target_transform.ToString()) |
| << iter.index(); |
| } |
| |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(1)->is_clipped); |
| |
| // The second quad in the root pass is aggregated from the child, so its |
| // clip rect must be transformed by the child's translation/scale and |
| // clipped be the visible_rects for both children. |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 13, 8, 12).ToString(), |
| aggregated_pass_list[1] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(1) |
| ->clip_rect.ToString()); |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(middle_surface_id); |
| factory_.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that damage rects are aggregated correctly when surfaces change. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest, AggregateDamageRect) { |
| test::Quad child_quads[] = {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(RenderPassId(1, 1))}; |
| test::Pass child_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(child_quads, arraysize(child_quads), RenderPassId(1, 1))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList child_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&child_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| child_passes, |
| arraysize(child_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* child_root_pass = child_pass_list[0].get(); |
| SharedQuadState* child_root_pass_sqs = |
| child_root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| child_root_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(8, 0); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> child_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| child_pass_list.swap(child_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> child_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| child_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(child_frame_data); |
| |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(child_surface_id, std::move(child_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| test::Quad parent_surface_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| test::Pass parent_surface_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(parent_surface_quads, arraysize(parent_surface_quads), |
| RenderPassId(1, 1))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList parent_surface_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&parent_surface_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| parent_surface_passes, |
| arraysize(parent_surface_passes)); |
| |
| // Parent surface is only used to test if the transform is applied correctly |
| // to the child surface's damage. |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> parent_surface_frame_data( |
| new DelegatedFrameData); |
| parent_surface_pass_list.swap(parent_surface_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> parent_surface_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| parent_surface_frame->delegated_frame_data = |
| std::move(parent_surface_frame_data); |
| |
| SurfaceId parent_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(parent_surface_id); |
| Surface* parent_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(parent_surface_id); |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(parent_surface_id, |
| std::move(parent_surface_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| test::Quad root_surface_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(parent_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| test::Quad root_render_pass_quads[] = { |
| test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(RenderPassId(1, 1))}; |
| |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(root_surface_quads, arraysize(root_surface_quads), |
| RenderPassId(1, 1)), |
| test::Pass(root_render_pass_quads, arraysize(root_render_pass_quads), |
| RenderPassId(2, 1))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| root_pass_list[0] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(0, 10); |
| root_pass_list[0]->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(5, 5, 10, 10); |
| root_pass_list[1]->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(5, 5, 100, 100); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> root_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| root_pass_list.swap(root_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> root_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| root_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(root_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(root_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| // Damage rect for first aggregation should contain entire root surface. |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.Contains(gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()))); |
| |
| { |
| AddPasses(&child_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| child_passes, |
| arraysize(child_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* child_root_pass = child_pass_list[0].get(); |
| SharedQuadState* child_root_pass_sqs = |
| child_root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front(); |
| child_root_pass_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(8, 0); |
| child_root_pass->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(10, 10, 10, 10); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> child_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| child_pass_list.swap(child_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> child_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| child_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(child_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(child_surface_id, std::move(child_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| // Outer surface didn't change, so transformed inner damage rect should be |
| // used. |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(10, 20, 10, 10).ToString(), |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.ToString()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| root_pass_list[0] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(0, 10); |
| root_pass_list[0]->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> root_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| root_pass_list.swap(root_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> root_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| root_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(root_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(root_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), |
