blob: 18ad52a9b022cdd1a7e87db647a985570da7a5c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "components/sync/base/cancelation_observer.h"
#include "components/sync/base/cryptographer.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/base/passphrase_enums.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/commit_queue.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/sync_encryption_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/commit_contributor.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/cycle/data_type_debug_info_emitter.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/nudge_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/update_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/model_type_state.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
namespace syncer {
class CancelationSignal;
class ModelTypeProcessor;
class WorkerEntityTracker;
// A smart cache for sync types that use message passing (rather than
// transactions and the syncable::Directory) to communicate with the sync
// thread.
// When the non-blocking sync type wants to talk with the sync server, it will
// send a message from its thread to this object on the sync thread. This
// object ensures the appropriate sync server communication gets scheduled and
// executed. The response, if any, will be returned to the non-blocking sync
// type's thread eventually.
// This object also has a role to play in communications in the opposite
// direction. Sometimes the sync thread will receive changes from the sync
// server and deliver them here. This object will post this information back to
// the appropriate component on the model type's thread.
// This object does more than just pass along messages. It understands the sync
// protocol, and it can make decisions when it sees conflicting messages. For
// example, if the sync server sends down an update for a sync entity that is
// currently pending for commit, this object will detect this condition and
// cancel the pending commit.
class ModelTypeWorker : public UpdateHandler,
public CommitContributor,
public CommitQueue {
// Public for testing.
ModelTypeWorker(ModelType type,
const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& initial_state,
bool trigger_initial_sync,
std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer> cryptographer,
PassphraseType passphrase_type,
NudgeHandler* nudge_handler,
std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeProcessor> model_type_processor,
DataTypeDebugInfoEmitter* debug_info_emitter,
CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal);
~ModelTypeWorker() override;
// Public for testing.
// |cryptographer| can be null.
// |response_data| must be not null.
static DecryptionStatus PopulateUpdateResponseData(
const Cryptographer* cryptographer,
const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update_entity,
UpdateResponseData* response_data);
ModelType GetModelType() const;
void UpdateCryptographer(std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer> cryptographer);
void UpdatePassphraseType(PassphraseType type);
// UpdateHandler implementation.
bool IsInitialSyncEnded() const override;
void GetDownloadProgress(
sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker* progress_marker) const override;
void GetDataTypeContext(sync_pb::DataTypeContext* context) const override;
SyncerError ProcessGetUpdatesResponse(
const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress_marker,
const sync_pb::DataTypeContext& mutated_context,
const SyncEntityList& applicable_updates,
StatusController* status) override;
void ApplyUpdates(StatusController* status) override;
void PassiveApplyUpdates(StatusController* status) override;
// CommitQueue implementation.
void NudgeForCommit() override;
// CommitContributor implementation.
std::unique_ptr<CommitContribution> GetContribution(
size_t max_entries) override;
// Extended overload of ProcessGetUpdatesResponse() that allows specifying
// whether the updates are coming from the USS migrator, which influences how
// UMA metrics are logged.
SyncerError ProcessGetUpdatesResponse(
const sync_pb::DataTypeProgressMarker& progress_marker,
const sync_pb::DataTypeContext& mutated_context,
const SyncEntityList& applicable_updates,
bool from_uss_migrator,
StatusController* status);
bool HasLocalChangesForTest() const;
// An alternative way to drive sending data to the processor, that should be
// called when a new encryption mechanism is ready.
void EncryptionAcceptedMaybeApplyUpdates();
// Callback for when our contribution gets a response.
void OnCommitResponse(CommitResponseDataList* response_list);
// If migration the directory encounters an error partway through, we need to
// clear the update data that has been added so far.
void AbortMigration();
// Returns the estimate of dynamically allocated memory in bytes.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
base::WeakPtr<ModelTypeWorker> AsWeakPtr();
// Attempts to decrypt the given specifics and return them in the |out|
// parameter. The cryptographer must know the decryption key, i.e.
// cryptographer.CanDecrypt(specifics.encrypted()) must return true.
// Returns false if the decryption failed. There are no guarantees about the
// contents of |out| when that happens.
// In theory, this should never fail. Only corrupt or invalid entries could
// cause this to fail, and no clients are known to create such entries. The
// failure case is an attempt to be defensive against bad input.
static bool DecryptSpecifics(const Cryptographer& cryptographer,
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& in,
sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* out);
// Attempts to decrypt the given password specifics and return them in the
// |out| parameter. The cryptographer must know the decryption key, i.e.
// cryptographer.CanDecrypt(in.password().encrypted()) must return true.
// Returns false if the decryption failed. There are no guarantees about the
// contents of |out| when that happens.
