blob: a711a4caf3b3fe4bc969be9e63c87bb33aa79834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "storage/browser/storage_browser_export.h"
#include "storage/common/data_element.h"
namespace disk_cache {
class Entry;
namespace storage {
class BlobDataBuilder;
class BlobStorageContext;
// Ref counted blob item. This class owns the backing data of the blob item. The
// backing data is immutable, and cannot change after creation. The purpose of
// this class is to allow the resource to stick around in the snapshot even
// after the resource was swapped in the blob (either to disk or to memory) by
// the BlobStorageContext.
class STORAGE_EXPORT BlobDataItem : public base::RefCounted<BlobDataItem> {
// The DataHandle class is used to persist resources that are needed for
// reading this BlobDataItem. This object will stay around while any reads are
// pending. If all blobs with this item are deleted or the item is swapped for
// a different backend version (mem-to-disk or the reverse), then the item
// will be destructed after all pending reads are complete.
class STORAGE_EXPORT DataHandle : public base::RefCounted<DataHandle> {
virtual ~DataHandle() = 0;
friend class base::RefCounted<DataHandle>;
DataElement::Type type() const { return item_->type(); }
const char* bytes() const { return item_->bytes(); }
const base::FilePath& path() const { return item_->path(); }
const GURL& filesystem_url() const { return item_->filesystem_url(); }
const std::string& blob_uuid() const { return item_->blob_uuid(); }
uint64_t offset() const { return item_->offset(); }
uint64_t length() const { return item_->length(); }
const base::Time& expected_modification_time() const {
return item_->expected_modification_time();
const DataElement& data_element() const { return *item_; }
const DataElement* data_element_ptr() const { return item_.get(); }
DataElement* data_element_ptr() { return item_.get(); }
disk_cache::Entry* disk_cache_entry() const { return disk_cache_entry_; }
int disk_cache_stream_index() const { return disk_cache_stream_index_; }
int disk_cache_side_stream_index() const {
return disk_cache_side_stream_index_;
friend class BlobDataBuilder;
friend class BlobStorageContext;
friend class base::RefCounted<BlobDataItem>;
friend STORAGE_EXPORT void PrintTo(const BlobDataItem& x, ::std::ostream* os);
explicit BlobDataItem(std::unique_ptr<DataElement> item);
BlobDataItem(std::unique_ptr<DataElement> item,
const scoped_refptr<DataHandle>& data_handle);
BlobDataItem(std::unique_ptr<DataElement> item,
const scoped_refptr<DataHandle>& data_handle,
disk_cache::Entry* entry,
int disk_cache_stream_index,
int disk_cache_side_stream_index);
virtual ~BlobDataItem();
std::unique_ptr<DataElement> item_;
scoped_refptr<DataHandle> data_handle_;
// This naked pointer is safe because the scope is protected by the DataHandle
// instance for disk cache entries during the lifetime of this BlobDataItem.
disk_cache::Entry* disk_cache_entry_;
int disk_cache_stream_index_; // For TYPE_DISK_CACHE_ENTRY.
int disk_cache_side_stream_index_; // For TYPE_DISK_CACHE_ENTRY.
STORAGE_EXPORT bool operator==(const BlobDataItem& a, const BlobDataItem& b);
STORAGE_EXPORT bool operator!=(const BlobDataItem& a, const BlobDataItem& b);
} // namespace storage