| Name |
| |
| CHROMIUM_path_rendering |
| |
| Name Strings |
| |
| GL_CHROMIUM_path_rendering |
| |
| Version |
| |
| Last Modifed Date: August 14, 2014 |
| |
| Dependencies |
| |
| OpenGL ES 3.0 is required. |
| |
| Overview |
| |
| This extensions implements path rendering using |
| OpenGL API. |
| |
| New Tokens |
| |
| Accepted by the <matrixMode> parameter of MatrixLoadfCHROMIUM and |
| MatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted in elements of the <commands> array parameter of |
| PathCommandsCHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv, |
| GetFloatv: |
| |
| Accepted by the <pname> parameter of PathParameter{if}CHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <value> parameter of PathParameter{if}CHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <fillMode> parameter of StencilFillPathCHROMIUM |
| StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM and |
| StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverFillPathCHROMIUM, |
| CoverStrokePath, StencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM and |
| StencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <coverMode> parameter of CoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM, |
| CoverStrokePathInstanced, StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM and |
| StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM: |
| |
| Accepted by the <genMode> parameter of ProgramPathFragmentInputGen: |
| |
| Accepted by the <transformType> parameter of |
| StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM, StencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM, |
| CoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM, CoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM, |
| StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM and |
| StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM: |
| |
| New Procedures and Functions |
| |
| void MatrixLoadfCHROMIUM(enum matrixMode, float* matrix) |
| |
| Takes a pointer to a 4x4 matrix stored in column-major order as 16 |
| consecutive floating-point values. The matrixMode specifies which |
| |
| The funcition specifies either modelview or projection matrix |
| to be used with path rendering API calls. |
| |
| void MatrixLoadIdentityCHROMIUM(enum matrixMode) |
| |
| Effectively calls MatrixLoadf with the identity matrix. |
| |
| uint GenPathsCHROMIUM(sizei range) |
| |
| Returns an integer /n/ such that names /n/, ..., /n+range-1/ are |
| previously unused (i.e. there are /range/ previously unused path object |
| names starting at /n/). These names are marked as used, for the |
| purposes of subsequent GenPathsCHROMIUM only, but they do not acquire |
| path object state until each particular name is used to specify |
| a path object. |
| |
| Returns 0 if no new path name was marked as used. Reasons for this |
| include lack of free path names or range being 0 or a GL error |
| was generated. |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE error is generated if range is negative. |
| |
| INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if range does not fit in |
| 32-bit uint. |
| |
| void DeletePathsCHROMIUM(uint path, sizei range) |
| |
| Deletes a path object where /path/ contains /range/ names of path objects to |
| be delete. After a path object is deleted, its name is again unused. |
| Unused names in /paths/ are silently ignored. |
| |
| INVALID_VALUE error is generated if /range/ is negative. |
| |
| INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /range/ does not |
| fit in 32-bit uint. |
| |
| INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /path/ + /range/ does not fit |
| 32-bit uint. |
| |
| boolean IsPathCHROMIUM(uint path); |
| |
| The query returns TRUE if /path/ is the name of a path object. If path is |
| not the name of a path object, or if an error condition occurs, |
| IsPathCHROMIUM returns FALSE. A name retuned by GenPathsCHROMIUM, but |
| without a path specified for it yet, is not the name of a path object. |
| |
| void PathCommandsCHROMIUM(uint path, sizei numCommands, |
| const ubyte* commands, sizei numCoords, |
| enum coordType, const GLvoid* coords) |
| |
| Specifies a path object commands for /path/ where /numCommands/ |
| indicates the number of path commands, read from the array |
| /commands/, with which to initialize that path's command sequence. |
| The type of the coordinates read from the /coords/ array is |
| determined by the /coordType/ parameter which must be one of BYTE, |
| INVALID_ENUM error is generated. These path commands reference |
| coordinates read sequentially from the /coords/ array. |
| |
| The /numCommands/ elements of the /commands/ array must be tokens |
| in Table 5.pathCommands. The command sequence matches |
| the element order of the /commands/ array. Each command references |
| a number of coordinates specified by "Coordinate count" column of |
| Table 5.pathCommands, starting with the first (zero) element of |
| the /coords/ array and advancing by the coordinate count for each |
| command. If any of these /numCommands/ command values are not |
| listed in the "Token" column of Table |
| 5.pathCommands, the INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| The INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if /numCoords/ does not |
| equal the number of coordinates referenced by the command sequence |
| specified by /numCommands/ and /commands/ (so /numCoords/ provides a |
| sanity check that the /coords/ array is being interpreted properly). |
| The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if either /numCommands/ or |
| /numCoords/ is negative. |
| |
| The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ is |
| not an existing path object. |
| |
| The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if |
| /numCommands/ + (size of /coordType/ data type) * /numCoords/ |
| does not fit in 32-bit uint. |
| |
| If the PathCommandsCHROMIUM command results in an error, the path object |
| named /path/ is not changed; if there is no error, the prior contents |
| of /path/, if /path/ was an existent path object, are lost and the |
| path object name /path/ becomes used. |
| |
| void PathParameterfCHROMIUM(uint path, enum pname, float value) |
| void PathParameteriCHROMIUM(uint path, enum pname, int value) |
| |
| The commands specify the value of path parameters for the specified path |
| object named /path/. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /path/ is |
| not an existing path object. |
| |
| Each parameter has a single (scalar) value. |
| |
| /pname/ must be one of the tokens in the "Name" column of |
| Table 5.pathParameters. |
| The required values or range of each allowed parameter name token |
