blob: 0ae6889fade73abc0753fce71d6f50e3750afa4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise_h
#define ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise_h
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptPromiseResolver.h"
#include "core/dom/ExceptionCode.h"
#include "platform/ContentDecryptionModuleResult.h"
namespace blink {
ExceptionCode WebCdmExceptionToExceptionCode(WebContentDecryptionModuleException);
// This class wraps the promise resolver to simplify creation of
// ContentDecryptionModuleResult objects. The default implementations of the
// complete(), completeWithSession(), etc. methods will reject the promise
// with an error. It needs to be subclassed and the appropriate complete()
// method overridden to resolve the promise as needed.
class ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise : public ContentDecryptionModuleResult {
~ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise() override;
// ContentDecryptionModuleResult implementation.
void complete() override;
void completeWithContentDecryptionModule(WebContentDecryptionModule*) override;
void completeWithSession(WebContentDecryptionModuleResult::SessionStatus) override;
void completeWithError(WebContentDecryptionModuleException, unsigned long systemCode, const WebString&) final;
// It is only valid to call this before completion.
ScriptPromise promise();
explicit ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise(ScriptState*);
// Resolves the promise with |value|. Used by subclasses to resolve the
// promise.
template <typename... T>
void resolve(T... value)
// Rejects the promise with a DOMException.
void reject(ExceptionCode, const String& errorMessage);
ExecutionContext* executionContext() const;
Member<ScriptPromiseResolver> m_resolver;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ContentDecryptionModuleResultPromise_h