blob: b325f5509705cd12f6cd2baec2a8d3d3d2a5f76c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/chrome_extension_function_details.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_function.h"
class Browser;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace extensions {
class WindowController;
// A chrome specific analog to AsyncExtensionFunction. This has access to a
// chrome Profile.
// DEPRECATED: Please consider inherting UIThreadExtensionFunction directly.
// Then if you need access to Chrome details, you can construct a
// ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails object within your function implementation.
class ChromeUIThreadExtensionFunction : public UIThreadExtensionFunction {
Profile* GetProfile() const;
// Gets the "current" browser, if any.
// Many extension APIs operate relative to the current browser, which is the
// browser the calling code is running inside of. For example, popups, tabs,
// and infobars all have a containing browser, but background pages and
// notification bubbles do not.
// If there is no containing window, the current browser defaults to the
// foremost one.
// Incognito browsers are not considered unless the calling extension has
// incognito access enabled.
// This method can return NULL if there is no matching browser, which can
// happen if only incognito windows are open, or early in startup or shutdown
// shutdown when there are no active windows.
// TODO(stevenjb): Replace this with GetExtensionWindowController().
Browser* GetCurrentBrowser();
// Same as above but uses WindowControllerList instead of BrowserList.
extensions::WindowController* GetExtensionWindowController();
void SetError(const std::string& error);
// ExtensionFunction:
content::WebContents* GetAssociatedWebContents() override;
const std::string& GetError() const override;
~ChromeUIThreadExtensionFunction() override;
// Responds with success/failure. |results_| or |error_| should be set
// accordingly.
void SendResponse(bool success);
// Sets a single Value as the results of the function.
void SetResult(std::unique_ptr<base::Value> result);
// Sets multiple Values as the results of the function.
void SetResultList(std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> results);
// Exposed versions of ExtensionFunction::results_ and
// ExtensionFunction::error_ that are curried into the response.
// These need to keep the same name to avoid breaking existing
// implementations, but this should be temporary with
// and
std::unique_ptr<base::ListValue> results_;
std::string error_;
ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails chrome_details_;
// A chrome specific analog to AsyncExtensionFunction. This has access to a
// chrome Profile.
// DEPRECATED: Please consider inherting UIThreadExtensionFunction or
// AsyncExtensionFunction directly. Then if you need access to Chrome details,
// you can construct a ChromeExtensionFunctionDetails object within your
// function implementation.
class ChromeAsyncExtensionFunction : public ChromeUIThreadExtensionFunction {
~ChromeAsyncExtensionFunction() override;
// Deprecated, see AsyncExtensionFunction::RunAsync.
virtual bool RunAsync() = 0;
// ValidationFailure override to match RunAsync().
static bool ValidationFailure(ChromeAsyncExtensionFunction* function);
// If you're hitting a compile error here due to "final" - great! You're doing
// the right thing, you just need to extend ChromeUIThreadExtensionFunction
// instead of ChromeAsyncExtensionFunction.
ResponseAction Run() final;