| is listed in Table 5.pathParameter's "Required Values/Range" column. |
| |
| For values of /pname/ listed in Table 5.pathsParameters, the specified |
| parameter is specified by /value/ when /value/ is a float or int, |
| or if /value/ is a pointer to a float or int, accessed through that |
| pointer. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the specified |
| value is negative for parameters required to be non-negative in |
| Table 5.pathParameters. |
| |
| The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if the specified parameter value |
| is not within the require range for parameters typed float or integer. |
| The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the specified parameter value |
| is not one of the listed tokens for parameters typed enum. |
| |
| void PathStencilFuncCHROMIUM(enum func, int ref, uint mask) |
| |
| Configures the stencil function, stencil reference value, and stencil read |
| mask to be used by the StencilFillPathCHROMIUM and StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM |
| commands described subsequently. The parameters accept the same values |
| allowed by the StencilFunc command. |
| |
| void StencilFillPathCHROMIUM(uint path, enum fillMode, uint mask) |
| |
| The function transforms into window space the outline of the path object |
| named /path/ based on the current modelview, projection and viewport, |
| transforms (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry shader or program that might |
| be active/enabled) and then updates the stencil values of all /accessible |
| samples/ (explained below) in the framebuffer. Each sample's stencil buffer |
| value is updated based on the winding number of that sample with respect to |
| the transformed outline of the path object with any non-closed subpath |
| forced closed and the specified /fillMode/. |
| |
| If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does |
| nothing (and no error is generated). |
| |
| If the path's command sequence specifies unclosed subpaths (so not |
| contours) due to MOVE_TO_CHROMIUM commands, such subpaths are trivially |
| closed by connecting with a line segment the initial and terminal |
| control points of each such path command subsequence. |
| |
| Transformation of a path's outline works by taking all positions on the |
| path's outline in 2D path space (x,y) and constructing an object space |
| position (x,y,0,1) that is then used similar to as with the (xo,yo,zo,wo) |
| position in section 2.12 ("Fixed-Function Vertex Transformation") of OpenGL |
| 3.2 (unabridged) Specification (Special Functions) to compute corresponding |
| eye-space coordinates (xe,ye,ze,we) and clip-space coordinates |
| (xc,yc,zc,wc). A path outline's clip-space coordinates are further |
| transformed into window space similar to as described in section 2.16 |
| ("Coordinate Transformations"). This process provides a mapping 2D path |
| coordinates to 2D window coordinates. The resulting 2D window coordinates |
| are undefined if any of the transformations involved are singular or may be |
| inaccurate if any of the transformations (or their combination) are |
| ill-conditioned. |
| |
| The winding number for a sample with respect to the path outline, |
| transformed into window space, is computed by counting the (signed) |
| number of revolutions around the sample point when traversing each |
| (trivially closed if necessary) contour once in the transformed path. |
| This traversal is performed in the order of the path's command |
| sequence. Starting from an initially zero winding count, each |
| counterclockwise revolution when the front face mode is CCW (or |
| clockwise revolution when the front face mode is CW) around the sample |
| point increments the winding count by one; while each clockwise |
| revolution when the front face mode is CCW (or counterclockwise |
| revolution when the front face mode is CW) around the sample point |
| decrements the winding count by one. |
| |
| The /mask/ parameter controls what subset of stencil bits are affected |
| by the command. |
| |
| The /fillMode/ parameter must be one of INVERT, COUNT_UP_CHROMIUM |
| or COUNT_DOWN_CHROMIUM; otherwise the INVALID_ENUM error |
| is generated. INVERT inverts the bits set in the effective /mask/ |
| value for each sample's stencil value if the winding number for the |
| given sample is odd. COUNT_UP_CHROMIUM adds with modulo n arithmetic the |
| winding number of each sample with the sample's prior stencil buffer |
| value; the result of this addition is written into the sample's |
| stencil value but the bits of the stencil value not set in the |
| effective /mask/ value are left unchanged. COUNT_DOWN_CHROMIUM subtracts |
| with modulo /n/ arithmetic the winding number of each sample with the |
| sample's prior stencil buffer value; the result of this subtraction is |
| written into the sample's stencil value but the bits of the stencil |
| value not set in the effective /mask/ value are left unchanged. |
| |
| The value of /n/ for the modulo /n/ arithmetic used by COUNT_UP_CHROMIUM |
| and COUNT_DOWN_CHROMIUM is the effective /mask/+1. The error INVALID_VALUE |
| is generated if /fillMode/ is COUNT_UP_CHROMIUM or COUNT_DOWN_CHROMIUM and |
| the effective /mask/+1 is not an integer power of two. |
| |
| |
| The accessible samples of a transformed path that are updated are |
| the samples that remain after discarding the following samples: |
| |
| * Any sample that would be clipped similar to as specified in section |
| 2.22 ("Primitive Clipping") of OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) Specification |
| (Special Functions) because its corresponding position in clip space |
| (xc,yc,zc,wc) or (xe,ye,ze,we) would be clipped by the clip volume |
| or enabled client-defined clip planes. |
| |
| * Any sample that would fail the pixel ownership test (section |
| 4.1.1) if rasterized. |
| |
| * Any sample that would fail the scissor test (section 4.1.2) |
| if SCISSOR_TEST is enabled. |
| |
| And for the StencilFillPathCHROMIUM and StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM commands |
| (so not applicable to the CoverFillPathCHROMIUM and CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM |
| commands): |
| * Any sample that would fail the (implicitly enabled) stencil test |
| with the stencil function configured based on the path stencil |
| function state configured by PathStencilFuncCHROMIUM. In the case |
| of the StencilFillPathCHROMIUM and StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM |
| commands and their instanced versions, the effective stencil read |
| mask for the stencil mask is treated as the value of |
| PATH_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK bit-wise ANDed with the bit-invert of the |