| root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| root_pass_list[0] |
| ->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(0, 10); |
| root_pass_list[0]->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(1, 1, 1, 1); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> root_frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| root_pass_list.swap(root_frame_data->render_pass_list); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> root_frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| root_frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(root_frame_data); |
| |
| factory_.SubmitCompositorFrame(root_surface_id_, std::move(root_frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| // The root surface was enqueued without being aggregated once, so it should |
| // be treated as completely damaged. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.Contains( |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()))); |
| } |
| |
| // No Surface changed, so no damage should be given. |
| { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.IsEmpty()); |
| } |
| |
| // SetFullDamageRectForSurface should cause the entire output to be |
| // marked as damaged. |
| { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| aggregator_.SetFullDamageForSurface(root_surface_id_); |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(parent_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.Contains( |
| gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()))); |
| } |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| class SurfaceAggregatorPartialSwapTest |
| : public SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest { |
| public: |
| SurfaceAggregatorPartialSwapTest() |
| : SurfaceAggregatorValidSurfaceTest(true) {} |
| }; |
| |
| // Tests that quads outside the damage rect are ignored. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorPartialSwapTest, IgnoreOutside) { |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id = allocator_.GenerateId(); |
| factory_.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| // The child surface has two quads, one with a visible rect of 13,13 4x4 and |
| // the other other with a visible rect of 10,10 2x2 (relative to root target |
| // space). |
| { |
| RenderPassId child_pass_id = RenderPassId(1, 1); |
| test::Quad child_quads1[] = {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id)}; |
| test::Quad child_quads2[] = {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id)}; |
| test::Pass child_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(child_quads1, arraysize(child_quads1), child_pass_id), |
| test::Pass(child_quads2, arraysize(child_quads2), child_pass_id)}; |
| |
| RenderPassList child_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&child_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), child_passes, |
| arraysize(child_passes)); |
| |
| child_pass_list[0]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2); |
| SharedQuadState* child_sqs = |
| child_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(0u); |
| child_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(1, 1); |
| child_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Scale(2, 2); |
| |
| child_pass_list[1]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2); |
| |
| SubmitPassListAsFrame(child_surface_id, &child_pass_list); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = {test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* root_pass = root_pass_list[0].get(); |
| root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(10, 10); |
| root_pass->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); |
| |
| SubmitPassListAsFrame(root_surface_id_, &root_pass_list); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| // Damage rect for first aggregation should contain entire root surface. |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 15, 15), aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.size()); |
| |
| // Create a root surface with a smaller damage rect. |
| { |
| test::Quad root_quads[] = {test::Quad::SurfaceQuad(child_surface_id, 1.f)}; |
| |
| test::Pass root_passes[] = {test::Pass(root_quads, arraysize(root_quads))}; |
| |
| RenderPassList root_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&root_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), root_passes, |
| arraysize(root_passes)); |
| |
| RenderPass* root_pass = root_pass_list[0].get(); |
| root_pass->shared_quad_state_list.front() |
| ->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(10, 10); |
| root_pass->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(10, 10, 2, 2); |
| SubmitPassListAsFrame(root_surface_id_, &root_pass_list); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(2u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| // Only first quad from surface is inside damage rect and should be |
| // included. |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(10, 10, 2, 2), aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect); |
| EXPECT_EQ(0u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2), |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.back()->visible_rect); |
| } |
| |
| // New child frame has same content and no damage, but has a |
| // CopyOutputRequest. |
| { |
| RenderPassId child_pass_id = RenderPassId(1, 1); |
| test::Quad child_quads1[] = {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id)}; |
| test::Quad child_quads2[] = {test::Quad::RenderPassQuad(child_pass_id)}; |
| test::Pass child_passes[] = { |
| test::Pass(child_quads1, arraysize(child_quads1), child_pass_id), |
| test::Pass(child_quads2, arraysize(child_quads2), child_pass_id)}; |
| |
| RenderPassList child_pass_list; |
| AddPasses(&child_pass_list, gfx::Rect(SurfaceSize()), child_passes, |
| arraysize(child_passes)); |
| |
| child_pass_list[0]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2); |
| SharedQuadState* child_sqs = |
| child_pass_list[0]->shared_quad_state_list.ElementAt(0u); |
| child_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Translate(1, 1); |
| child_sqs->quad_to_target_transform.Scale(2, 2); |
| |
| child_pass_list[1]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect = |
| gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2); |
| |
