Revert "[ios] Add eg2 tests for managed bookmarks"

This reverts commit db19268df679f4f734c6fe5e469343d3c473262a.

Reason for revert: test failure, see

Original change's description:
> [ios] Add eg2 tests for managed bookmarks
> This CL adds eg2 tests for changes in
> The test fixture in this CL must enable certain command-line flags
> to be able to run the managed bookmarks enterprise policy.
> The eg2 tests for managed bookmarks include testing:
> - disabling long-press for managed items (URLs and folders)
> - disabling swipe-to-delete for managed items (URLs and folders)
> - disabling new folder context menu button when inside a managed folder
> - disabling edit context menu button when inside a managed folder
> Bug: 1065187
> Change-Id: Ide92b87f03585d186b133f192d1e39a4fbbaa1cd
> Reviewed-on:
> Reviewed-by: Sergio Collazos <>
> Commit-Queue: edchin <>
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#758848},

Change-Id: Ie6b374a26d85cd99d52417ee52aabee8ff2d2683
No-Presubmit: true
No-Tree-Checks: true
No-Try: true
Bug: 1065187, 1070676
Reviewed-by: Xiaohan Wang <>
Commit-Queue: Xiaohan Wang <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#758903}
diff --git a/ios/chrome/browser/policy/ b/ios/chrome/browser/policy/
index f248cb80..b2537d6b 100644
--- a/ios/chrome/browser/policy/
+++ b/ios/chrome/browser/policy/
@@ -99,12 +99,13 @@
   testonly = true
   sources = [
+    "policy_app_interface.h",
+    "",
   deps = [
-    ":eg_test_support+eg2",
@@ -140,20 +141,3 @@
   libs = [ "Foundation.framework" ]
-source_set("eg_test_support+eg2") {
-  defines = [ "CHROME_EARL_GREY_2" ]
-  configs += [
-    "//build/config/compiler:enable_arc",
-    "//build/config/ios:xctest_config",
-  ]
-  testonly = true
-  sources = [
-    "policy_app_interface.h",
-    "",
-  ]
-  deps = [
-    "//ios/testing/earl_grey:eg_test_support+eg2",
-    "//ios/third_party/earl_grey2:test_lib",
-  ]
diff --git a/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/ b/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/
index 1ea0790..4966ec1 100644
--- a/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/
+++ b/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/
@@ -246,17 +246,13 @@
-    "",
   deps = [
-    "//components/policy:generated",
-    "//ios/chrome/browser:utils",
-    "//ios/chrome/browser/policy:eg_test_support+eg2",
diff --git a/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/ b/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a54a8..0000000
--- a/ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#import "components/policy/core/common/policy_loader_ios_constants.h"
-#include "components/policy/policy_constants.h"
-#include "ios/chrome/browser/chrome_switches.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/browser/policy/policy_app_interface.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_earl_grey.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_earl_grey_ui.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/bookmarks/bookmark_ui_constants.h"
-#include "ios/chrome/grit/ios_strings.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_earl_grey.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_matchers.h"
-#import "ios/chrome/test/earl_grey/chrome_test_case.h"
-#include "ios/testing/earl_grey/app_launch_configuration.h"
-#import "ios/testing/earl_grey/earl_grey_test.h"
-#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
-#error "This file requires ARC support."
-using chrome_test_util::BookmarksDeleteSwipeButton;
-using chrome_test_util::ButtonWithAccessibilityLabelId;
-using chrome_test_util::ContextBarLeadingButtonWithLabel;
-using chrome_test_util::ContextBarTrailingButtonWithLabel;
-using chrome_test_util::TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel;
-namespace {
-// Returns an AppLaunchConfiguration containing the given policy data.
-// |policyData| must be in XML format.
-AppLaunchConfiguration GenerateAppLaunchConfiguration(std::string policy_data) {
-  AppLaunchConfiguration config;
-  config.additional_args.push_back(std::string("--") +
-                                   switches::kEnableEnterprisePolicy);
-  config.additional_args.push_back(std::string("--") +
-                                   switches::kInstallManagedBookmarksHandler);
-  config.additional_args.push_back(
-      std::string("--enable-features=ManagedBookmarksIOS"));
-  // Remove whitespace from the policy data, because the XML parser does not
-  // tolerate newlines.
-  base::RemoveChars(policy_data, base::kWhitespaceASCII, &policy_data);
-  // Commandline flags that start with a single "-" are automatically added to
-  // the NSArgumentDomain in NSUserDefaults. Set fake policy data that can be
-  // read by the production platform policy provider.
