blob: 487cccedb743eeb40da4abded5ef6bae30b24913 [file] [log] [blame]
# 2010 Sept 29
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
# May you do good and not evil.
# May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
# May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The focus of
# this file is testing the SQLite routines used for converting between the
# various suported unicode encodings (UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16le and
# UTF-16be).
# $Id: enc4.test,v 1.0 2010/09/29 08:29:32 shaneh Exp $
set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
# If UTF16 support is disabled, ignore the tests in this file
ifcapable {!utf16} {
db close
# The three unicode encodings understood by SQLite.
set encodings [list UTF-8 UTF-16le UTF-16be]
# initial value to use in SELECT
set inits [list 1 1.0 1. 1e0]
# vals
set vals [list\
set i 1
foreach enc $encodings {
forcedelete test.db
sqlite3 db test.db
db eval "PRAGMA encoding = \"$enc\""
do_test enc4-$i.1 {
db eval {PRAGMA encoding}
} $enc
set j 1
foreach init $inits {
do_test enc4-$i.$j.2 {
set S [sqlite3_prepare_v2 db "SELECT $init+?" -1 dummy]
sqlite3_expired $S
} {0}
set k 1
foreach val $vals {
for {set x 1} {$x<16} {incr x} {
set part [expr $init + [string range $val 0 [expr $x-1]]]
do_realnum_test enc4-$i.$j.$k.3.$x {
sqlite3_reset $S
sqlite3_bind_text $S 1 $val $x
sqlite3_step $S
sqlite3_column_text $S 0
} [list $part]
do_realnum_test enc4-$i.$j.$k.4.$x {
sqlite3_reset $S
sqlite3_bind_text16 $S 1 [encoding convertto unicode $val] [expr $x*2]
sqlite3_step $S
sqlite3_column_text $S 0
} [list $part]
incr k
do_test enc4-$i.$j.5 {
sqlite3_finalize $S
incr j
db close
incr i
forcedelete test.db
sqlite3 db test.db
do_test enc4-4.1 {
db eval "select 1+1."
} {2.0}
do_test enc4-4.2.1 {
set S [sqlite3_prepare_v2 db "SELECT 1+1." -1 dummy]
sqlite3_step $S
sqlite3_column_text $S 0
} {2.0}
do_test enc4-4.2.2 {
sqlite3_finalize $S
do_test enc4-4.3.1 {
set S [sqlite3_prepare_v2 db "SELECT 1+?" -1 dummy]
sqlite3_bind_text $S 1 "1." 2
sqlite3_step $S
sqlite3_column_text $S 0
} {2.0}
do_test enc4-4.3.2 {
sqlite3_finalize $S
do_test enc4-4.4.1 {
set S [sqlite3_prepare_v2 db "SELECT 1+?" -1 dummy]
sqlite3_bind_text $S 1 "1.0" 2
sqlite3_step $S
sqlite3_column_text $S 0
} {2.0}
do_test enc4-4.4.2 {
sqlite3_finalize $S
db close