blob: c9d565a6b4df85c8cf724c39315c6b39f3ebfee4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_uuid.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/public/mojom/uuid.mojom.h"
namespace mojo {
template <>
struct StructTraits<bluetooth::mojom::UUIDDataView, device::BluetoothUUID> {
static const std::string& uuid(const device::BluetoothUUID& uuid) {
return uuid.canonical_value();
static bool Read(bluetooth::mojom::UUIDDataView input,
device::BluetoothUUID* output) {
std::string result;
if (!input.ReadUuid(&result))
return false;
*output = device::BluetoothUUID(result);
// If the format isn't 128-bit, .value() would return a different answer
// than .canonical_value(). Then if browser-side code accidentally checks
// .value() against a 128-bit string literal, a hostile renderer could use
// the 16- or 32-bit format and evade the check.
return output->IsValid() &&
output->format() == device::BluetoothUUID::kFormat128Bit;
} // namespace mojo