blob: 83178b99c530557664b491d4ed64e4387bc4f95a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module new_tab_page.mojom;
import "chrome/common/search/omnibox.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/text_direction.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "skia/public/mojom/skcolor.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
struct OneGoogleBarParts {
string bar_html;
string in_head_script;
string in_head_style;
string after_bar_script;
string end_of_body_html;
string end_of_body_script;
struct MostVisitedTile {
string title;
mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection title_direction;
url.mojom.Url url;
bool is_query_tile;
// ======= METRICS =======
// Identifier of most visited entry source (e.g. top sites).
int32 source;
// Identifier of most visited entry title source (e.g. page's title tag).
int32 title_source;
// Time the most visited entry was generated (e.g. received by a suggestion
// server).
mojo_base.mojom.Time data_generation_time;
struct MostVisitedInfo {
bool custom_links_enabled;
bool visible;
array<MostVisitedTile> tiles;
// A collection of background images.
struct BackgroundCollection {
// Collection identifier.
string id;
// Localized string of the collection name.
string label;
// URL to a preview image for the collection. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// A background image in a collection.
struct CollectionImage {
// Human readable attributions of the background image.
string attribution_1;
string attribution_2;
// URL associated with the background image. Used for href.
url.mojom.Url attribution_url;
// URL of image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url image_url;
// URL to a preview of the image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url preview_image_url;
// Theme settings for the NTP realbox.
struct SearchBoxTheme {
skia.mojom.SkColor bg;
skia.mojom.SkColor icon;
skia.mojom.SkColor icon_selected;
skia.mojom.SkColor placeholder;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_bg;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_bg_hovered;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_bg_selected;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_dim;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_dim_selected;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_text;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_text_selected;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_url;
skia.mojom.SkColor results_url_selected;
skia.mojom.SkColor text;
// The background image URL and styling.
struct BackgroundImage {
// URL to the background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url url;
// URL to a higher res background image. Can point to untrusted content.
url.mojom.Url? url_2x;
// URL to a logo of the theme. Has chrome:// scheme.
url.mojom.Url? attribution_url;
// CSS styling properties set on the background image.
string? size;
string? repeat_x;
string? repeat_y;
string? position_x;
string? position_y;
// A generic theme.
struct Theme {
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
skia.mojom.SkColor shortcut_background_color;
skia.mojom.SkColor shortcut_text_color;
// True if |shortcut_background_color| is dark.
bool shortcut_use_white_add_icon;
// True if the shortcuts titles should be wrapped in a pill.
bool shortcut_use_title_pill;
// True if the theme is default.
bool is_default;
// True if the theme is dark (e.g. NTP background color is dark).
bool is_dark;
// Color of Google logo. If not set show the logo multi-colored.
skia.mojom.SkColor? logo_color;
// Selected collection for daily refresh.
string? daily_refresh_collection_id;
// The background image.
BackgroundImage? background_image;
// Human readable attributions of the background image.
string? background_image_attribution_1;
string? background_image_attribution_2;
// URL associated with the background image. Used for href.
url.mojom.Url? background_image_attribution_url;
// Theme settings for the NTP realbox. Matching those of the Omnibox.
SearchBoxTheme search_box;
// Specifies look of the doodle share button.
struct DoodleShareButton {
// Position in pixels relative to the doodle's upper left corner.
int32 x;
int32 y;
// Button background color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// Data URL of icon shown on the button.
url.mojom.Url icon_url;
// Type of image of an image doodle. Used for metrics logging only.
enum DoodleImageType {
// Animation of an animated doodle.
// Static preview image of an animated doodle.
// Image of a static doodle.
// A simple or animated doodle in either dark or light mode.
struct ImageDoodle {
// Doodle image encoded as data URL.
url.mojom.Url image_url;
// URL pointing to animated content (e.g. gif). Only set for animated doodles.
url.mojom.Url? animation_url;
// Dimensions of the original image in pixels.
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
// Color of the background the doodle was designed for. If the NTP background
// differs from that color we show the doodle in a box of that color.
skia.mojom.SkColor background_color;
// Specification of the share button.
DoodleShareButton? share_button;
// URLs to be pinged when an image has been shown.
url.mojom.Url image_impression_log_url;
url.mojom.Url? animation_impression_log_url;
// A simple or animated doodle in both dark and light mode.
struct AllModeImageDoodle {
// Doodles for respective modes.