| effective /mask/ parameter value; otherwise, for the cover commands, |
| the stencil test operates normally. In the case the stencil test |
| fails during a path stencil operation, the stencil fail operation is |
| ignored and the pixel's stencil value is left undisturbed (as if the |
| stencil operation was KEEP). |
| |
| * The state of the face culling (CULL_FACE) enable is ignored. |
| |
| void StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM(uint path, int reference, uint mask) |
| |
| Transforms into window space the stroked region of the path object named |
| /path/ based on the current modelview, projection and viewport transforms |
| (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry shader or program that might be |
| active/enabled) and then updates the stencil values of a subset of the |
| accessible samples (see above) in the framebuffer. |
| |
| If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does |
| nothing (and no error is generated). |
| |
| The path object's specified stroke width (in path space) determines |
| the width of the path's stroked region. |
| |
| The stroke of a transformed path's outline |
| is the region of window space defined by the union of: |
| |
| * Sweeping an orthogonal centered line segment of the (above |
| determined) effective stroke width along each path segment |
| in the path's transformed outline. |
| |
| * End cap regions (explained below) appended to the initial |
| and terminal control points of non-closed command sequences |
| in the path. For a sequence of commands that form a closed |
| contour, the end cap regions are ignored. |
| |
| * Join style regions (explained below) between connected path |
| segments meet. |
| |
| Any accessible samples within the union of these three regions are |
| considered within the path object's stroke. |
| |
| If the stroke width is zero, each of the regions in the union will |
| be empty and there are no accessible samples within the stroke. |
| |
| The /mask/ parameter controls what subset of stencil bits are affected |
| by the command. |
| |
| A sample's stencil bits that are set in the effective /mask/ value |
| are updated with the specified stencil /reference/ value if the |
| sample is accessible (as specified above) and within the stroke of |
| the transformed path's outline. |
| |
| Every path object has an end caps parameter |
| SQUARE_CHROMIUM or ROUND_CHROMIUM. This parameter defines the |
| initial and terminal caps type. There are no samples within a |
| FLAT_CHROMIUM cap. The SQUARE_CHROMIUM cap extends centered and |
| tangent to the given end (initial or terminal) of the subpath for |
| half the effective stroke width; in other words, a square cap is a |
| half-square that kisses watertightly the end of a subpath. The |
| ROUND_CHROMIUM cap appends a semi-circle, centered and tangent, |
| with the diameter of the effective stroke width to the given end |
| (initial or terminal) of the subpath; in other words, a round cap |
| is a semi-circle that kisses watertightly the end of a subpath. |
| |
| Every path object has a join style that is one of BEVEL_CHROMIUM, |
| ROUND_CHROMIUM or MITER_REVERT_CHROMIUM. Each path object also has a miter |
| limit value. The BEVEL_CHROMIUM join style inserts a triangle with two |
| vertices at the outside corners where two connected path segments join and a |
| third vertex at the common end point shared by the two path segments. The |
| ROUND_CHROMIUM join style inserts a wedge-shaped portion of a circle |
| centered at the common end point shared by the two path segments; the radius |
| of the circle is half the effective stroke width. The MITER_REVERT_CHROMIUM |
| join style inserts a quadrilateral with two opposite vertices at the outside |
| corners where the two connected path segments join and two opposite vertices |
| with one on the path's junction between the two joining path segments and |
| the other at the common end point shared by the two path segments. However, |
| the MITER_REVERT_CHROMIUM join style behaves as the BEVEL_CHROMIUM style if |
| the sine of half the angle between the two joined segments is less than the |
| path object's PATH_STROKE_WIDTH value divided by the path's |
| |
| Every path object has a stroke approximation bound parameter |
| (PATH_STROKE_BOUND_CHROMIUM) that is a floating-point value /sab/ clamped |
| between 0.0 and 1.0 and set and queried with the PATH_STROKE_BOUND_CHROMIUM |
| path parameter. Exact determination of samples swept an orthogonal |
| centered line segment along cubic Bezier segments and rational |
| quadratic Bezier curves (so non-circular partial elliptical arcs) is |
| intractable for real-time rendering so an approximation is required; |
| /sab/ intuitively bounds the approximation error as a percentage of |
| the path object's stroke width. Specifically, this path parameter |
| requests the implementation to stencil any samples within /sweep/ |
| object space units of the exact sweep of the path's cubic Bezier |
| segments or partial elliptical arcs to be sampled by the stroke where |
| |
| sweep = ((1-sab)*sw)/2 |
| |
| where /sw/ is the path object's stroke width. The initial value |
| of /sab/ when a path is created is 0.2. In practical terms, this |
| initial value means the stencil sample positions coverage within 80% |
| (100%-20%) of the stroke width of cubic and rational quadratic stroke |
| segments should be sampled. |
| |
| |
| void CoverFillPathCHROMIUM(uint path, enum coverMode) |
| |
| The command transforms into window space the outline of the path object |
| named /path/ based on the current modelview, projection and viewport |
| transforms (ignoring any vertex and/or geometry shader or program that might |
| be active/enabled) and rasterizes a subset of the accessible samples in the |
| framebuffer guaranteed to include all samples that would have a net |
| stencil value change if StencilFillPathCHROMIUM were issued with the same |
| modelview, projection, and viewport state. During this rasterization, the |
| stencil test operates normally and as configured; the expectation is the |
| stencil test will be used to discard samples not determined "covered" by a |
| prior StencilFillPathCHROMIUM command. |
| |
| If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does |
| nothing (and no error is generated). |
| |
| /coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM or BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM. |
| Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| The subset of accessible pixels that are rasterized are within a bounding |
| box (expected to be reasonably tight) surrounding all the samples guaranteed |
| to be rasterized by CoverFillPathCHROMIUM. The bounding box must be |
