Roll src/third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx/ 932f8fa04..418acaa0b (25 commits)

$ git log 932f8fa04..418acaa0b --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-10-31 jianj vp9 decoder: cleanup on exit if no available frame buffer.
2018-12-04 johann.koenig remove old visual studio support
2018-12-04 jianj Refactor datarate svc test.
2018-12-04 sdeng Fix overflow in calculating highbd SSIM
2018-12-04 jzern configure: test -std=c++11 before enabling unit tests
2018-12-04 angiebird Fix the parameter of vp9_full_pixel_diamond_new
2018-11-29 jianj vp9: force refresh of long term ref when denoiser reset.
2018-12-03 marpan vp9-svc: Fix to postencode drop for layers.
2018-12-03 marpan vp9: Overshoot detection for skipped base layer.
2018-12-03 marpan vp9: Rename post_encode drop function.
2018-11-30 johann.koenig quantize neon: fix hbd builds
2018-11-06 sdeng Add high bit Hadamard 8x8 avx2 implementation
2018-10-24 venkatarama.avadhani Fix DoS in Error Streams
2018-11-30 shubham.tandle Add Parse and Recon Split functions
2018-11-30 johann.koenig quantize 32x32: saturate dqcoeff on x86
2018-11-30 jingning Clean up rc_pick_q_and_bounds_two_pass()
2018-11-30 jingning Simplify constant q mode qp selection
2018-11-29 jingning Factor key frame qp selection from two-pass qp and bound decision
2018-11-29 angiebird Consider mv inconsistency in single_motion_search
2018-11-29 angiebird Change the interface of vp9_full_pixel_diamond_new

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/libvpx/source/libvpx

Change-Id: I05db3889d15e4761ee43030fd55e1ec8d70d733d
Reviewed-by: Johann Koenig <>
Commit-Queue: Jerome Jiang <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#614904}
13 files changed