blob: c1d46b3d1817d9f897d8ed52994a1d91fd6e8f2f [file] [log] [blame]
'includes': [
'variables': {
# Experimental hooks for embedder to provide extra IDL and source files.
# Note: this is not a supported API. If you rely on this, you will be broken
# from time to time as the code generator changes in backward incompatible
# ways.
'extra_blink_module_idl_files': [],
'extra_blink_module_files': [],
# Files for which bindings (.cpp and .h files) will be generated
'modules_idl_files': [
# 'partial interface' or target (right side of) 'implements'
'modules_dependency_idl_files': [
# interfaces that inherit from Event
'modules_event_idl_files': [
'modules_dictionary_idl_files': [
'generated_modules_files': [
# .cpp files from make_modules_generated actions.
'generated_modules_dictionary_files': [
'modules_files': [
# 'partial interface' or target (right side of) 'implements'
'modules_testing_dependency_idl_files' : [
'modules_testing_files': [
'modules_unittest_files': [