-  config.additional_args.push_back(
-      "-" + base::SysNSStringToUTF8(kPolicyLoaderIOSConfigurationKey));
-  config.additional_args.push_back(policy_data);
-  config.relaunch_policy = NoForceRelaunchAndResetState;
-  return config;
-void VerifyBookmarkContextBarNewFolderButtonDisabled() {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:ContextBarLeadingButtonWithLabel(
-                                          [BookmarkEarlGreyUI
-                                              contextBarNewFolderString])]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityTrait(
-                            UIAccessibilityTraitNotEnabled)];
-void VerifyBookmarkContextBarEditButtonDisabled() {
-  [[EarlGrey
-      selectElementWithMatcher:ContextBarTrailingButtonWithLabel(
-                                   [BookmarkEarlGreyUI contextBarSelectString])]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_accessibilityTrait(
-                            UIAccessibilityTraitNotEnabled)];
-void LongPressBookmarkNodeWithLabel(NSString* bookmark_node_label) {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          bookmark_node_label)]
-      performAction:grey_longPress()];
-void VerifyEditBookmarkContextMenuButtonNil() {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:ButtonWithAccessibilityLabelId(
-                                          IDS_IOS_BOOKMARK_CONTEXT_MENU_EDIT)]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_nil()];
-void VerifyEditBookmarkFolderContextMenuButtonNil() {
-  [[EarlGrey
-      selectElementWithMatcher:ButtonWithAccessibilityLabelId(
-                                   IDS_IOS_BOOKMARK_CONTEXT_MENU_EDIT_FOLDER)]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_nil()];
-void VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(NSString* bookmark_node_label) {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          bookmark_node_label)]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
-void SwipeBookmarkNodeWithLabel(NSString* bookmark_node_label) {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          bookmark_node_label)]
-      performAction:grey_swipeFastInDirection(kGREYDirectionLeft)];
-void VerifyDeleteSwipeButtonNil() {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:BookmarksDeleteSwipeButton()]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_nil()];
-}  // namespace
-// ManagedBookmarks test case with empty managed bookmarks. This can be
-// sub-classed to provide non-empty managed bookmarks policy data.
-@interface ManagedBookmarksTestCase : ChromeTestCase
-@implementation ManagedBookmarksTestCase
-- (AppLaunchConfiguration)appConfigurationForTestCase {
-  const std::string loadPolicyKey =
-      base::SysNSStringToUTF8(kPolicyLoaderIOSLoadPolicyKey);
-  const std::string managedBookmarksData = [self managedBookmarksPolicyData];
-  std::string policyData = "<dict>"
-                           "<key>" +
-                           loadPolicyKey +
-                           "</key>"
-                           "<true/>"
-                           "<key>" +
-                           std::string(policy::key::kManagedBookmarks) +
-                           "</key>" + managedBookmarksData + "</dict>";
-  return GenerateAppLaunchConfiguration(policyData);
-// Overridable by subclasses for custom managed bookmarks policy data.
-- (std::string)managedBookmarksPolicyData {
-  return "<array></array>";
-- (void)setUp {
-  [super setUp];
-  [ChromeEarlGrey waitForBookmarksToFinishLoading];
-// Tear down called once per test.
-- (void)tearDown {
-  [super tearDown];
-  [BookmarkEarlGrey clearBookmarksPositionCache];
-// Tests ManagedBookmarks when the policy data is empty.
-@interface ManagedBookmarksEmptyPolicyDataTestCase : ManagedBookmarksTestCase
-@implementation ManagedBookmarksEmptyPolicyDataTestCase
-- (std::string)managedBookmarksPolicyData {
-  return "<array></array>";
-// Tests that the managed bookmarks folder does not exist when the policy data
-// is empty.
-- (void)testEmptyManagedBookmarks {
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  // Mobile bookmarks exists.
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          @"Mobile Bookmarks")]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_notNil()];
-  // Managed bookmarks folder does not exist.
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          @"Managed Bookmarks")]
-      assertWithMatcher:grey_nil()];
-// Tests ManagedBookmarks when the policy is set with no top-level folder name.
-@interface ManagedBookmarksDefaultFolderTestCase : ManagedBookmarksTestCase
-@implementation ManagedBookmarksDefaultFolderTestCase
-- (std::string)managedBookmarksPolicyData {
-  // Note that this test removes all whitespace when setting the policy.
-  return R"(
-    <array>
-      <dict>
-        <key>url</key><string></string>
-        <key>name</key><string>First_Managed_URL</string>
-      </dict>
-    </array>
-  )";
-// Tests that the managed bookmarks folder exists with default name.
