blob: f3700565e0c674a9f2d650346635de3801ee31dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/device/generic_sensor/relative_orientation_euler_angles_fusion_algorithm_using_accelerometer.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/numerics/math_constants.h"
#include "services/device/generic_sensor/platform_sensor_fusion.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/angle_conversions.h"
namespace device {
namespace {
void ComputeRelativeOrientationFromAccelerometer(double acceleration_x,
double acceleration_y,
double acceleration_z,
double* alpha_in_degrees,
double* beta_in_degrees,
double* gamma_in_degrees) {
// Transform the accelerometer values to W3C draft angles.
// Accelerometer values are just dot products of the sensor axes
// by the gravity vector 'g' with the result for the z axis inverted.
// To understand this transformation calculate the 3rd row of the z-x-y
// Euler angles rotation matrix (because of the 'g' vector, only 3rd row
// affects to the result). Note that z-x-y matrix means R = Ry * Rx * Rz.
// Then, assume alpha = 0 and you get this:
// x_acc = sin(gamma)
// y_acc = - cos(gamma) * sin(beta)
// z_acc = cos(beta) * cos(gamma)
// After that the rest is just a bit of trigonometry.
// Also note that alpha can't be provided but it's assumed to be always zero.
// This is necessary in order to provide enough information to solve
// the equations.
*alpha_in_degrees = NAN;
*beta_in_degrees = gfx::RadToDeg(std::atan2(-acceleration_y, acceleration_z));
*gamma_in_degrees =
gfx::RadToDeg(std::asin(acceleration_x / base::kMeanGravityDouble));
// Convert beta and gamma to fit the intervals in the specification. Beta is
// [-180, 180) and gamma is [-90, 90).
if (*beta_in_degrees >= 180.0)
*beta_in_degrees = -180.0;
if (*gamma_in_degrees >= 90.0)
*gamma_in_degrees = -90.0;
DCHECK_GE(*beta_in_degrees, -180.0);
DCHECK_LT(*beta_in_degrees, 180.0);
DCHECK_GE(*gamma_in_degrees, -90.0);
DCHECK_LT(*gamma_in_degrees, 90.0);
} // namespace
: PlatformSensorFusionAlgorithm(
{mojom::SensorType::ACCELEROMETER}) {}
~RelativeOrientationEulerAnglesFusionAlgorithmUsingAccelerometer() =
bool RelativeOrientationEulerAnglesFusionAlgorithmUsingAccelerometer::
GetFusedDataInternal(mojom::SensorType which_sensor_changed,
SensorReading* fused_reading) {
SensorReading reading;
if (!fusion_sensor_->GetSourceReading(mojom::SensorType::ACCELEROMETER,
&reading)) {
return false;
reading.accel.x, reading.accel.y, reading.accel.z,
&fused_reading->orientation_euler.z.value() /* alpha_in_degrees */,
&fused_reading->orientation_euler.x.value() /* beta_in_degrees */,
&fused_reading->orientation_euler.y.value() /* gamma_in_degrees */);
return true;
} // namespace device