blob: 9533e155a8522d14aa85921df7211a34103dfb2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
// TODO(tfarina): Change this namespace to pref_registry.
namespace user_prefs {
// A PrefRegistry that forces users to choose whether each registered
// preference is syncable or not.
// Classes or components that want to register such preferences should
// define a static function named RegisterUserPrefs that takes a
// PrefRegistrySyncable*, and the top-level application using the
// class or embedding the component should call this function at an
// appropriate time before the PrefService for these preferences is
// constructed. See e.g. chrome/browser/prefs/ which
// does this for Chrome.
// TODO(raymes): This class only exists to support SyncableRegistrationCallback
// logic which is only required to support pref registration after the
// PrefService has been created which is only used by tests. We can remove this
// entire class and those tests with some work.
class PrefRegistrySyncable : public PrefRegistrySimple {
// Enum of flags used when registering preferences to determine if it should
// be synced or not. These flags are mutually exclusive, only one of them
// should ever be specified.
// Note: These must NOT overlap with PrefRegistry::PrefRegistrationFlags.
enum PrefRegistrationFlags : uint32_t {
// The pref will be synced.
// The pref will be synced. The pref will never be encrypted and will be
// synced before other datatypes.
// Because they're never encrypted:
// -- they can be synced down on first sync before the user is prompted for
// a passphrase.
// -- they are preferred for receiving server-provided data.
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& path, uint32_t flags)>
// Exactly one callback can be set for the event of a syncable
// preference being registered. It will be fired after the
// registration has occurred.
// Calling this method after a callback has already been set will
// make the object forget the previous callback and use the new one
// instead.
void SetSyncableRegistrationCallback(const SyncableRegistrationCallback& cb);
// Returns a new PrefRegistrySyncable that uses the same defaults
// store.
scoped_refptr<PrefRegistrySyncable> ForkForIncognito();
// Adds a the preference with name |pref_name| to the whitelist of prefs which
// will be synced even before they got registered. Note that it's still
// illegal to read or write a whitelisted preference via the PrefService
// before its registration.
void WhitelistLateRegistrationPrefForSync(const std::string& pref_name);
// Checks weather the preference with name |path| is on the whitelist of
// sync-supported prefs before registration.
bool IsWhitelistedLateRegistrationPref(const std::string& path) const;
~PrefRegistrySyncable() override;
// PrefRegistrySimple overrides.
void OnPrefRegistered(const std::string& path,
uint32_t flags) override;
SyncableRegistrationCallback callback_;
std::set<std::string> sync_unknown_prefs_whitelist_;
} // namespace user_prefs