| orthogonally aligned to the path space coordinate system. (The area of the |
| bounding box in path space is guaranteed to be greater than or equal the |
| area of the convex hull in path space.) Each rasterized sample will be |
| rasterized once and exactly once. |
| |
| While samples with a net stencil change /must/ be rasterized, |
| implementations are explicitly allowed to vary in the rasterization |
| of samples for which StencilFillPathCHROMIUM would /not/ change sample's |
| net stencil value. This means implementations are allowed to (and, |
| in fact, are expected to) conservatively "exceed" the region strictly |
| stenciled by the path object. |
| |
| CoverFillPathCHROMIUM /requires/ the following rasterization invariance: |
| calling CoverFillPathCHROMIUM for the same (unchanged) path object with |
| fixed (unchanged) modelview, projection, and viewport transform state |
| with the same (unchanged) set of accessible samples will rasterize |
| the exact same set of samples with identical interpolated values |
| for respective fragment/sample locations. |
| |
| void CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM(uint path, enum coverMode) |
| |
| The command operates in the same manner as CoverFillPathCHROMIUM except the |
| region guaranteed to be rasterized is, rather than the region within |
| /path/'s filled outline, instead the region within the /path/'s stroked |
| region as determined by StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM. During this |
| rasterization, the stencil test operates normally and as configured; the |
| expectation is the stencil test will be used to discard samples not |
| determined "covered" by a prior StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM command. |
| |
| If /path/ does not name an existing path object, the command does |
| nothing (and no error is generated). |
| |
| /coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM or BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM. |
| Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| Analogous to the rasterization guarantee of CoverFillPathCHROMIUM with |
| respect to StencilFillPathCHROMIUM, CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM guarantees that |
| all samples rasterized by StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM, given the same |
| transforms and accessible pixels and stroke width, will also be rasterized |
| by the corresponding CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM. |
| |
| CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM /requires/ the following rasterization invariance: |
| calling CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM for the same (unchanged) path object with |
| fixed (unchanged) modelview, projection, and viewport transform state and |
| with the same (unchanged) set of accessible samples will rasterize the exact |
| same set of samples with identical interpolated values for respective |
| fragment/sample locations. |
| |
| void StencilThenCoverFillPathCHROMIUM(uint path, enum fillMode, uint mask, enum coverMode) |
| |
| The command is equivalent to the two commands |
| |
| StencilFillPathCHROMIUM(path, fillMode, mask); |
| CoverFillPathCHROMIUM(path, coverMode); |
| |
| unless either command would generate an error; for any such error |
| other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated. |
| |
| void StencilThenCoverStrokePathCHROMIUM(uint path, int reference, uint mask, enum coverMode) |
| |
| The command is equivalent to the two commands |
| |
| StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM(path, reference, mask); |
| CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM(path, coverMode); |
| |
| unless either command would generate an error; for any such error |
| other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated. |
| |
| void StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum fillMode, uint mask, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command stencils a sequence of filled paths. |
| |
| The /numPaths/ has to be >= 0. Otherwise INVALID_VALUE error is |
| generated. |
| |
| The /numPaths/ has to fit in 32-bit uint. Otherwise |
| INVALID_OPERATION is generated. |
| |
| The /pathNameType/ determines the type of elements of the /paths/ |
| array and must be one of UNSIGNED_BYTE, BYTE, UNSIGNED_SHORT, SHORT, |
| UNSIGNED_INT or INT. Otherwise INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| The /pathBase/ is an offset added to the /numPaths/ path names read |
| from the /paths/ array. Each result is 2's complement integer and it |
| is cast to uint path name.. |
| |
| The /transformType/ must be one of NONE, TRANSLATE_X_CHROMIUM, |
| TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_3D_CHROMIUM. Otherwise INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| The /fillMode/ and /mask/ are validated identically to the same-named |
| parameters of StencilFillPathCHROMIUM. |
| |
| The /numPaths/ * (size of /pathNameType/ data type) + /numPaths/ * |
| (size of float) * (component count of /transformType/) must fit to |
| 32-bit uint. Otherwise INVALID_OPERATION is generated. |
| |
| The StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM command is equivalent to: |
| |
| float dm[16]; |
| const float *v = transformValues; |
| for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) { |
| if (!applyPathTransform(dm, transformType, &v)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| uint pathName; |
| if (!getPathName(pathNameType, &paths, pathBase, &pathName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsPathCHROMIUM(pathName)) { |
| StencilFillPathCHROMIUM(pathName, fillMode, mask); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| assuming these helper functions for applyPathTransform and |
| getPathName: |
| |
| bool applyPathTransform(const float dm[], enum transformType, const float** v) |
| { |
| float m[16] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 }; |
| |
| switch (transformType) { |
| case NONE: |
| break; |
| m[12] = (*v)[0]; |
| *v += 1; |
| break; |
| m[13] = (*v)[0]; |
| *v += 1; |
| break; |
| m[12] = (*v)[0]; |
| m[13] = (*v)[1]; |
| *v += 2; |
| break; |
| m[12] = (*v)[0]; |
| m[13] = (*v)[1]; |
| m[14] = (*v)[2]; |
| *v += 3; |
| break; |
| m[0] =(*v)[0]; m[4] =(*v)[2]; m[8] =0; m[12]=(*v)[4]; |
| m[1] =(*v)[1]; m[5] =(*v)[3]; m[9] =0; m[13]=(*v)[5]; |
| m[2] =0 ; m[6] =0; m[10]=1; m[14]=0; |
| m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=0; m[15]=1; |
| *v += 6; |
| break; |
| m[0] =(*v)[0]; m[4] =(*v)[1]; m[8] =0; m[12]=(*v)[2]; |
| m[1] =(*v)[3]; m[5] =(*v)[4]; m[9] =0; m[13]=(*v)[5]; |
| m[2] =0; m[6] =0; m[10]=1; m[14]=0; |
| m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=0; m[15]=1; |
| *v += 6; |
| break; |
