blob: ab14de8da8fcaf623571525c22becaaee64cb6f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/loopback_server/loopback_server.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/loopback_server/loopback_server_entity.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/loopback_server/persistent_bookmark_entity.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/loopback_server/persistent_tombstone_entity.h"
#include "components/sync/engine_impl/loopback_server/persistent_unique_client_entity.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/client_commands.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
namespace fake_server {
// A fake version of the Sync server used for testing. This class is not thread
// safe.
class FakeServer : public syncer::LoopbackServer::ObserverForTests {
class Observer {
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Called after FakeServer has processed a successful commit. The types
// updated as part of the commit are passed in |committed_model_types|.
virtual void OnCommit(const std::string& committer_id,
syncer::ModelTypeSet committed_model_types) = 0;
~FakeServer() override;
// Handles a /command POST (with the given |request|) to the server. Three
// output arguments, |error_code|, |response_code|, and |response|, are used
// to pass data back to the caller. The command has failed if the value
// pointed to by |error_code| is nonzero. |completion_closure| will be called
// immediately before return.
void HandleCommand(const std::string& request,
const base::Closure& completion_closure,
int* error_code,
int* response_code,
std::string* response);
// Helpers for fetching the last Commit or GetUpdates messages, respectively.
// Returns true if the specified message existed, and false if no message has
// been received.
bool GetLastCommitMessage(sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage* message);
bool GetLastGetUpdatesMessage(sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage* message);
// Creates a DicionaryValue representation of all entities present in the
// server. The dictionary keys are the strings generated by ModelTypeToString
// and the values are ListValues containing StringValue versions of entity
// names.
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> GetEntitiesAsDictionaryValue();
// Returns all entities stored by the server of the given |model_type|.
// This method returns SyncEntity protocol buffer objects (instead of
// LoopbackServerEntity) so that callers can inspect datatype-specific data
// (e.g., the URL of a session tab).
std::vector<sync_pb::SyncEntity> GetSyncEntitiesByModelType(
syncer::ModelType model_type);
// Adds |entity| to the server's collection of entities. This method makes no
// guarantees that the added entity will result in successful server
// operations.
void InjectEntity(std::unique_ptr<syncer::LoopbackServerEntity> entity);
// Modifies the entity on the server with the given |id|. The entity's
// EntitySpecifics are replaced with |updated_specifics| and its version is
// updated. If the given |id| does not exist or the ModelType of
// |updated_specifics| does not match the entity, false is returned.
// Otherwise, true is returned to represent a successful modification.
// This method sometimes updates entity data beyond EntitySpecifics. For
// example, in the case of a bookmark, changing the BookmarkSpecifics title
// field will modify the top-level entity's name field.
bool ModifyEntitySpecifics(const std::string& id,
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& updated_specifics);
bool ModifyBookmarkEntity(const std::string& id,
const std::string& parent_id,
const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& updated_specifics);
// Clears server data simulating a "dashboard stop and clear" and sets a new
// store birthday.
void ClearServerData();
// Puts the server in a state where it acts as if authentication has
// succeeded.
void SetAuthenticated();
// Puts the server in a state where all commands will fail with an
// authentication error.
void SetUnauthenticated();
// Sets the provided |client_command| in all subsequent successful requests.
void SetClientCommand(const sync_pb::ClientCommand& client_command);
// Force the server to return |error_type| in the error_code field of
// ClientToServerResponse on all subsequent sync requests. This method should
// not be called if TriggerActionableError has previously been called. Returns
// true if error triggering was successfully configured.
bool TriggerError(const sync_pb::SyncEnums::ErrorType& error_type);
// Force the server to return the given data as part of the error field of
// ClientToServerResponse on all subsequent sync requests. This method should
// not be called if TriggerError has previously been called. Returns true if
// error triggering was successfully configured.
bool TriggerActionableError(const sync_pb::SyncEnums::ErrorType& error_type,
const std::string& description,
const std::string& url,
const sync_pb::SyncEnums::Action& action);
// Instructs the server to send triggered errors on every other request
// (starting with the first one after this call). This feature can be used to
// test the resiliency of the client when communicating with a problematic
// server or flaky network connection. This method should only be called
// after a call to TriggerError or TriggerActionableError. Returns true if
// triggered error alternating was successful.
bool EnableAlternatingTriggeredErrors();
// Adds |observer| to FakeServer's observer list. This should be called
// before the Profile associated with |observer| is connected to the server.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
// Removes |observer| from the FakeServer's observer list. This method
// must be called if AddObserver was ever called with |observer|.
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
// Undoes the effects of DisableNetwork.
void EnableNetwork();
// Forces every request to fail in a way that simulates a network failure.
// This can be used to trigger exponential backoff in the client.
void DisableNetwork();
// Implement LoopbackServer::ObserverForTests:
void OnCommit(const std::string& committer_id,
syncer::ModelTypeSet committed_model_types) override;
// Returns the current FakeServer as a WeakPtr.
base::WeakPtr<FakeServer> AsWeakPtr();
// Use this callback to generate response types for entities. They will still
// be "committed" and stored as normal, this only affects the response type
// the client sees. This allows tests to still inspect what the client has
// done, although not as useful of a mechanism for multi client tests. Care
// should be taken when failing responses, as the client will go into
// exponential backoff, which can cause tests to be slow or time out.
void OverrideResponseType(
syncer::LoopbackServer::ResponseTypeProvider response_type_override);
// Returns whether a triggered error should be sent for the request.
bool ShouldSendTriggeredError() const;
int SendToLoopbackServer(const std::string& request, std::string* response);
void InjectClientCommand(std::string* response);
// Whether the server should act as if incoming connections are properly
// authenticated.
bool authenticated_;
// All Keystore keys known to the server.
std::vector<std::string> keystore_keys_;
// Used as the error_code field of ClientToServerResponse on all responses
// except when |triggered_actionable_error_| is set.
sync_pb::SyncEnums::ErrorType error_type_;
// Used as the error field of ClientToServerResponse when its pointer is not
// null.
// These values are used in tandem to return a triggered error (either
// |error_type_| or |triggered_actionable_error_|) on every other request.
// |alternate_triggered_errors_| is set if this feature is enabled and
// |request_counter_| is used to send triggered errors on odd-numbered
// requests. Note that |request_counter_| can be reset and is not necessarily
// indicative of the total number of requests handled during the object's
// lifetime.
bool alternate_triggered_errors_;
int request_counter_;
// Client command to be included in every response.
sync_pb::ClientCommand client_command_;
// FakeServer's observers.
base::ObserverList<Observer, true> observers_;
// When true, the server operates normally. When false, a failure is returned
// on every request. This is used to simulate a network failure on the client.
bool network_enabled_;
// The last received client to server messages.
sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage last_commit_message_;
sync_pb::ClientToServerMessage last_getupdates_message_;
// Used to verify that FakeServer is only used from one thread.
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
std::unique_ptr<syncer::LoopbackServer> loopback_server_;
std::unique_ptr<base::ScopedTempDir> loopback_server_storage_;
// Creates WeakPtr versions of the current FakeServer. This must be the last
// data member!
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeServer> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace fake_server