blob: ed9b7f880dc42f0da0fb862870e06504a8a36ab8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Contains constants for known URLs and portions thereof.
// Except for WebUI UI/Host/SubPage constants. Those go in
// chrome/common/webui_url_constants.h.
// - Use the same order in this header and
// - Keep the constants sorted by name.
// - Put platform/feature specific constants towards the end in the appropriate
// section.
#include <stddef.h>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/common/features.h"
#include "chrome/common/webui_url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "ppapi/features/features.h"
namespace chrome {
// "Learn more" URL for when profile settings are automatically reset.
extern const char kAutomaticSettingsResetLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for providing help when the Bluetooth adapter is off.
extern const char kBluetoothAdapterOffHelpURL[];
// The URL for the Bluetooth Overview help center article in the Web Bluetooth
// Chooser.
extern const char kChooserBluetoothOverviewURL[];
// The URL for the WebUsb help center article.
extern const char kChooserUsbOverviewURL[];
// Link to the forum for Chrome Beta.
extern const char kChromeBetaForumURL[];
// General help links for Chrome, opened using various actions.
extern const char kChromeHelpViaKeyboardURL[];
extern const char kChromeHelpViaMenuURL[];
extern const char kChromeHelpViaWebUIURL[];
// The chrome-native: scheme is used show pages rendered with platform specific
// widgets instead of using HTML.
extern const char kChromeNativeScheme[];
// Pages under chrome-search.
extern const char kChromeSearchLocalNtpHost[];
extern const char kChromeSearchLocalNtpUrl[];
// Host and URL for most visited iframes used on the Instant Extended NTP.
extern const char kChromeSearchMostVisitedHost[];
extern const char kChromeSearchMostVisitedUrl[];
// Page under chrome-search.
extern const char kChromeSearchRemoteNtpHost[];
// The chrome-search: scheme is served by the same backend as chrome:. However,
// only specific URLDataSources are enabled to serve requests via the
// chrome-search: scheme. See |InstantIOContext::ShouldServiceRequest| and its
// callers for details. Note that WebUIBindings should never be granted to
// chrome-search: pages. chrome-search: pages are displayable but not readable
// by external search providers (that are rendered by Instant renderer
// processes), and neither displayable nor readable by normal (non-Instant) web
// pages. To summarize, a non-Instant process, when trying to access
// 'chrome-search://something', will bump up against the following:
// 1. Renderer: The display-isolated check in WebKit will deny the request,
// 2. Browser: Assuming they got by #1, the scheme checks in
// URLDataSource::ShouldServiceRequest will deny the request,
// 3. Browser: for specific sub-classes of URLDataSource, like ThemeSource
// there are additional Instant-PID checks that make sure the request is
// coming from a blessed Instant process, and deny the request.
extern const char kChromeSearchScheme[];
// The URL for the Chromium project used in the About dialog.
extern const char kChromiumProjectURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the Cloud Print section under Options.
extern const char kCloudPrintLearnMoreURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the Cloud Print Preview certificate error.
extern const char kCloudPrintCertificateErrorLearnMoreURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the Cloud Print Preview No Destinations Promotion.
extern const char kCloudPrintNoDestinationsLearnMoreURL[];
extern const char kContentSettingsExceptionsLearnMoreURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for "Aw snap" page when showing "Reload" button.
extern const char kCrashReasonURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for "Aw snap" page when showing "Send feedback" button.
extern const char kCrashReasonFeedbackDisplayedURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the "Do not track" setting in the privacy section.
extern const char kDoNotTrackLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for interrupted downloads.
extern const char kDownloadInterruptedLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for download scanning.
extern const char kDownloadScanningLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" link the the Easy Unlock settings.
// TODO(thestig): Move into OS_CHROMEOS section.
extern const char kEasyUnlockLearnMoreUrl[];
// "Learn more" URL for the Settings API, NTP bubble and other settings bubbles
// showing which extension is controlling them.
extern const char kExtensionControlledSettingLearnMoreURL[];
// URL used to indicate that an extension resource load request was invalid.
extern const char kExtensionInvalidRequestURL[];
// URL of the 'Activity controls' section of the privacy settings page.
extern const char kGoogleAccountActivityControlsURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" link in the language settings.