| m[0] =(*v)[0]; m[4] =(*v)[3]; m[8] =(*v)[6]; m[12]=(*v)[9]; |
| m[1] =(*v)[1]; m[5] =(*v)[4]; m[9] =(*v)[7]; m[13]=(*v)[10]; |
| m[2] =(*v)[2]; m[6] =(*v)[5]; m[10]=(*v)[8]; m[14]=(*v)[11]; |
| m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=1; m[15]=0; |
| *v += 12; |
| break; |
| m[0] =(*v)[0]; m[4] =(*v)[1]; m[8] =(*v)[2]; m[12]=(*v)[3]; |
| m[1] =(*v)[4]; m[5] =(*v)[5]; m[9] =(*v)[6]; m[13]=(*v)[7]; |
| m[2] =(*v)[8]; m[6] =(*v)[9]; m[10]=(*v)[10]; m[14]=(*v)[11]; |
| m[3] =0; m[7] =0; m[11]=1; m[15]=0; |
| *v += 12; |
| break; |
| default: |
| setError(INVALID_ENUM); |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| multiplyMatrix(dm, m, m); // Multiplies dm and m and stores result to m. |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| bool getPathName(enum pathNameType, const void** paths, |
| uint pathBase, uint* pathName) |
| { |
| switch (pathNameType) { |
| case BYTE: |
| { |
| const byte *p = (const byte*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| { |
| const ubyte *p = (const ubyte*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| case SHORT: |
| { |
| const short *p = (const short*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| { |
| const ushort *p = (const ushort*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| case INT: |
| { |
| const int *p = (const int*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| case UNSIGNED_INT: |
| { |
| const uint *p = (const uint*)*paths; |
| *pathName = pathBase + p[0]; |
| *paths = p+1; |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| setError(INVALID_ENUM); |
| return FALSE; |
| } |
| return TRUE; |
| } |
| |
| |
| void StencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| int reference, uint mask, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command stencils a sequence of stroked paths. |
| |
| The command verifies /numPaths/, /pathNameType/ and |
| /transformType/ similarly to StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM. |
| |
| The command is equivalent to: |
| |
| float dm[16]; |
| const float *v = transformValues; |
| for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) { |
| if (!applyPathTransform(dm, transformType, &v)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| uint pathName; |
| if (!getPathName(pathNameType, &paths, pathBase, &pathName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsPathCHROMIUM(pathName)) { |
| StencilStrokePathCHROMIUM(pathName, reference, mask); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| assume the helper functions for applyPathTransform and |
| getPathName defined above. |
| |
| void CoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum coverMode, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command covers a sequence of filled paths. |
| |
| The command verifies /numPaths/, /pathNameType/ and |
| /transformType/ similarly to StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM. |
| |
| The command is equivalent to: |
| |
| renderBoundingBox(FALSE, |
| numPaths, |
| pathNameType, |
| paths, |
| pathBase, |
| transformType, transformValues); |
| } else if (coverMode == CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM || coverMode == BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM) { |
| float dm[16]; |
| const float *v = transformValues; |
| for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) { |
| if (!applyPathTransform(dm, transformType, &v)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| uint pathName; |
| if (!getPathName(pathNameType, &paths, pathBase, &pathName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsPathCHROMIUM(pathName)) { |
| CoverFillPathCHROMIUM(pathName, coverMode); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| setError(INVALID_ENUM); |
| } |
| |
| |
| assuming these helper functions for applyPathTransform and |
| getPathName defined above as well as: |
| |
| void renderBoundingBox(bool shouldRenderStroke, |
| sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const uint *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues) |
| { |
| boolean hasBounds = FALSE; |
| float boundsUnion[4], bounds[4]; |
| |
| const float *v = transformValues; |
| for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) { |
| uint pathName; |
| if (!getPathName(pathNameType, paths, pathBase, &pathName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsPathCHROMIUM(pathName)) { |
| GetPathBoundingBox(pathName, shouldRenderStroke, bounds); |
| switch (transformType) { |
| case NONE: |
| break; |
| bounds[0] += v[0]; |
| bounds[2] += v[0]; |
| v += 1; |
| break; |
| bounds[1] += v[0]; |
| bounds[3] += v[0]; |
| v += 1; |
| break; |
| bounds[0] += v[0]; |
| bounds[1] += v[1]; |
| bounds[2] += v[0]; |
| bounds[3] += v[1]; |
| v += 2; |
| break; |
| case TRANSLATE_3D_CHROMIUM: // ignores v[2] |
| bounds[0] += v[0]; |
| bounds[1] += v[1]; |
| bounds[2] += v[0]; |
| bounds[3] += v[1]; |
| v += 3; |
| break; |
| bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[2] + v[4]; |
| bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[1] + bounds[1]*v[3] + v[5]; |
| bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[2] + v[4]; |
| bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[1] + bounds[3]*v[3] + v[5]; |
| v += 6; |
| break; |
| bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[1] + v[2]; |
| bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[3] + bounds[1]*v[4] + v[5]; |
| bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[1] + v[2]; |
| bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[3] + bounds[3]*v[4] + v[5]; |
| v += 6; |
| break; |
| case AFFINE_3D_CHROMIUM: // ignores v[2], v[5], v[6..8], v[11] |
| bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[3] + v[9]; |
| bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[1] + bounds[1]*v[4] + v[10]; |
| bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[3] + v[9]; |
| bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[1] + bounds[3]*v[4] + v[10]; |
| v += 12; |
| break; |
| case TRANSPOSE_AFFINE_3D_CHROMIUM: // ignores v[2], v[6], v[8..11] |
| bounds[0] = bounds[0]*v[0] + bounds[0]*v[1] + v[3]; |
| bounds[1] = bounds[1]*v[4] + bounds[1]*v[5] + v[7]; |
| bounds[2] = bounds[2]*v[0] + bounds[2]*v[1] + v[3]; |
| bounds[3] = bounds[3]*v[4] + bounds[3]*v[5] + v[7]; |
| v += 12; |
| break; |
| default: |
| setError(INVALID_ENUM); |
| return; |
| } |
| if (bounds[0] > bounds[2]) { |
| float t = bounds[2]; |
| bounds[2] = bounds[0]; |
| bounds[0] = t; |
| } |
| if (bounds[1] > bounds[3]) { |
| float t = bounds[3]; |
| bounds[3] = bounds[1]; |
| bounds[1] = t; |
| } |
| if (hasBounds) { |
| if (bounds[0] < boundsUnion[0]) { |
| boundsUnion[0] = bounds[0]; |
| } |
| if (bounds[1] < boundsUnion[1]) { |
| boundsUnion[1] = bounds[1]; |
