blob: 38f39266b5282601b4a516f7053bb116a1f64f61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/cors/cors_error_status.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/private_network_access_check_result.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/client_security_state.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/ip_address_space.mojom-forward.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_context.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
namespace net {
struct TransportInfo;
} // namespace net
namespace network {
struct ResourceRequest;
// Applies Private Network Access checks to a single fetch / URL load.
// Manages state used for the "Private Network Access check" algorithm from
// the Private Network Access spec:
// Helper class for `URLLoader`. Should be instantiated once per `URLLoader`.
// Thread-compatible.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(NETWORK_SERVICE) PrivateNetworkAccessChecker {
// `resource_request` and `url_load_options` correspond to `URLLoader`
// constructor arguments.
// `factory_params` should point to the parameters used by the factory that
// built the owner `URLLoader`. Must not be nullptr and must outlive this
// instance.
const ResourceRequest& resource_request,
const mojom::URLLoaderFactoryParams* factory_params,
int32_t url_load_options);
// Instances of this class are neither copyable nor movable.
PrivateNetworkAccessChecker(const PrivateNetworkAccessChecker&) = delete;
PrivateNetworkAccessChecker& operator=(const PrivateNetworkAccessChecker&) =
// Checks whether the client should be allowed to use the given transport.
// Implements the following "Private Network Access check" algorithm:
PrivateNetworkAccessCheckResult Check(
const net::TransportInfo& transport_info);
// Returns the IP address space derived from the `transport_info` argument
// passed to the last call to `Check()`, if any.
// Spec:
absl::optional<mojom::IPAddressSpace> ResponseAddressSpace() const {
return response_address_space_;
// The target IP address space applied to subsequent checks.
// Spec:
mojom::IPAddressSpace TargetAddressSpace() const {
return target_address_space_;
// Clears state from all checks this instance has performed.
// This instance will behave as if newly constructed once more. In addition,
// resets this instance's target IP address space to `kUnknown.
// This should be called upon following a redirect.
void ResetForRedirect();
// Returns the client security state that applies to the current request.
// May return nullptr.
// Contains relevant state derived from the fetch client's policy container.
const mojom::ClientSecurityState* client_security_state() const {
return client_security_state_.get();
// Returns an owned clone of `client_security_state()`.
mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr CloneClientSecurityState() const;
// Returns the IP address space in `client_security_state()`.
// Returns `kUnknown` if `client_security_state()` is nullptr.
mojom::IPAddressSpace ClientAddressSpace() const;
// Returns whether this instance has a client security state containing a
// policy set to `kPreflightWarn`.
bool IsPolicyPreflightWarn() const;
// Helper for `Check()`.
PrivateNetworkAccessCheckResult CheckInternal(
mojom::IPAddressSpace resource_address_space);
// The client security state copied from the request's trusted params.
// May be nullptr.
// Should not be used directly. Use `client_security_state_` instead, which
// points to the same struct iff this client security state should be used.
const mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr request_client_security_state_;
// The security state of the client of the fetch. May be nullptr.
const raw_ptr<const mojom::ClientSecurityState> client_security_state_;
// Whether to block all requests to non-public IP address spaces, regardless
// of other considerations. Set based on URL load options.
const bool should_block_local_request_;
// True iff |Check()| was called multiple times in between resets and the IP
// address space of the transport was not the same each time.
bool has_connected_to_mismatched_address_spaces_ = false;
// The target IP address space set on the request. Ignored if `kUnknown`.
// Copied from `ResourceRequest::target_ip_address_space`.
mojom::IPAddressSpace target_address_space_;
// The IP address space derived from the `transport_info` argument passed to
// the last call to `Check()`.
// Set by `Check()`, reset by `ResetForRedirect()`.
absl::optional<mojom::IPAddressSpace> response_address_space_;
} // namespace network