// TODO(michaelpg): Compile on Chrome OS only when Options is removed.
extern const char kLanguageSettingsLearnMoreUrl[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the usage/crash reporting option in the
// first run dialog.
extern const char kLearnMoreReportingURL[];
// Management URL for Chrome Supervised Users - version without scheme, used
// for display.
extern const char kLegacySupervisedUserManagementDisplayURL[];
// Management URL for Chrome Supervised Users.
extern const char kLegacySupervisedUserManagementURL[];
// "" URL for the history checkbox in ClearBrowsingData.
extern const char kMyActivityUrlInClearBrowsingData[];
// Help URL for the Omnibox setting.
extern const char kOmniboxLearnMoreURL[];
// "What do these mean?" URL for the Page Info bubble.
extern const char kPageInfoHelpCenterURL[];
extern const char kPasswordManagerLearnMoreURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the Privacy section under Options.
extern const char kPrivacyLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the Learn More link of the non-CWS bubble.
extern const char kRemoveNonCWSExtensionURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for resetting profile preferences.
extern const char kResetProfileSettingsLearnMoreURL[];
// Parameters that get appended to force SafeSearch.
extern const char kSafeSearchSafeParameter[];
extern const char kSafeSearchSsuiParameter[];
// Help URL for the settings page's search feature.
extern const char kSettingsSearchHelpURL[];
extern const char kSmartLockHelpPage[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page on sync encryption.
extern const char kSyncEncryptionHelpURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" link when there is a sync error.
extern const char kSyncErrorsHelpURL[];
extern const char kSyncGoogleDashboardURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for sync setup on the personal stuff page.
extern const char kSyncLearnMoreURL[];
extern const char kUpgradeHelpCenterBaseURL[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
extern const char kAndroidAppScheme[];
#if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// "Learn more" URL for the enhanced playback notification dialog.
extern const char kEnhancedPlaybackNotificationLearnMoreURL[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// The URL for the "learn more" link for Google Play Store (ARC) settings.
extern const char kAndroidAppsLearnMoreURL[];
// Accessibility help link for Chrome.
extern const char kChromeAccessibilityHelpURL[];
extern const char kChromeOSAssetHost[];
extern const char kChromeOSAssetPath[];
extern const char kChromeOSCreditsPath[];
// Palette help link for Chrome.
extern const char kChromePaletteHelpURL[];
extern const char kCrosScheme[];
extern const char kCupsPrintLearnMoreURL[];
extern const char kEULAPathFormat[];
// The URL for EOL notification
extern const char kEolNotificationURL[];
// The URL for providing more information about Google nameservers.
extern const char kGoogleNameserversLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "learn more" link for Instant Tethering.
extern const char kInstantTetheringLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the Learn More page about enterprise enrolled devices.
extern const char kLearnMoreEnterpriseURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" link for natural scrolling on ChromeOS.
extern const char kNaturalScrollHelpURL[];
extern const char kOemEulaURLPath[];
extern const char kOnlineEulaURLPath[];
// The URL for the "learn more" link for TPM firmware update.
extern const char kTPMFirmwareUpdateLearnMoreURL[];
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
// "Learn more" URL for the enterprise sign-in confirmation dialog.
extern const char kChromeEnterpriseSignInLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "learn more" link on the 10.9 obsolescence infobar.
extern const char kMac10_9_ObsoleteURL[];
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The URL for the Learn More link in the Chrome Cleanup settings card.
extern const char kChromeCleanerLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the Windows XP/Vista deprecation help center article.
extern const char kWindowsXPVistaDeprecationURL[];
// "Learn more" URL for the one click signin infobar.
extern const char kChromeSyncLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the blocked plugin infobar.
extern const char kBlockedPluginLearnMoreURL[];
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the outdated plugin infobar.
extern const char kOutdatedPluginLearnMoreURL[];
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// The URL for the "Learn more" page for the time zone settings page.
extern const char kTimeZoneSettingsLearnMoreURL[];
} // namespace chrome