// In theory, this should never fail. Only corrupt or invalid entries could
// cause this to fail, and no clients are known to create such entries. The
// failure case is an attempt to be defensive against bad input.
static bool DecryptPasswordSpecifics(const Cryptographer& cryptographer,
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& in,
sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* out);
// Helper function to actually send |pending_updates_| to the processor.
void ApplyPendingUpdates();
// Returns true if this type has successfully fetched all available updates
// from the server at least once. Our state may or may not be stale, but at
// least we know that it was valid at some point in the past.
bool IsTypeInitialized() const;
// Returns true if this type is prepared to commit items. Currently, this
// depends on having downloaded the initial data and having the encryption
// settings in a good state.
bool CanCommitItems() const;
// Returns true if this type should stop communicating because of outstanding
// encryption issues and must wait for keys to be updated.
bool BlockForEncryption() const;
// Updates the encryption key name stored in |model_type_state_| if it differs
// from the default encryption key name in |cryptographer_|. Returns whether
// an update occurred.
bool UpdateEncryptionKeyName();
// Iterates through all elements in |entries_pending_decryption_| and tries to
// decrypt anything that has encrypted data.
// Should only be called during a GetUpdates cycle.
void DecryptStoredEntities();
// Returns the entity tracker for the given |tag_hash|, or nullptr.
WorkerEntityTracker* GetEntityTracker(const std::string& tag_hash);
// Creates an entity tracker in the map using the given |data| and returns a
// pointer to it. Requires that one doesn't exist for data.client_tag_hash.
WorkerEntityTracker* CreateEntityTracker(const std::string& tag_hash);
// Gets the entity tracker for |data| or creates one if it doesn't exist.
WorkerEntityTracker* GetOrCreateEntityTracker(const std::string& tag_hash);
// Nudges nudge_handler_ when initial sync is done, processor has local
// changes and either encryption is disabled for the type or cryptographer is
// ready (doesn't have pending keys).
void NudgeIfReadyToCommit();
// Filters our duplicate updates from |pending_updates_| based on the server
// id. It discards all of them except the last one.
void DeduplicatePendingUpdatesBasedOnServerId();
// Filters our duplicate updates from |pending_updates_| based on the client
// tag hash. It discards all of them except the last one.
void DeduplicatePendingUpdatesBasedOnClientTagHash();
ModelType type_;
DataTypeDebugInfoEmitter* debug_info_emitter_;
// State that applies to the entire model type.
sync_pb::ModelTypeState model_type_state_;
// Pointer to the ModelTypeProcessor associated with this worker. Never null.
std::unique_ptr<ModelTypeProcessor> model_type_processor_;
// A private copy of the most recent cryptographer known to sync.
// Initialized at construction time and updated with UpdateCryptographer().
// null if encryption is not enabled for this type.
std::unique_ptr<Cryptographer> cryptographer_;
// A private copy of the most recent passphrase type. Initialized at
// construction time and updated with UpdatePassphraseType().
PassphraseType passphrase_type_;
// Interface used to access and send nudges to the sync scheduler. Not owned.
NudgeHandler* nudge_handler_;
// A map of update responses, keyed by server_id.
// Holds updates encrypted with pending keys.
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<UpdateResponseData>>
// Accumulates all the updates from a single GetUpdates cycle in memory so
// they can all be sent to the processor at once.
UpdateResponseDataList pending_updates_;
// Indicates if processor has local changes. Processor only nudges worker once
// and worker might not be ready to commit entities at the time.
bool has_local_changes_ = false;
// Cancellation signal is used to cancel blocking operation on engine
// shutdown.
CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<ModelTypeWorker> weak_ptr_factory_;
// GetLocalChangesRequest is a container for GetLocalChanges call response. It
// allows sync thread to block waiting for model thread to call SetResponse.
// This class supports canceling blocking call through CancelationSignal during
// sync engine shutdown.
// It should be used in the following manner:
// scoped_refptr<GetLocalChangesRequest> request =
// base::MakeRefCounted<GetLocalChangesRequest>(cancelation_signal_);
// model_type_processor_->GetLocalChanges(
// max_entries,
// base::Bind(&GetLocalChangesRequest::SetResponse, request));
// request->WaitForResponse();
// CommitRequestDataList response;
// if (!request->WasCancelled())
// response = request->ExtractResponse();
class GetLocalChangesRequest
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GetLocalChangesRequest>,
public CancelationObserver {
explicit GetLocalChangesRequest(CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal);
// CancelationObserver implementation.
void OnSignalReceived() override;
// Blocks current thread until either SetResponse is called or
// cancelation_signal_ is signaled.
void WaitForResponse();
// SetResponse takes ownership of |local_changes| and unblocks WaitForResponse
// call. It is called by model type through callback passed to
// GetLocalChanges.
void SetResponse(CommitRequestDataList&& local_changes);
// Checks if WaitForResponse was canceled through CancelationSignal. When
// returns true calling ExtractResponse is unsafe.
bool WasCancelled();
// Returns response set by SetResponse().
CommitRequestDataList&& ExtractResponse();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GetLocalChangesRequest>;
~GetLocalChangesRequest() override;
CancelationSignal* cancelation_signal_;
base::WaitableEvent response_accepted_;
CommitRequestDataList response_;
} // namespace syncer