ImageDoodle light;
ImageDoodle? dark;
// URL opened in new tab when the doodle is clicked.
url.mojom.Url on_click_url;
// URL displayed to users, which they can use to share the doodle.
url.mojom.Url share_url;
// An interactive doodle.
struct InteractiveDoodle {
// URL pointing to doodle page.
url.mojom.Url url;
// Initial width and height of the doodle iframe in pixels.
uint32 width;
uint32 height;
// A doodle. Retrieved from the Google doodle server.
struct Doodle {
// Set for simple and animated doodles.
AllModeImageDoodle? image;
// Set for interactive doodles.
InteractiveDoodle? interactive;
// Localized description of the doodle.
string description;
// A channel through which a doodle can be shared.
enum DoodleShareChannel {
struct PromoImagePart {
url.mojom.Url image_url;
url.mojom.Url target;
struct PromoLinkPart {
string? color;
string text;
url.mojom.Url url;
struct PromoTextPart {
string? color;
string text;
union PromoPart {
PromoImagePart image;
PromoLinkPart link;
PromoTextPart text;
// Homepage promo used to display a message with a link on the NTP.
struct Promo {
// A unique identifier for this promo.
string? id;
// URL to ping to log a promo impression. May be invalid.
url.mojom.Url? log_url;
// Middle slot promo data.
array<PromoPart> middle_slot_parts;
// Action the user performed while using the customize dialog. Used for metrics
// logging only. Actions correspond to items in NTPLoggingEventType.
enum CustomizeDialogAction {
// Action the user performed while using voice search. Used for metrics logging
// only. Actions correspond to items in NTPLoggingEventType.
enum VoiceSearchAction {
// Errors occurred while using voice search. Errors correspond to items in
// NTPLoggingEventType.
enum VoiceSearchError {
// Used by the WebUI page to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface PageHandlerFactory {
// The WebUI page's |BrowserProxy| singleton calls this method when the page
// is first initialized.
CreatePageHandler(pending_remote<Page> page,
pending_receiver<PageHandler> handler);
// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface PageHandler {
// Adds tile.
AddMostVisitedTile(url.mojom.Url url, string title) => (bool success);
// Deletes tile by |url|.
DeleteMostVisitedTile(url.mojom.Url url);
// Moves tile identified by url to a new position at index |new_pos|.
ReorderMostVisitedTile(url.mojom.Url url, uint8 new_pos);
// Replaces the custom and most-visited tiles with the default tile set.
// Sets the background image and notifies all NTPs of the change.
SetBackgroundImage(string attribution_1, string attribution_2,
url.mojom.Url attribution_url, url.mojom.Url image_url);
// Sets collection id for daily refresh. When |collection_id| is empty, the
// daily refresh is turned off.
SetDailyRefreshCollectionId(string collection_id);
// Clears the background and daily refresh settings.
// Set the visibility and whether custom links are enabled.
SetMostVisitedSettings(bool customLinksEnabled, bool visible);
// Undoes the last action done to the tiles (add, delete, reorder, restore or
// update). Note that only the last action can be undone.
// Called to update the tiles.
// Updates a tile by url.
UpdateMostVisitedTile(url.mojom.Url url, url.mojom.Url new_url,
string new_title)
=> (bool success);
// Returns the collections of background images.
GetBackgroundCollections() => (array<BackgroundCollection> collections);
// Returns the images of a collection identified by |collection_id|.
GetBackgroundImages(string collection_id) => (array<CollectionImage> images);
// Invisibly focuses the omnibox.
// Pastes |text| into the omnibox.
PasteIntoOmnibox(string text);
// Gets current doodle if there is one.
GetDoodle() => (Doodle? doodle);
// Choose custom background from local file system.
ChooseLocalCustomBackground() => (bool success);
// Get the OneGoogleBarParts to be inlined in the NTP. Forwards the query
// parameters to the endpoint that serves the OneGoogleBar parts with
// |query_params|.
GetOneGoogleBarParts(string query_params) => (OneGoogleBarParts? parts);
// Get the middle slot promo if it exists.
GetPromo() => (Promo? promo);
// Called when a module the given id is dismissed.
OnDismissModule(string module_id);
// Called when a module the given id is restored.
OnRestoreModule(string module_id);
// If |visible| the modules will be shown.
SetModulesVisible(bool visible);
// Triggers a call to |SetModulesVisible| with the current visibility setting.
// ======= METRICS =======
// Logs that |tiles| were displayed / updated at |time|. The first instance of
// this event is used as a proxy for when the NTP has finished loading.
OnMostVisitedTilesRendered(array<MostVisitedTile> tiles, double time);
// Logs that the One Google Bar was added to the DOM / loaded in an iframe at
// |time|.
OnOneGoogleBarRendered(double time);
// Logs that the promo iframe was loaded at |time| and pings |log_url| for
// promo metrics logging.