| } |
| if (bounds[2] > boundsUnion[2]) { |
| boundsUnion[2] = bounds[2]; |
| } |
| if (bounds[3] > boundsUnion[3]) { |
| boundsUnion[3] = bounds[3]; |
| } |
| } else { |
| for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { |
| boundsUnion[i] = bounds[i]; |
| } |
| hasBounds = TRUE; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (hasBounds) { |
| Rectf(boundsUnion[0], boundsUnion[1], boundsUnion[2], boundsUnion[3]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Where helper GetPathBoundingBox returns bounding box for the path with or without |
| stroking, and Rectf renders a rectangle. |
| |
| /coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM or BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM or |
| BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES. Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| void CoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum coverMode, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command covers a sequence of stroked paths. |
| |
| The command verifies /numPaths/, /pathNameType/ and |
| /transformType/ similarly to StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM. |
| |
| The command is equivalent to: |
| |
| renderBoundingBox(TRUE, |
| numPaths, |
| pathNameType, paths, |
| pathBase, |
| transformType, transformValues); |
| } else if (coverMode == CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM || coverMode == BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM) { |
| float dm[16]; |
| const float *v = transformValues; |
| for (int i = 0; i<numPaths; i++) { |
| if (!applyPathTransform(dm, transformType, &v)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| uint pathName; |
| if (!getPathName(pathNameType, &paths, pathBase, &pathName)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (IsPathCHROMIUM(pathName)) { |
| CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM(pathName, coverMode); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| setError(INVALID_ENUM); |
| } |
| |
| assuming these helper functions defined above. |
| |
| /coverMode/ must be one of CONVEX_HULL_CHROMIUM or BOUNDING_BOX_CHROMIUM or |
| BOUNDING_BOX_OF_BOUNDING_BOXES. Otherwise, INVALID_ENUM error is generated. |
| |
| |
| void StencilThenCoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum coverMode, |
| enum fillMode, |
| uint mask, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command is equivalent to the two commands |
| |
| StencilFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM(numPaths |
| paths, |
| pathBase, |
| fillMode, |
| mask, |
| transformType, |
| transformValues); |
| CoverFillPathInstancedCHROMIUM(numPaths, |
| paths, |
| pathBase, |
| coverMode, |
| fillMode, |
| mask, |
| transformType, |
| transformValues); |
| |
| unless either command would generate an error; for any such error |
| other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated. |
| |
| |
| void StencilThenCoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM(sizei numPaths, |
| enum pathNameType, |
| const void *paths, |
| uint pathBase, |
| enum coverMode, |
| int reference, |
| uint mask, |
| enum transformType, |
| const float *transformValues); |
| |
| The command is equivalent to the two commands |
| |
| StencilStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM(numPaths, |
| pathNameType, |
| paths, |
| pathBase, |
| reference, |
| mask, |
| transformType, |
| transformValues); |
| CoverStrokePathInstancedCHROMIUM(numPaths, |
| pathNameType, |
| paths, |
| pathBase, |
| coverMode, |
| transformType, |
| transformValues); |
| |
| unless either command would generate an error; for any such error |
| other than OUT_OF_MEMORY, only that error is generated. |
| |
| void BindFragmentInputLocationCHROMIUM(uint program, int location, |
| const char* name); |
| |
| The call specifes that the fragment shader input varying named |
| /name/ in program /program/ should be bound to uniform location |
| /location/ when the program is next linked. If /name/ was bound |
| previously, its assigned binding is replaced with /location/. The |
| /name/ must be a null terminated string. The error INVALID_VALUE |
| is generated if /location/ is equal or greater than |
| |
| |
| or less than 0. BindFragmentInputLocation has no effect until the |
| program is linked. In particular, it doesn't modify the bindings of active |
| uniforms variables in a program that has already been linked. |
| |
| The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if /program/ is not name for a |
| program object. |
| |
| The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if name starts with the reserved |
| "gl_" prefix. |
| |
| When a program is linked, any active uniforms without a binding specified |
| through BindFragmentInputLocation will be automatically be bound to |
| locations by the GL. Such bindings can not be queried. |
| |
| BindFragmentInputLocation may be issued before any shader objects are |
| attached to a program object. Hence it is allowed to bind any name (except |
| a name starting with "gl_") to an index, including a name that is never used |
| as a varying in the fragment shader object. Assigned bindings for varying |
| variables that do not exist or are not active are ignored. Using such bindings |
| behaves as if passed location was -1. |
| |
| It is possible for an application to bind more than one fragment |
| input name to the same location. This is referred to as aliasing. |
| This will only work if only one of the aliased fragment inputs is |
| active in the executable program, or if no path through the shader |
| consumes more than one fragment input of a set of fragment inputs |
| aliased to the same location. If two statically used fragment |
| inputs in a program are bound to the name location, link must |
| fail. |
| |
| void ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM(uint program, |
| int location, |
| enum genMode, |
| int components, |
| const float *coeffs); |
| |
| The command controls how a user-defined (non-built-in) fragment input of |
| a GLSL program object is computed for fragment shading operations that occur |
| as a result of CoverFillPathCHROMIUM or CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM. |
| |
| /program/ names a GLSL program object. If /program/ has not been |
| successfully linked, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated. |
| |
| The given fragment input generation state is loaded into the fragment |
| input variable location identified by /location/. This location |
| is a value bound with BindFragmentInputLocation. |
| |
| If the value of location is -1, the ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM |
| command will silently ignore the command, and the program's path fragment |
