blob: 232e11a3997f54d3c15a34b86b9426504a83660f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Client-specific metadata used in the CryptAuth v2 Enrollment protocol, which
// is serialized and held in |client_app_metadata| of SyncKeysRequest (in file
// cryptauth_enrollment.proto).
syntax = "proto3";
package cryptauthv2;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Client specific metadata contained in SyncKeysRequest.client_app_metadata.
// Next id: 31
message ClientAppMetadata {
// App specific metadata from the device. On Android, these should be common
// for all the features as they come from GmsCore, however, on IOS and other
// devices, there could be multiple apps with the feature.
repeated ApplicationSpecificMetadata application_specific_metadata = 1;
// Subgrouping of device identifiers.
// Instance ID: See more info at go/gcm-in-gmscore and
string instance_id = 2;
// Token to authenticate the instance ID.
string instance_id_token = 3;
// Checkin android id of the device.
fixed64 android_device_id = 4;
// Not all devices have device identifiers that fit in 64 bits.
bytes long_device_id = 5;
// Subgrouping of device features field. These help in targeting specific
// class of devices, for ex: Tablets vs phones etc.
// Locale of the device.
string locale = 6;
// The Operating System version.
string device_os_version = 7;
// The Operating System version number on the device.
int64 device_os_version_code = 8;
// The Operating system release on the device.
string device_os_release = 9;
// The Operating system codename on the device.
string device_os_codename = 10;
// Size of the display in thousandths of an inch (e.g. 7000 mils = 7 in)
int32 device_display_diagonal_mils = 11;
// Device's model name (e.g., an android.os.Build.MODEL)
string device_model = 12;
// The device manufacturer name.
string device_manufacturer = 13;
// The type of device this is.
enum DeviceType {
IOS = 3;
OSX = 5;
DeviceType device_type = 14;
// Subgrouping of lock screen related fields. Used by many identity features.
// Is this device using a secure screenlock (e.g., a pattern or pin unlock).
bool using_secure_screenlock = 15;
// Is auto-unlocking the screenlock supported ?
bool auto_unlock_screenlock_supported = 16;
// Is auto-unlocking the screenlock (e.g., when at "home") enabled ?
bool auto_unlock_screenlock_enabled = 17;
// Subgrouping of bluetooth state related fields on the device. Used by many
// features.
// Does the device have a Bluetooth (classic) radio?
bool bluetooth_radio_supported = 18;
// Is the Bluetooth (classic) radio on?
bool bluetooth_radio_enabled = 19;
// Does the device have a ble radio?
bool ble_radio_supported = 20;
// Does the device hardware support a mobile data connection?
bool mobile_data_supported = 21;
// Does the device support tethering ?
bool tethering_supported = 22;
// If a feature wants to upload some metadata common to all its keys.
repeated FeatureMetadata feature_metadata = 23;
// Bluetooth address for EasyUnlock.
string bluetooth_address = 24;
// Is the device a "Pixel Experience" Android device?
bool pixel_experience = 25;
// Is the device running in the ARC++ container on a chromebook?
bool arc_plus_plus = 26;
// Does the device support user presence that is backed by hardware
// (unspoofable by malware)?
bool hardware_user_presence_supported = 27;
// Does the device support user verification (E.g., passcode, biometrics)?
bool user_verification_supported = 28;
// Does the device support creating a key in trusted execution environment?
bool trusted_execution_environment_supported = 29;
// Does the device support creating a key in a dedicated secure element
// hardware?
bool dedicated_secure_element_supported = 30;
// Metadata that's app specific.
// Next id: 6
message ApplicationSpecificMetadata {
// Used for device_address of DeviceInfo field 2, but for GCM capable devices.
bytes gcm_registration_id = 1;
// Does the user have notifications enabled for the given device address.
bool notification_enabled = 2;
// The software version running on the device.
string device_software_version = 3;
// The software version number running on the device.
int64 device_software_version_code = 4;
// Software package information if applicable.
string device_software_package = 5;
// Metadata which is same for different keys belonging to a particular feature.
message FeatureMetadata {
enum Feature {
Feature feature_type = 1;
bytes metadata = 2;