blob: e5a387a63c9cb21baeb719668eabceed3e8e0967 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <iosfwd>
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/assertions.h"
namespace blink {
class StyleDifference {
enum PropertyDifference {
kTransformChanged = 1 << 0,
kOpacityChanged = 1 << 1,
kZIndexChanged = 1 << 2,
kFilterChanged = 1 << 3,
kBackdropFilterChanged = 1 << 4,
kCSSClipChanged = 1 << 5,
// The object needs to issue paint invalidations if it is affected by text
// decorations or properties dependent on color (e.g., border or outline).
kTextDecorationOrColorChanged = 1 << 6,
kBlendModeChanged = 1 << 7,
kMaskChanged = 1 << 8,
// Whether background-color changed alpha to or from 1.
kHasAlphaChanged = 1 << 9,
// If you add a value here, be sure to update kPropertyDifferenceCount.
: paint_invalidation_type_(kNoPaintInvalidation),
composited_reasons_changed_(false) {}
bool HasDifference() const {
return paint_invalidation_type_ || layout_type_ ||
property_specific_differences_ || recompute_overflow_ ||
visual_rect_update_ || scroll_anchor_disabling_property_changed_ ||
bool HasAtMostPropertySpecificDifferences(
unsigned property_differences) const {
return !paint_invalidation_type_ && !layout_type_ &&
!(property_specific_differences_ & ~property_differences);
bool NeedsFullPaintInvalidation() const {
return paint_invalidation_type_ != kNoPaintInvalidation;
// The object just needs to issue paint invalidations.
bool NeedsPaintInvalidationObject() const {
return paint_invalidation_type_ == kPaintInvalidationObject;
void SetNeedsPaintInvalidationObject() {
paint_invalidation_type_ = kPaintInvalidationObject;
// The object and its descendants need to issue paint invalidations.
bool NeedsPaintInvalidationSubtree() const {
return paint_invalidation_type_ == kPaintInvalidationSubtree;
void SetNeedsPaintInvalidationSubtree() {
paint_invalidation_type_ = kPaintInvalidationSubtree;
bool NeedsLayout() const { return layout_type_ != kNoLayout; }
void ClearNeedsLayout() { layout_type_ = kNoLayout; }
// The offset of this positioned object has been updated.
bool NeedsPositionedMovementLayout() const {
return layout_type_ == kPositionedMovement;
void SetNeedsPositionedMovementLayout() {
layout_type_ = kPositionedMovement;
bool NeedsFullLayout() const { return layout_type_ == kFullLayout; }
void SetNeedsFullLayout() { layout_type_ = kFullLayout; }
bool NeedsRecomputeOverflow() const { return recompute_overflow_; }
void SetNeedsRecomputeOverflow() { recompute_overflow_ = true; }
bool NeedsVisualRectUpdate() const { return visual_rect_update_; }
void SetNeedsVisualRectUpdate() { visual_rect_update_ = true; }
bool TransformChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kTransformChanged;
void SetTransformChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kTransformChanged;
bool OpacityChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kOpacityChanged;
void SetOpacityChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kOpacityChanged;
bool ZIndexChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kZIndexChanged;
void SetZIndexChanged() { property_specific_differences_ |= kZIndexChanged; }
bool FilterChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kFilterChanged;
void SetFilterChanged() { property_specific_differences_ |= kFilterChanged; }
bool BackdropFilterChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kBackdropFilterChanged;
void SetBackdropFilterChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kBackdropFilterChanged;
bool CssClipChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kCSSClipChanged;
void SetCSSClipChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kCSSClipChanged;
bool BlendModeChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kBlendModeChanged;
void SetBlendModeChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kBlendModeChanged;
bool TextDecorationOrColorChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kTextDecorationOrColorChanged;
void SetTextDecorationOrColorChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kTextDecorationOrColorChanged;
bool MaskChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kMaskChanged;
void SetMaskChanged() { property_specific_differences_ |= kMaskChanged; }
bool HasAlphaChanged() const {
return property_specific_differences_ & kHasAlphaChanged;
void SetHasAlphaChanged() {
property_specific_differences_ |= kHasAlphaChanged;
bool ScrollAnchorDisablingPropertyChanged() const {
return scroll_anchor_disabling_property_changed_;
void SetScrollAnchorDisablingPropertyChanged() {
scroll_anchor_disabling_property_changed_ = true;
bool CompositingReasonsChanged() const { return composited_reasons_changed_; }
void SetCompositingReasonsChanged() { composited_reasons_changed_ = true; }
static constexpr int kPropertyDifferenceCount = 10;
friend CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&,
const StyleDifference&);
enum PaintInvalidationType {
unsigned paint_invalidation_type_ : 2;
enum LayoutType { kNoLayout = 0, kPositionedMovement, kFullLayout };
unsigned layout_type_ : 2;
unsigned recompute_overflow_ : 1;
unsigned visual_rect_update_ : 1;
unsigned property_specific_differences_ : kPropertyDifferenceCount;
unsigned scroll_anchor_disabling_property_changed_ : 1;
unsigned composited_reasons_changed_ : 1;
CORE_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const StyleDifference&);
} // namespace blink