| input generation state will not be changed. |
| |
| If any of the following conditions occur, an INVALID_OPERATION error is |
| generated by the ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM, and no state is |
| changed: |
| |
| * if the size indicated in the /components/ of the |
| ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM command used does not match the |
| size of the fragment input scalar or vector declared in the |
| shader, |
| |
| * if the fragment input declared in the shader is not |
| single-precision floating-point scalar or vector, or |
| |
| * if no fragment input variable with a location of /location/ |
| exists in the program object named by /program/ and location |
| is not -1, or |
| |
| * if the fragment input declared in the shader is a built-in |
| variables (i.e. prefixed by "gl_"). |
| |
| When covering paths, fragment input variables are interpolated at |
| each shaded fragment based on the corresponding fragment input |
| generation state specified by ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM for |
| each respective fragment input. |
| |
| The /genMode/, /components/, and /coeffs/ parameters are used to |
| generate the fragment input variable values. This is described in |
| |
| When covering paths, if a fragment input variable has not had its |
| path fragment input generation state successfully generated, it as |
| if the values of this variable are always initialized to zero when |
| the fragment shader is executing. |
| |
| |
| The /genMode/, /components/, and /coeffs/ parameters of |
| ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM control how fragment inputs are computed |
| for fragment shading operations that occur as a result of |
| CoverFillPathCHROMIUM and CoverStrokePathCHROMIUM and their StencilThenCover |
| and instanced variants. |
| |
| or CONSTANT_CHROMIUM; otherwise INVALID_ENUM is generated. |
| |
| NONE means that the fragment input is not generated. OBJECT_LINEAR_CHROMIUM |
| means that the specified input is generated from a linear combination of the |
| 2D path coordinates (x,y). EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM means the specified input is |
| generated from a linear combination of path's 2D coordinates transformed in |
| eye space, with (xe, ye, ze, we) calculated as in section 2.12 |
| ("Fixed-Function Vertex Transformation") of OpenGL 3.2 (unabridged) |
| Specification (Special Functions). CONSTANT_CHROMIUM means that the |
| specified input is set to corresponding constant value. |
| |
| /components/ must be 0 if /genMode/ is NONE or for other allowed /genMode/ |
| values must be one of 1, 2, 3, or 4; otherwise INVALID_VALUE is generated. |
| /components/ determines how many fragment input components, how many |
| coefficients read from the /coeffs/ array, and the linear equations used to |
| generate the s, t, r, and q coordinates of the fragment input specified by |
| /location/. |
| |
| In the following equations, coeffs[i] is the /i/th element (base zero) of |
| the /coeffs/ array; x, y, z, and w are determined by the /genMode/. |
| |
| When /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, xcoeffs[i] is the /i/th element (base |
| zero) of a /xcoeffs/ array generated by multiplying each respective vector |
| of four elements of coeffs by the current inverse modelview matrix when |
| ProgramPathFragmentInputGen is called. |
| |
| xcoeffs[0..3] = coeffs[0..3] * MV^-1 |
| xcoeffs[4..7] = coeffs[4..7] * MV^-1 |
| xcoeffs[8..11] = coeffs[8..11] * MV^-1 |
| xcoeffs[12..15] = coeffs[12..12] * MV^-1 |
| |
| [[ NOTATION: |
| |
| xxx[0..3] is a vector form from xxx[0], xxx[1], xxx[2], and xxx[3] |
| |
| MV^-1 is the inverse of the current PATH_MODELVIEW_CHROMIUM matrix when |
| ProgramPathFragmentInputGenCHROMIUM happens. |
| |
| ]] |
| |
| If the /components/ is 0, no values from the /coeffs/ array are |
| accessed and the s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's |
| fragment input for /location/ are computed: |
| |
| s = 0 |
| t = 0 |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| If the /components/ is 1 and /genMode/ is OBJECT_LINEAR_CHROMIUM |
| 3 values from the /coeffs/ array are |
| accessed and the s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's |
| fragment input for /location/ are computed: |
| |
| s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2] |
| t = 0 |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, then 4 values are |
| accessed and the fragment input for /location/ are |
| computed: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we |
| t = 0 |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT_CHROMIUM, then: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] |
| t = 0 |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| If the /components/ is 2 and /genMode/ is OBJECT_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, |
| 6 values from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the |
| s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's fragment input |
| coordinates are computed: |
| |
| s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2] |
| t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5] |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, then 8 values are |
| accessed and the fragment input coordinates are computed: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we |
| t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT_CHROMIUM, then: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] |
| t = xcoeffs[1] |
| r = 0 |
| q = 0 |
| |
| If the /components/ is 3 and /genMode/ is OBJECT_LINEAR_CHROMIUM 9 values |
| from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the s, t, r, and q coordinates of a |
| covered fragment's fragment input coordinates for /location/ are computed: |
| |
| s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2] |
| t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5] |
| r = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8] |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT_CHROMIUM, then: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] |
| t = xcoeffs[1] |
| r = xcoeffs[2] |
| q = 0 |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, then 12 values are |
| accessed and the fragment input coodinates for /location/ are computed: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we |
| t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we |
| r = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we |
| q = 0 |
| |
| If the /components/ is 4 and /genMode/ is OBJECT_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, |
| 12 values from the /coeffs/ array are accessed and the |
| s, t, r, and q coordinates of a covered fragment's fragment input |