| RenderPass* child_root_pass = child_pass_list[1].get(); |
| |
| child_root_pass->copy_requests.push_back( |
| CopyOutputRequest::CreateEmptyRequest()); |
| child_root_pass->damage_rect = gfx::Rect(); |
| SubmitPassListAsFrame(child_surface_id, &child_pass_list); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| |
| // Output frame should have no damage, but all quads included. |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(aggregated_pass_list[1]->damage_rect.IsEmpty()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list.size()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(1, 1, 2, 2), |
| aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect); |
| EXPECT_EQ(gfx::Rect(0, 0, 2, 2), |
| aggregated_pass_list[1]->quad_list.ElementAt(0)->visible_rect); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> aggregated_frame = |
| aggregator_.Aggregate(root_surface_id_); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface_)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data); |
| |
| DelegatedFrameData* frame_data = |
| aggregated_frame->delegated_frame_data.get(); |
| |
| const RenderPassList& aggregated_pass_list = frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| // There were no changes since last aggregation, so output should be empty |
| // and have no damage. |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, aggregated_pass_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(aggregated_pass_list[0]->damage_rect.IsEmpty()); |
| ASSERT_EQ(0u, aggregated_pass_list[0]->quad_list.size()); |
| } |
| |
| factory_.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| class SurfaceAggregatorWithResourcesTest : public testing::Test { |
| public: |
| void SetUp() override { |
| output_surface_ = FakeOutputSurface::CreateSoftware( |
| make_scoped_ptr(new SoftwareOutputDevice)); |
| output_surface_->BindToClient(&output_surface_client_); |
| shared_bitmap_manager_.reset(new TestSharedBitmapManager); |
| |
| resource_provider_ = FakeResourceProvider::Create( |
| output_surface_.get(), shared_bitmap_manager_.get()); |
| |
| aggregator_.reset(new SurfaceAggregator(&surface_aggregator_client_, |
| &manager_, resource_provider_.get(), |
| false)); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| SurfaceManager manager_; |
| FakeOutputSurfaceClient output_surface_client_; |
| scoped_ptr<OutputSurface> output_surface_; |
| scoped_ptr<SharedBitmapManager> shared_bitmap_manager_; |
| scoped_ptr<ResourceProvider> resource_provider_; |
| scoped_ptr<SurfaceAggregator> aggregator_; |
| FakeSurfaceAggregatorClient surface_aggregator_client_; |
| }; |
| |
| class ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient : public SurfaceFactoryClient { |
| public: |
| ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient() {} |
| ~ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient() override {} |
| |
| void ReturnResources(const ReturnedResourceArray& resources) override { |
| returned_resources_ = resources; |
| } |
| |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_resources() const { |
| return returned_resources_; |
| } |
| |
| void SetBeginFrameSource(SurfaceId surface_id, |
| BeginFrameSource* begin_frame_source) override {} |
| |
| private: |
| ReturnedResourceArray returned_resources_; |
| |
| DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient); |
| }; |
| |
| void SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ResourceId* resource_ids, |
| size_t num_resource_ids, |
| bool valid, |
| SurfaceId child_id, |
| SurfaceFactory* factory, |
| SurfaceId surface_id) { |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| pass->id = RenderPassId(1, 1); |
| SharedQuadState* sqs = pass->CreateAndAppendSharedQuadState(); |
| sqs->opacity = 1.f; |
| if (!child_id.is_null()) { |
| SurfaceDrawQuad* surface_quad = |
| pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<SurfaceDrawQuad>(); |
| surface_quad->SetNew(sqs, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), gfx::Rect(0, 0, 1, 1), |
| child_id); |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t i = 0u; i < num_resource_ids; ++i) { |
| TransferableResource resource; |
| resource.id = resource_ids[i]; |
| // ResourceProvider is software, so only software resources are valid. |
| resource.is_software = valid; |
| frame_data->resource_list.push_back(resource); |
| TextureDrawQuad* quad = pass->CreateAndAppendDrawQuad<TextureDrawQuad>(); |
| const gfx::Rect rect; |
| const gfx::Rect opaque_rect; |
| const gfx::Rect visible_rect; |
| bool needs_blending = false; |
| bool premultiplied_alpha = false; |
| const gfx::PointF uv_top_left; |
| const gfx::PointF uv_bottom_right; |
| SkColor background_color = SK_ColorGREEN; |
| const float vertex_opacity[4] = {0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f}; |
| bool flipped = false; |
| bool nearest_neighbor = false; |
| quad->SetAll(sqs, rect, opaque_rect, visible_rect, needs_blending, |
| resource_ids[i], gfx::Size(), premultiplied_alpha, uv_top_left, |
| uv_bottom_right, background_color, vertex_opacity, flipped, |
| nearest_neighbor); |
| } |
| frame_data->render_pass_list.push_back(std::move(pass)); |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| factory->SubmitCompositorFrame(surface_id, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorWithResourcesTest, TakeResourcesOneSurface) { |
| ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient client; |
| SurfaceFactory factory(&manager_, &client); |
| SurfaceId surface_id(7u); |
| factory.Create(surface_id); |
| Surface* surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(surface_id); |
| |
| ResourceId ids[] = {11, 12, 13}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids, arraysize(ids), true, SurfaceId(), |
| &factory, surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| // Nothing should be available to be returned yet. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client.returned_resources().empty()); |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(NULL, 0u, true, SurfaceId(), &factory, |
| surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, client.returned_resources().size()); |
| ResourceId returned_ids[3]; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
| returned_ids[i] = client.returned_resources()[i].id; |
| } |
| EXPECT_THAT(returned_ids, |
| testing::WhenSorted(testing::ElementsAreArray(ids))); |
| factory.Destroy(surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorWithResourcesTest, TakeInvalidResources) { |
| ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient client; |
| SurfaceFactory factory(&manager_, &client); |
| SurfaceId surface_id(7u); |
| factory.Create(surface_id); |
| Surface* surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(surface_id); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<DelegatedFrameData> frame_data(new DelegatedFrameData); |
| scoped_ptr<RenderPass> pass = RenderPass::Create(); |
| pass->id = RenderPassId(1, 1); |
| TransferableResource resource; |
| resource.id = 11; |
| // ResourceProvider is software but resource is not, so it should be |
| // ignored. |
| resource.is_software = false; |
| frame_data->resource_list.push_back(resource); |
| frame_data->render_pass_list.push_back(std::move(pass)); |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame(new CompositorFrame); |
| frame->delegated_frame_data = std::move(frame_data); |
| factory.SubmitCompositorFrame(surface_id, std::move(frame), |
| SurfaceFactory::DrawCallback()); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> returned_frame = |
| aggregator_->Aggregate(surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface)); |
| |
| // Nothing should be available to be returned yet. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client.returned_resources().empty()); |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(NULL, 0, true, SurfaceId(), &factory, |
| surface_id); |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, client.returned_resources().size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(11u, client.returned_resources()[0].id); |
| |
| factory.Destroy(surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorWithResourcesTest, TwoSurfaces) { |
| ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient client; |
| SurfaceFactory factory(&manager_, &client); |
| SurfaceId surface1_id(7u); |
| factory.Create(surface1_id); |
| Surface* surface1 = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(surface1_id); |
| |
| SurfaceId surface2_id(8u); |
| factory.Create(surface2_id); |
| Surface* surface2 = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(surface2_id); |
| |
| ResourceId ids[] = {11, 12, 13}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids, arraysize(ids), true, SurfaceId(), |
| &factory, surface1_id); |
| ResourceId ids2[] = {14, 15, 16}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids2, arraysize(ids2), true, SurfaceId(), |
| &factory, surface2_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface2)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(surface1_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface2)); |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(NULL, 0, true, SurfaceId(), &factory, |
| surface1_id); |
| |
| // Nothing should be available to be returned yet. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(client.returned_resources().empty()); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface1)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface2)); |
| |
| frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(surface2_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface1)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(surface2)); |
| |
| // surface1_id wasn't referenced, so its resources should be returned. |
| ASSERT_EQ(3u, client.returned_resources().size()); |
| ResourceId returned_ids[3]; |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
| returned_ids[i] = client.returned_resources()[i].id; |
| } |
| EXPECT_THAT(returned_ids, |
| testing::WhenSorted(testing::ElementsAreArray(ids))); |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, resource_provider_->num_resources()); |
| factory.Destroy(surface1_id); |
| factory.Destroy(surface2_id); |
| } |
| |
| // Ensure that aggregator completely ignores Surfaces that reference invalid |
| // resources. |
| TEST_F(SurfaceAggregatorWithResourcesTest, InvalidChildSurface) { |
| ResourceTrackingSurfaceFactoryClient client; |
| SurfaceFactory factory(&manager_, &client); |
| SurfaceId root_surface_id(7u); |
| factory.Create(root_surface_id); |
| Surface* root_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(root_surface_id); |
| SurfaceId middle_surface_id(8u); |
| factory.Create(middle_surface_id); |
| Surface* middle_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(middle_surface_id); |
| SurfaceId child_surface_id(9u); |
| factory.Create(child_surface_id); |
| Surface* child_surface = manager_.GetSurfaceForId(child_surface_id); |
| |
| ResourceId ids[] = {14, 15, 16}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids, arraysize(ids), true, SurfaceId(), |
| &factory, child_surface_id); |
| |
| ResourceId ids2[] = {17, 18, 19}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids2, arraysize(ids2), false, |
| child_surface_id, &factory, |
| middle_surface_id); |
| |
| ResourceId ids3[] = {20, 21, 22}; |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids3, arraysize(ids3), true, |
| middle_surface_id, &factory, |
| root_surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<CompositorFrame> frame; |
| frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(root_surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| RenderPassList* pass_list = &frame->delegated_frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, pass_list->size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, pass_list->back()->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, pass_list->back()->quad_list.size()); |
| |
| SubmitCompositorFrameWithResources(ids2, arraysize(ids), true, |
| child_surface_id, &factory, |
| middle_surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| frame = aggregator_->Aggregate(root_surface_id); |
| |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(root_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(middle_surface)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(surface_aggregator_client_.HasSurface(child_surface)); |
| |
| pass_list = &frame->delegated_frame_data->render_pass_list; |
| ASSERT_EQ(1u, pass_list->size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, pass_list->back()->shared_quad_state_list.size()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(9u, pass_list->back()->quad_list.size()); |
| |
| factory.Destroy(root_surface_id); |
| factory.Destroy(child_surface_id); |
| factory.Destroy(middle_surface_id); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| } // namespace cc |
| |