blob: 17d2a04b2771a195e1ec019fd15715bc78c591ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/audio/delay_buffer.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/vector_math.h"
namespace audio {
DelayBuffer::DelayBuffer(int history_size) : history_size_(history_size) {}
DelayBuffer::~DelayBuffer() = default;
void DelayBuffer::Write(FrameTicks position,
const media::AudioBus& input_bus,
double volume) {
DCHECK(chunks_.empty() || chunks_.back().GetEndPosition() <= position);
// Prune-out the oldest InputChunks, but ensure that this DelayBuffer is
// maintaining at least |history_size_| frames in total when this method
// returns (i.e., after the current chunk is inserted).
const FrameTicks prune_position =
position + input_bus.frames() - history_size_;
while (!chunks_.empty() &&
chunks_.front().GetEndPosition() <= prune_position) {
// Make a copy of the AudioBus for later consumption. Apply the volume setting
// by scaling the audio signal during the copy.
auto copy = media::AudioBus::Create(input_bus.channels(), input_bus.frames());
for (int ch = 0; ch < input_bus.channels(); ++ch) {
media::vector_math::FMUL(, volume, input_bus.frames(),
chunks_.emplace_back(position, std::move(copy));
void DelayBuffer::Read(FrameTicks from,
int frames_to_read,
media::AudioBus* output_bus) {
DCHECK_LE(frames_to_read, output_bus->frames());
// Remove all of the oldest chunks until the one in front contains the |from|
// position (or is the first chunk after it).
while (!chunks_.empty() && chunks_.front().GetEndPosition() <= from) {
// Loop, transferring data from each InputChunk to the output AudioBus until
// the requested number of frames have been read.
for (int frames_remaining = frames_to_read; frames_remaining > 0;) {
const int dest_offset = frames_to_read - frames_remaining;
// If attempting to read past the end of the recorded signal, zero-pad the
// rest of the output and return.
if (chunks_.empty()) {
output_bus->ZeroFramesPartial(dest_offset, frames_remaining);
const InputChunk& chunk = chunks_.front();
// This is the offset to the frame within the chunk's AudioBus that
// corresponds to the offset in the output AudioBus. If this calculated
// value is out-of-range, there is a gap (i.e., a missing piece of audio
// signal) in the recording.
const int source_offset =
base::saturated_cast<int>(from + dest_offset - chunk.position);
if (source_offset < 0) {
// There is a gap in the recording. Fill zeroes in the corresponding part
// of the output.
const int frames_to_zero_fill = (source_offset + frames_remaining <= 0)
? frames_remaining
: -source_offset;
output_bus->ZeroFramesPartial(dest_offset, frames_to_zero_fill);
frames_remaining -= frames_to_zero_fill;
DCHECK_LE(source_offset, chunk.bus->frames());
// Copy some or all of the frames in the current chunk to the output; the
// lesser of: a) the frames available in the chunk, or b) the frames
// remaining to output.
const int frames_to_copy_from_chunk = chunk.bus->frames() - source_offset;
if (frames_to_copy_from_chunk <= frames_remaining) {
chunk.bus->CopyPartialFramesTo(source_offset, frames_to_copy_from_chunk,
dest_offset, output_bus);
frames_remaining -= frames_to_copy_from_chunk;
chunks_.pop_front(); // All frames from this chunk have been consumed.
} else {
chunk.bus->CopyPartialFramesTo(source_offset, frames_remaining,
dest_offset, output_bus);
return; // The |output_bus| has been fully populated.
DelayBuffer::FrameTicks DelayBuffer::GetBeginPosition() const {
return chunks_.empty() ? 0 : chunks_.front().position;
DelayBuffer::FrameTicks DelayBuffer::GetEndPosition() const {
return chunks_.empty() ? 0 : chunks_.back().GetEndPosition();
DelayBuffer::InputChunk::InputChunk(FrameTicks p,
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> b)
: position(p), bus(std::move(b)) {}
DelayBuffer::InputChunk::InputChunk(DelayBuffer::InputChunk&&) = default;
DelayBuffer::InputChunk& DelayBuffer::InputChunk::operator=(
DelayBuffer::InputChunk&&) = default;
DelayBuffer::InputChunk::~InputChunk() = default;
DelayBuffer::FrameTicks DelayBuffer::InputChunk::GetEndPosition() const {
return position + bus->frames();
} // namespace audio