| coordinates for /location/ are computed: |
| |
| s = coeffs[0] * x + coeffs[1] * y + coeffs[2] |
| t = coeffs[3] * x + coeffs[4] * y + coeffs[5] |
| r = coeffs[6] * x + coeffs[7] * y + coeffs[8] |
| q = coeffs[9] * x + coeffs[10] * y + coeffs[11] |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is EYE_LINEAR_CHROMIUM, then 16 values are |
| accessed and the fragment input coordinates for /location/ are |
| computed: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] * xe + xcoeffs[1] * ye + xcoeffs[2] * ze + xcoeffs[3] * we |
| t = xcoeffs[4] * xe + xcoeffs[5] * ye + xcoeffs[6] * ze + xcoeffs[7] * we |
| r = xcoeffs[8] * xe + xcoeffs[9] * ye + xcoeffs[10] * ze + xcoeffs[11] * we |
| q = xcoeffs[12] * xe + xcoeffs[13] * ye + xcoeffs[14] * ze + xcoeffs[15] * we |
| |
| Alternatively if the /genMode/ is CONSTANT_CHROMIUM, then: |
| |
| s = xcoeffs[0] |
| t = xcoeffs[1] |
| r = xcoeffs[2] |
| q = xcoeffs[3] |
| |
| The initial mode is NONE and the coefficients are all initially zero. |
| |
| |
| The GL processes fragments rasterized by path cover commands in |
| much the same manner as fragments generated by conventional polygon |
| rasterization. However path rendering /ignores/ the following |
| operations: |
| |
| * Interpolation of per-vertex data (section 3.6.1). Path |
| primitives have neither conventional vertices nor per-vertex |
| data. Instead fragments generate interpolated per-fragment |
| colors, texture coordinate sets, as a |
| linear function of object-space or eye-space path coordinate's |
| or using the current color or texture coordinate set state |
| directly. |
| |
| Depth offset (section 3.6.2) and polygon multisample rasterization |
| (3.6.3) do apply to path covering. |
| |
| Front and back face determination (explained in section 3.6.1 for |
| polygons) operates somewhat differently for transformed paths than |
| polygons. The path's convex hull or bounding box |
| (depending on the /coverMode/) is specified to wind counterclockwise |
| in object space, though the transformation of the convex hull into |
| window space could reverse this winding. Whether the GL's front face |
| state is CW or CCW (as set by the FrontFace command) determines |
| if the path is front facing or not. Because the specific vertices |
| that belong to the covering geometry are implementation-dependent, |
| when the signed area of the covering geometry (computed with equation |
| 3.6) is sufficiently near zero, the facingness of the path in such |
| situations is ill-defined. |
| |
| The determination of whether a path transformed into window space is |
| front facing or not affects face culling if enabled (section 3.6.1), |
| the gl_FrontFacing built-in variable (section 3.9.2), and separate |
| (two-sided) stencil testing (section 4.1.4). |
| |
| Errors |
| |
| None. |
| |
| New State |
| |
| Get Value Type Get Command Initial Description |
| ----------------------------- ----- ------------ -------- ------------------- |
| PATH_MODELVIEW_MATRIX_CHROMIUM 16xR GetFloatv all 0's Current modelview |
| matrix for path rendering |
| PATH_PROJECTION_MATRIX_CHROMIUM 16xR GetFloatv all 0's Current projection |
| matrix for path rendering |
| PATH_STENCIL_FUNC_CHROMIUM Z8 GetIntegerv ALWAYS path stenciling function |
| PATH_STENCIL_REF_CHROMIUM Z+ GetIntegerv 0 path stenciling |
| reference value |
| Z+ GetIntegerv 1's mask |
| |
| Tables |
| Table 5.pathCommands: Path Commands |
| |
| Coordinate |
| Token Description count |
| ========================== ===================== ========== |
| MOVE_TO_CHROMIUM Absolute move 2 |
| current point |
| -------------------------- --------------------- ---------- |
| CLOSE_PATH_CHROMIUM Close path 0 |
| -------------------------- --------------------- ---------- |
| LINE_TO_CHROMIUM Absolute line 2 |
| -------------------------- --------------------- ---------- |
| QUADRATIC_CURVE_TO_CHROMIUM Absolute quadratic 4 |
| -------------------------- --------------------- ---------- |
| CUBIC_CURVE_TO_CHROMIUM Absolute cubic 6 |
| Bezier segment |
| -------------------------- --------------------- ---------- |
| CONIC_CURVE_TO_CHROMIUM Absolute conic 5 |
| (rational Bezier) |
| segment |
| |
| |
| Table 5.pathParameters |
| Name Type Required Values or Range |
| ------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------- |
| PATH_STROKE_WIDTH_CHROMIUM float non-negative |
| PATH_MITER_LIMIT_CHROMIUM float non-negative |
| PATH_STROKE_BOUND_CHROMIUM float will be clamped to [0, 1.0], initially 0.2 (20%) |
| |
| |
| Issues |
| |
| 1. Should there be a distinct stencil function state for path |
| stenciling? |
| |
| RESOLVED: YES. glPathStencilFunc sets the state. How the |
| stencil state needs to be configured for path covering is |
| different than how the stencil function is configured typically |
| for path stenciling. |
| |
| For example, stencil covering might use |
| StencilFunc(NOT_EQUAL,0,~0) while path stenciling would |
| use ALWAYS for the path stenciling stencil test. |
| |
| However there are other situations such as path clipping where it |
| is useful to have the path stencil function configured differently |
| such as PathStencilFunc(NOT_EQUAL, 0x00, 0x80) or other |
| similar path clipping test. |
| |
| 2. Since Cover*Path* skips the vertex shader, what does it mean exactly |
| wrt a fully linked program? What happens to the fragment shader's input |
| varyings that are not filled by the vertex shader + rasterizer? |
| |
| It is possible that input varyings from a shader may not be written |
| as output varyings of a preceding shader. In this case, the unwritten |
| input varying values are set to constant zeros. |
| |
| 3. What is the defined behavior when stroking if PATH_STROKE_WIDTH is |
| zero? |
| |
| There will not be any samples within the stroke. I.e. the stroke does |
| not produce any visible results. |
| |
| 4. How do you define a program that's valid to use with these calls. |
| |
| There is no change with respect to validity of the programs. All |
| programs that are valid before this extension are valid after. |
| All programs that are invalid before this extension is invalid |
| after. |
| |
| 5. Can same programs be used to render regular GL primitives as well |
| as in covering paths? |
| |
| Yes. |
| |
| 6. How is the fragment shader called when covering paths, and with |
| which values for the inputs? |
| |
| gl_FragCoord: Interpolated coordinate of the path coverage. |
| |
| gl_FrontFacing: |
| * Paths wind by default counterclockwise |
| * Window space transform can reverse this winding |
| * GL front face state CW/CCW selects whether the variable is true |
| or false |
| |
| user-defined varyings: constant zeros. |
| |
| Revision History |
| |
| 14/8/2014 Documented the extension |