blob: e71fd30356839f8c7adc0482cdfb50d8d6626e88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/object_paint_properties.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/paint/ref_counted_property_tree_state.h"
namespace blink {
class PaintLayer;
// Represents the data for a particular fragment of a LayoutObject.
// Only LayoutObjects with a self-painting PaintLayer may have more than one
// FragmentData, and even then only when they are inside of multicol.
// See
class CORE_EXPORT FragmentData {
FragmentData* NextFragment() const { return next_fragment_.get(); }
FragmentData& EnsureNextFragment();
void ClearNextFragment() { DestroyTail(); }
// Visual offset of this fragment's top-left position from the
// "paint offset root" which is the containing root PaintLayer of the root
// LocalFrameView, or PaintLayer with a transform, whichever is nearer along
// the containing block chain.
LayoutPoint PaintOffset() const { return paint_offset_; }
void SetPaintOffset(const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
paint_offset_ = paint_offset;
// The visual rect computed by the latest paint invalidation.
// This rect does *not* account for composited scrolling. See LayoutObject::
// AdjustVisualRectForCompositedScrolling().
// It's location may be different from PaintOffset when there is visual (ink)
// overflow to the top and/or the left.
LayoutRect VisualRect() const { return visual_rect_; }
void SetVisualRect(const LayoutRect& rect) { visual_rect_ = rect; }
// An id for this object that is unique for the lifetime of the WebView.
UniqueObjectId UniqueId() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->unique_id : 0;
// The PaintLayer associated with this LayoutBoxModelObject. This can be null
// depending on the return value of LayoutBoxModelObject::LayerTypeRequired().
PaintLayer* Layer() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->layer.get() : nullptr;
void SetLayer(std::unique_ptr<PaintLayer>);
// Visual rect of the selection on this object, in the same coordinate space
// as DisplayItemClient::VisualRect().
LayoutRect SelectionVisualRect() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->selection_visual_rect : LayoutRect();
void SetSelectionVisualRect(const LayoutRect& r) {
if (rare_data_ || !r.IsEmpty())
EnsureRareData().selection_visual_rect = r;
// Covers the sub-rectangles of the object that need to be re-rastered, in the
// object's local coordinate space. During PrePaint, the rect mapped into
// visual rect space will be added into PartialInvalidationVisualRect(), and
// cleared.
LayoutRect PartialInvalidationLocalRect() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->partial_invalidation_local_rect
: LayoutRect();
// LayoutObject::InvalidatePaintRectangle() calls this method to accumulate
// the sub-rectangles needing re-rasterization.
void SetPartialInvalidationLocalRect(const LayoutRect& r) {
if (rare_data_ || !r.IsEmpty())
EnsureRareData().partial_invalidation_local_rect = r;
// Covers the sub-rectangles of the object that need to be re-rastered, in
// visual rect space (see VisualRect()). It will be cleared after the raster
// invalidation is issued after paint.
LayoutRect PartialInvalidationVisualRect() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->partial_invalidation_visual_rect
: LayoutRect();
void SetPartialInvalidationVisualRect(const LayoutRect& r) {
if (rare_data_ || !r.IsEmpty())
EnsureRareData().partial_invalidation_visual_rect = r;
LayoutUnit LogicalTopInFlowThread() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->logical_top_in_flow_thread : LayoutUnit();
void SetLogicalTopInFlowThread(LayoutUnit top) {
if (rare_data_ || top)
EnsureRareData().logical_top_in_flow_thread = top;
// The pagination offset is the additional factor to add in to map
// from flow thread coordinates relative to the enclosing pagination
// layer, to visual coordiantes relative to that pagination layer.
LayoutPoint PaginationOffset() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->pagination_offset : LayoutPoint();
void SetPaginationOffset(const LayoutPoint& pagination_offset) {
if (rare_data_ || pagination_offset != LayoutPoint())
EnsureRareData().pagination_offset = pagination_offset;
bool IsClipPathCacheValid() const {
return rare_data_ && rare_data_->is_clip_path_cache_valid;
void InvalidateClipPathCache();
base::Optional<IntRect> ClipPathBoundingBox() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->clip_path_bounding_box : base::nullopt;
const RefCountedPath* ClipPathPath() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->clip_path_path.get() : nullptr;
void SetClipPathCache(const base::Optional<IntRect>& bounding_box,
scoped_refptr<const RefCountedPath>);
// Holds references to the paint property nodes created by this object.