-- (void)testDefaultFolderName {
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          @"Managed Bookmarks")]
-      performAction:grey_tap()];
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"First_Managed_URL");
-// Tests ManagedBookmarks when the policy is set with an item in the top-level
-// folder as well as an item in a sub-folder.
-@interface ManagedBookmarksPolicyDataWithSubFolderTestCase
-    : ManagedBookmarksTestCase
-@implementation ManagedBookmarksPolicyDataWithSubFolderTestCase
-#pragma mark - Overrides
-- (std::string)managedBookmarksPolicyData {
-  // Note that this test removes all whitespace when setting the policy.
-  return R"(
-    <array>
-      <dict>
-        <key>toplevel_name</key><string>Custom_Folder_Name</string>
-      </dict>
-      <dict>
-        <key>url</key><string></string>
-        <key>name</key><string>First_Managed_URL</string>
-      </dict>
-      <dict>
-        <key>name</key><string>Managed_Sub_Folder</string>
-        <key>children</key>
-        <array>
-          <dict>
-            <key>url</key><string></string>
-            <key>name</key><string>Sub_Folder_First_URL</string>
-          </dict>
-        </array>
-      </dict>
-    </array>
-  )";
-#pragma mark - Test Helpers
-- (void)openCustomManagedBookmarksFolder {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          @"Custom_Folder_Name")]
-      performAction:grey_tap()];
-- (void)openCustomManagedSubFolder {
-  [[EarlGrey selectElementWithMatcher:TappableBookmarkNodeWithLabel(
-                                          @"Managed_Sub_Folder")]
-      performAction:grey_tap()];
-#pragma mark - Tests
-// Tests that the managed bookmarks folder exists with custom name and
-// contents.
-- (void)testManagedBookmarksFolderStructure {
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  [self openCustomManagedBookmarksFolder];
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"First_Managed_URL");
-  [self openCustomManagedSubFolder];
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"Sub_Folder_First_URL");
-// Tests that 'New Folder' and 'Edit' buttons are disabled inside top-level
-// managed bookmarks folder and sub-folder.
-- (void)testContextBarButtonsDisabled {
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  [self openCustomManagedBookmarksFolder];
-  VerifyBookmarkContextBarNewFolderButtonDisabled();
-  VerifyBookmarkContextBarEditButtonDisabled();
-  [self openCustomManagedSubFolder];
-  VerifyBookmarkContextBarNewFolderButtonDisabled();
-  VerifyBookmarkContextBarEditButtonDisabled();
-// Tests that long press is disabled while inside the top-level managed
-// bookmarks folder and sub-folder.
-- (void)testLongPressDisabled {
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  [self openCustomManagedBookmarksFolder];
-  // Test long press on a bookmark URL.
-  LongPressBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"First_Managed_URL");
-  VerifyEditBookmarkContextMenuButtonNil();
-  // Test long press on a folder.
-  LongPressBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"Managed_Sub_Folder");
-  VerifyEditBookmarkFolderContextMenuButtonNil();
-  // Verify content is still the same.
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"First_Managed_URL");
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"Managed_Sub_Folder");
-  [self openCustomManagedSubFolder];
-  // Test long press inside sub-folder.
-  LongPressBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"Sub_Folder_First_URL");
-  VerifyEditBookmarkContextMenuButtonNil();
-  // Verify content is still the same.
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"Sub_Folder_First_URL");
-// Tests that swipe is disabled in managed bookmarks top-level folder and
-// sub-folder.
-- (void)testSwipeDisabled {
-  // TODO( On non Compact Width, the bookmark cell is being
-  // deleted by grey_swipeFastInDirection.
-  // grey_swipeFastInDirectionWithStartPoint doesn't work either and it might
-  // fail on devices. Disabling this test under these conditions on the
-  // meantime.
-  if (![ChromeEarlGrey isCompactWidth]) {
-    EARL_GREY_TEST_SKIPPED(@"Test disabled on iPad on iOS11.");
-  }
-  [BookmarkEarlGreyUI openBookmarks];
-  [self openCustomManagedBookmarksFolder];
-  SwipeBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"First_Managed_URL");
-  VerifyDeleteSwipeButtonNil();
-  SwipeBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"Managed_Sub_Folder");
-  VerifyDeleteSwipeButtonNil();
-  // Verify content is still the same.
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"First_Managed_URL");
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"Managed_Sub_Folder");
-  [self openCustomManagedSubFolder];
-  SwipeBookmarkNodeWithLabel(@"Sub_Folder_First_URL");
-  VerifyDeleteSwipeButtonNil();
-  // Verify content is still the same.
-  VerifyBookmarkNodeWithLabelNotNil(@"Sub_Folder_First_URL");