OnPromoRendered(double time, url.mojom.Url? log_url);
// Logs that |tile| at position |index| was triggered to navigate to that
// most visited entry.
// |mouse_button| indicates which mouse button was pressed on the entry. See
OnMostVisitedTileNavigation(MostVisitedTile tile,
uint32 index,
uint8 mouse_button,
bool alt_key,
bool ctrl_key,
bool meta_key,
bool shift_key);
// Logs an action performed in the customize dialog.
OnCustomizeDialogAction(CustomizeDialogAction action);
// Logs that the |type| image of an image doodle has been clicked. If set, the
// |log_url| should be pinged for metrics logging.
OnDoodleImageClicked(DoodleImageType type, url.mojom.Url? log_url);
// Logs that the |type| image of an image doodle has been shown at |time|.
// Returns additional params, which are fetched from |image_url|, we use to
// perform more doodle logging later. We can't fetch the params in JS because
// the NTP renderer process does not have network access.
OnDoodleImageRendered(DoodleImageType type,
double time,
url.mojom.Url log_url)
=> (string? image_click_params,
url.mojom.Url? interaction_log_url,
string? share_id);
// Logs that the doodle with |doodle_id| has been shared through |channel|.
// |share_id| comes from a previous call to |OnDoodleImageRendered|.
OnDoodleShared(DoodleShareChannel channel,
string doodle_id,
string? share_id);
// Logs that a link on a promo has been clicked.
// Logs an action performed while using voice search.
OnVoiceSearchAction(VoiceSearchAction action);
// Logs an error occurred while using voice search.
OnVoiceSearchError(VoiceSearchError error);
// Logs a module impression. Called when a module is loaded and can be seen by
// the user (scrolled into view).
OnModuleImpression(string module_id, double time);
// Logs when a module is loaded with data.
OnModuleLoaded(string module_id, double time);
// Logs when a user interacts with a module which will result in a navigation.
OnModuleUsage(string module_id);
// Logs that the modules have been shown at |time|.
OnModulesRendered(double time);
// Logs that the <ntp-app> element's |ready| callback method was called.
OnAppRendered(double time);
// ======= REALBOX =======
// Queries autocomplete matches from the browser.
QueryAutocomplete(mojo_base.mojom.String16 input,
bool prevent_inline_autocomplete);
// Cancels the current autocomplete query. Clears the result set if
// |clear_result| is true.
StopAutocomplete(bool clear_result);
// Handles navigation to an autocomplete match (i.e. an item in the realbox's
// list of matches). Note: |url| is passed solely to verify that the browser
// and renderer are in sync; don't trust this content or use it for anything
// other than verification purposes (i.e. is the URL still the same?).
// TODO( replace |url| with an unguessable token.
// |mouse_button| indicates which mouse button was pressed on the match. See
OpenAutocompleteMatch(uint8 line,
url.mojom.Url url,
bool are_matches_showing,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta time_elapsed_since_last_focus,
uint8 mouse_button,
bool alt_key,
bool ctrl_key,
bool meta_key,
bool shift_key);
// Deletes the AutocompleteMatch in the current results by |line| number if
// it is deletable.
DeleteAutocompleteMatch(uint8 line);
// Tells the browser to allow suggestions with the given suggestion group ID
// to appear in the results if they currently are not allowed to or to prevent
// them from appearing in the results if they are currently permitted to.
ToggleSuggestionGroupIdVisibility(int32 suggestion_group_id);
// Logs the time it took in milliseconds since the first character (in a
// series of characters) was typed until Autocomplete results were painted.
LogCharTypedToRepaintLatency(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta latency);
// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface Page {
// Updates the page with most-visited info which includes whether the
// tiles should be shown, if links can be customized and the tiles.
SetMostVisitedInfo(MostVisitedInfo info);
// Sets the current theme.
SetTheme(Theme theme);
// If |focused| fakes focus on the fakebox.
SetFakeboxFocused(bool focused);
// If |visible| shows the fakebox.
SetFakeboxVisible(bool visible);
// Updates the module visibility.
SetModulesVisible(bool visible);
// ======= REALBOX =======
// Updates the NTP realbox with the autocomplete results.
AutocompleteResultChanged(search.mojom.AutocompleteResult result);
// Updates the NTP realbox popup with the image or favicon data URL for the
// given |match_index| and |url| where |url| is an AutocompleteMatch image_url
// or destination_url for an entity or a navigation suggestion respectively.
AutocompleteMatchImageAvailable(uint32 match_index,
url.mojom.Url url,
string data_url);