blob: c963b2475fbeba4d40bc72d1dd1e4e5c30d3bc6e [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
test(function () {
var node = document.createElement('div');
assert_true('append' in node);
var append = 'mine';
var getAttribute = 'mine';
with (node) {
assert_true(append === 'mine');
assert_false(getAttribute === 'mine');
assert_true('Symbol' in window);
var unscopables = Object.getPrototypeOf(node)[Symbol.unscopables];
}, 'ChildNode.append() unscopable');
function test_append(node, nodeName) {
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, []);
}, nodeName + '.append() without any argument, on a parent having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0].textContent, 'null');
}, nodeName + '.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0].textContent, 'undefined');
}, nodeName + '.append() with undefined as an argument, on a parent having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0].textContent, 'text');
}, nodeName + '.append() with only text as an argument, on a parent having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, [x]);
}, nodeName + '.append() with only one element as an argument, on a parent having no child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var child = document.createElement('test');
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0], child);
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[1].textContent, 'null');
}, nodeName + '.append() with null as an argument, on a parent having a child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
var child = document.createElement('test');
parent.append(child, x);
assert_array_equals(parent.childNodes, [child, x]);
}, nodeName + '.append() with all children as arguments, on a parent having two children.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var x = document.createElement('x');
var child = document.createElement('test');
parent.append(x, 'text');
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[0], child);
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[1], x);
assert_equals(parent.childNodes[2].textContent, 'text');
}, nodeName + '.append() with one element and text as argument, on a parent having a child.');
test(function() {
var parent = node.cloneNode();
var doc2 = document.implementation.createDocument("", "html");
assert_throws_dom('HierarchyRequestError', () => { parent.append(doc2, "foo") });
assert_equals(parent.firstChild, null);
}, nodeName + '.append() with a Document as an argument should throw.');
test_append(document.createElement('div'), 'Element');
test_append(document.createDocumentFragment(), 'DocumentFrgment');