blob: f9a2e41411e10331384a358fce9a1101652dd257 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Live caption. -->
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_TITLE" desc="Title of the Live Caption bubble">
Live Caption
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_CLOSE" desc="Tooltip for the Live Caption close button">
Turn off Live Caption for now
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_EXPAND" desc="Tooltip for the Live Caption expand button">
Show more lines
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_COLLAPSE" desc="Tooltip for the Live Caption collapse button">
Show fewer lines
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_BACK_TO_TAB" desc="Tooltip for the Live Caption back-to-tab button. Clicking the button brings a user's focus back to the tab which is streaming the audio or video.">
Back to tab
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_ERROR" desc="Error message for the Live Caption bubble when Live Captions are unavailable.">
Live Caption is not available right now
<message name="IDS_LIVE_CAPTION_BUBBLE_APPEAR_SCREENREADER_ANNOUNCEMENT" desc="Announcement to screen readers on ChromeOS when the Live Caption bubble appears to inform users of how to focus the bubble.">
Live Caption visible, use window switcher to focus