blob: 41a818da83443ba7faf4e69472a8ecd78c921654 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
namespace net {
class HttpByteRange;
class IOBuffer;
namespace android_webview {
class InputStream;
// Class responsible for reading the InputStream.
class InputStreamReader {
// The constructor is called on the IO thread, not on the worker thread.
InputStreamReader(android_webview::InputStream* stream);
virtual ~InputStreamReader();
// Perform a seek operation on the InputStream associated with this job.
// On successful completion the InputStream would have skipped reading the
// number of bytes equal to the lower range of |byte_range|.
// This method should be called on the |g_worker_thread| thread.
// |byte_range| is the range of bytes to be read from |stream|
// A negative return value will indicate an error code, a positive value
// will indicate the expected size of the content.
virtual int Seek(const net::HttpByteRange& byte_range);
// Read data from |stream_|. This method should be called on the
// |g_worker_thread| thread.
// A negative return value will indicate an error code, a positive value
// will indicate the expected size of the content.
virtual int ReadRawData(net::IOBuffer* buffer, int buffer_size);
// Verify the requested range against the stream size.
// net::OK is returned on success, the error code otherwise.
int VerifyRequestedRange(net::HttpByteRange* byte_range,
int* content_size);
// Skip to the first byte of the requested read range.
// net::OK is returned on success, the error code otherwise.
int SkipToRequestedRange(const net::HttpByteRange& byte_range);
android_webview::InputStream* stream_;
} // namespace android_webview