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<!doctype html>
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
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<script src="resources/audio-testing.js"></script>
description('Test event handler callback from OfflineAudioContext.resume() and OfflineAudioContext.suspend().');
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
var context;
var renderQuantum = 128;
// The sample rate is multiple of the rendering quantum, so suspension
// times in the test will fall on the render quantum boundary. Although
// this is not necessary, it is easier to understand the test.
var sampleRate = renderQuantum * 100;
var renderDuration = 2;
var scheduledSuspendTime = 0;
// With the sample rate setting above, this ensures suspension time fall
// in to the render quantum boundary.
var suspendInterval = 0.25;
function runTest() {
context = new OfflineAudioContext(1, sampleRate * renderDuration, sampleRate);
context.onstatechange = function () {
if (context.state === 'suspended' && context.currentTime === scheduledSuspendTime) {
testPassed('onstatechange event handler: context is suspended at ' +
scheduledSuspendTime + ' second(s).');
scheduledSuspendTime = context.currentTime + suspendInterval;
// Scheduling a suspend before the render duration should pass.
if (scheduledSuspendTime < renderDuration) {
testPassed('A new suspend has been scheduled at ' +
scheduledSuspendTime + ' second(s).');
// Scheduling a suspend exactly at the render duration should be
// rejected.
if (scheduledSuspendTime === renderDuration) {
Should('Scheduling at ' + renderDuration + ' seconds',
// This test is for verifying all the event handlers on OAC and that is
// why 'oncomplete' is used here.
context.oncomplete = function () {
Should('oncomplete event handler: context.state', context.state).beEqualTo('closed');
// Schedule the first suspension.
testPassed('A new suspend has been scheduled at ' + scheduledSuspendTime + ' second(s).');
successfullyParsed = true;