const ObjectPaintProperties* PaintProperties() const {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->paint_properties.get() : nullptr;
ObjectPaintProperties* PaintProperties() {
return rare_data_ ? rare_data_->paint_properties.get() : nullptr;
ObjectPaintProperties& EnsurePaintProperties() {
if (!rare_data_->paint_properties)
rare_data_->paint_properties = ObjectPaintProperties::Create();
return *rare_data_->paint_properties;
void ClearPaintProperties() {
if (rare_data_)
rare_data_->paint_properties = nullptr;
void EnsureIdForTesting() { EnsureRareData(); }
// This is a complete set of property nodes that should be used as a
// starting point to paint a LayoutObject. This data is cached because some
// properties inherit from the containing block chain instead of the
// painting parent and cannot be derived in O(1) during the paint walk.
// LocalBorderBoxProperties() includes fragment clip.
// For example: <div style='opacity: 0.3;'/>
// The div's local border box properties would have an opacity 0.3 effect
// node. Even though the div has no transform, its local border box
// properties would have a transform node that points to the div's
// ancestor transform space.
PropertyTreeState LocalBorderBoxProperties() const {
return rare_data_->local_border_box_properties->GetPropertyTreeState();
bool HasLocalBorderBoxProperties() const {
return rare_data_ && rare_data_->local_border_box_properties;
void ClearLocalBorderBoxProperties() {
if (rare_data_)
rare_data_->local_border_box_properties = nullptr;
void SetLocalBorderBoxProperties(const PropertyTreeState& state) {
if (!rare_data_->local_border_box_properties) {
rare_data_->local_border_box_properties =
} else {
*rare_data_->local_border_box_properties = state;
// This is the complete set of property nodes that is inherited
// from the ancestor before applying any local CSS properties,
// but includes paint offset transform.
PropertyTreeState PreEffectProperties() const {
return PropertyTreeState(PreTransform(), PreClip(), PreEffect());
// This is the complete set of property nodes that can be used to
// paint the contents of this fragment. It is similar to
// |local_border_box_properties_| but includes properties (e.g.,
// overflow clip, scroll translation) that apply to contents.
PropertyTreeState ContentsProperties() const {
return PropertyTreeState(PostScrollTranslation(), PostOverflowClip(),
// This is the complete set of property nodes that can be used to
// paint mask-based clip-path.
PropertyTreeState ClipPathProperties() const {
const auto* properties = rare_data_->paint_properties.get();
return PropertyTreeState(properties->MaskClip()->LocalTransformSpace(),
properties->MaskClip(), properties->ClipPath());
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* PreTransform() const;
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* PostScrollTranslation() const;
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* PreClip() const;
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* PostOverflowClip() const;
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* PreEffect() const;
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* PreFilter() const;
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* PostIsolationEffect() const;
// Map a rect from |this|'s local border box space to |fragment|'s local
// border box space. Both fragments must have local border box properties.
void MapRectToFragment(const FragmentData& fragment, IntRect&) const;
void MapRectToFragment(const FragmentData& fragment, LayoutRect&) const;
~FragmentData() {
if (next_fragment_)
friend class FragmentDataTest;
void DestroyTail();
// Contains rare data that that is not needed on all fragments.
struct CORE_EXPORT RareData {
// The following data fields are not fragment specific. Placed here just to
// avoid separate data structure for them.
std::unique_ptr<PaintLayer> layer;
UniqueObjectId unique_id;
LayoutRect selection_visual_rect;
LayoutRect partial_invalidation_local_rect;
LayoutRect partial_invalidation_visual_rect;
// Fragment specific data.
LayoutPoint pagination_offset;
LayoutUnit logical_top_in_flow_thread;
std::unique_ptr<ObjectPaintProperties> paint_properties;
std::unique_ptr<RefCountedPropertyTreeState> local_border_box_properties;
bool is_clip_path_cache_valid = false;
base::Optional<IntRect> clip_path_bounding_box;
scoped_refptr<const RefCountedPath> clip_path_path;
RareData& EnsureRareData();
LayoutRect visual_rect_;
LayoutPoint paint_offset_;
std::unique_ptr<RareData> rare_data_;
std::unique_ptr<FragmentData> next_fragment_;
} // namespace blink