blob: ae24bb55564cfbceacc773595b7e54af1307b305 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Graham Dennis (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef StyleRareInheritedData_h
#define StyleRareInheritedData_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/css/StyleAutoColor.h"
#include "core/css/StyleColor.h"
#include "core/style/TextSizeAdjust.h"
#include "platform/Length.h"
#include "platform/graphics/Color.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "platform/text/TabSize.h"
#include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "wtf/RefCounted.h"
#include "wtf/RefVector.h"
#include "wtf/text/AtomicString.h"
namespace blink {
class AppliedTextDecoration;
class CursorData;
class QuotesData;
class ShadowList;
class StyleImage;
class StyleInheritedVariables;
typedef RefVector<AppliedTextDecoration> AppliedTextDecorationList;
typedef HeapVector<CursorData> CursorList;
// This struct is for rarely used inherited CSS3, CSS2, and WebKit-specific
// properties. By grouping them together, we save space, and only allocate this
// object when someone actually uses one of these properties.
// TODO(sashab): Move this into a private class on ComputedStyle, and remove
// all methods on it, merging them into copy/creation methods on ComputedStyle
// instead. Keep the allocation logic, only allocating a new object if needed.
class CORE_EXPORT StyleRareInheritedData
: public RefCounted<StyleRareInheritedData> {
static PassRefPtr<StyleRareInheritedData> create() {
return adoptRef(new StyleRareInheritedData);
PassRefPtr<StyleRareInheritedData> copy() const {
return adoptRef(new StyleRareInheritedData(*this));
bool operator==(const StyleRareInheritedData&) const;
bool operator!=(const StyleRareInheritedData& o) const {
return !(*this == o);
bool shadowDataEquivalent(const StyleRareInheritedData&) const;
bool quotesDataEquivalent(const StyleRareInheritedData&) const;
Persistent<StyleImage> listStyleImage;
StyleColor textStrokeColor() const {
return m_textStrokeColorIsCurrentColor ? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_textStrokeColor);
StyleColor textFillColor() const {
return m_textFillColorIsCurrentColor ? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_textFillColor);
StyleColor textEmphasisColor() const {
return m_textEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor ? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_textEmphasisColor);
StyleAutoColor caretColor() const {
if (m_caretColorIsCurrentColor)
return StyleAutoColor::currentColor();
if (m_caretColorIsAuto)
return StyleAutoColor::autoColor();
return StyleAutoColor(m_caretColor);
StyleColor visitedLinkTextStrokeColor() const {
return m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColorIsCurrentColor
? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColor);
StyleColor visitedLinkTextFillColor() const {
return m_visitedLinkTextFillColorIsCurrentColor
? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_visitedLinkTextFillColor);
StyleColor visitedLinkTextEmphasisColor() const {
return m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor
? StyleColor::currentColor()
: StyleColor(m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColor);
StyleAutoColor visitedLinkCaretColor() const {
if (m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsCurrentColor)
return StyleAutoColor::currentColor();
if (m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsAuto)
return StyleAutoColor::autoColor();
return StyleAutoColor(m_visitedLinkCaretColor);
void setTextStrokeColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_textStrokeColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_textStrokeColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setTextFillColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_textFillColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_textFillColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setTextEmphasisColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_textEmphasisColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_textEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setCaretColor(const StyleAutoColor& color) {
m_caretColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_caretColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
m_caretColorIsAuto = color.isAutoColor();
void setVisitedLinkTextStrokeColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setVisitedLinkTextFillColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_visitedLinkTextFillColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_visitedLinkTextFillColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setVisitedLinkTextEmphasisColor(const StyleColor& color) {
m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
void setVisitedLinkCaretColor(const StyleAutoColor& color) {
m_visitedLinkCaretColor = color.resolve(Color());
m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsCurrentColor = color.isCurrentColor();
m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsAuto = color.isAutoColor();
Color m_textStrokeColor;
float textStrokeWidth;
Color m_textFillColor;
Color m_textEmphasisColor;
Color m_caretColor;
Color m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColor;
Color m_visitedLinkTextFillColor;
Color m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColor;
Color m_visitedLinkCaretColor;
textShadow; // Our text shadow information for shadowed text drawing.
highlight; // Apple-specific extension for custom highlight rendering.
Persistent<CursorList> cursorData;
Length indent;
float m_effectiveZoom;
// Paged media properties.
short widows;
short orphans;
unsigned m_textStrokeColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_textFillColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_textEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_caretColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_caretColorIsAuto : 1;
unsigned m_visitedLinkTextStrokeColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_visitedLinkTextFillColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_visitedLinkTextEmphasisColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsCurrentColor : 1;
unsigned m_visitedLinkCaretColorIsAuto : 1;
unsigned textSecurity : 2; // ETextSecurity
unsigned userModify : 2; // EUserModify (editing)
unsigned wordBreak : 2; // EWordBreak
unsigned overflowWrap : 1; // EOverflowWrap
unsigned lineBreak : 3; // LineBreak
unsigned userSelect : 2; // EUserSelect
unsigned speak : 3; // ESpeak
unsigned hyphens : 2; // Hyphens
unsigned textEmphasisFill : 1; // TextEmphasisFill
unsigned textEmphasisMark : 3; // TextEmphasisMark
unsigned textEmphasisPosition : 1; // TextEmphasisPosition
unsigned m_textAlignLast : 3; // TextAlignLast
unsigned m_textJustify : 2; // TextJustify
unsigned m_textOrientation : 2; // TextOrientation
unsigned m_textCombine : 1; // CSS3 text-combine-upright properties
unsigned m_textIndentLine : 1; // TextIndentEachLine
unsigned m_textIndentType : 1; // TextIndentHanging
// CSS Image Values Level 3
unsigned m_imageRendering : 3; // EImageRendering
unsigned m_textUnderlinePosition : 1; // TextUnderlinePosition
unsigned m_textDecorationSkip : 3; // TextDecorationSkip
unsigned m_rubyPosition : 1; // RubyPosition
// Though will-change is not itself an inherited property, the intent
// expressed by 'will-change: contents' includes descendants.
unsigned m_subtreeWillChangeContents : 1;
unsigned m_selfOrAncestorHasDirAutoAttribute : 1;
unsigned m_respectImageOrientation : 1;
unsigned m_snapHeightPosition : 7;
AtomicString hyphenationString;
short hyphenationLimitBefore;
short hyphenationLimitAfter;
short hyphenationLimitLines;
uint8_t m_snapHeightUnit;
AtomicString textEmphasisCustomMark;
RefPtr<QuotesData> quotes;
Color tapHighlightColor;
RefPtr<AppliedTextDecorationList> appliedTextDecorations;
TabSize m_tabSize;
RefPtr<StyleInheritedVariables> variables;
TextSizeAdjust m_textSizeAdjust;
StyleRareInheritedData(const StyleRareInheritedData&);
} // namespace blink
#endif // StyleRareInheritedData_h