blob: 5306455422f6584dd7720c4c756be531a841cf7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Nicholas Shanks <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <unicode/uscript.h>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/font_family_names.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_cache_key.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_family.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_orientation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_selection_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_smoothing_mode.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_variant_east_asian.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_variant_numeric.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/font_width_variant.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/opentype/font_settings.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/text_rendering_mode.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/typesetting_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/layout_locale.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/math_extras.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontStyle.h"
namespace blink {
const float kFontSizeAdjustNone = -1;
typedef struct { uint32_t parts[2]; } FieldsAsUnsignedType;
class PLATFORM_EXPORT FontDescription {
enum GenericFamilyType {
static String ToString(GenericFamilyType);
enum Kerning { kAutoKerning, kNormalKerning, kNoneKerning };
static String ToString(Kerning);
enum LigaturesState {
static String ToString(LigaturesState);
enum FontVariantCaps {
static String ToString(FontVariantCaps);
FontDescription(const FontDescription&);
FontDescription& operator=(const FontDescription&);
bool operator==(const FontDescription&) const;
bool operator!=(const FontDescription& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
struct VariantLigatures {
VariantLigatures(LigaturesState state = kNormalLigaturesState)
: common(state),
contextual(state) {}
String ToString() const;
unsigned common : 2;
unsigned discretionary : 2;
unsigned historical : 2;
unsigned contextual : 2;
struct Size {
Size(unsigned keyword, float value, bool is_absolute)
: keyword(keyword), is_absolute(is_absolute), value(value) {}
String ToString() const;
unsigned keyword : 4; // FontDescription::KeywordSize
unsigned is_absolute : 1; // FontDescription::IsAbsoluteSize
float value; // FontDescription::SpecifiedSize
struct FamilyDescription {
FamilyDescription(GenericFamilyType generic_family)
: generic_family(generic_family) {}
FamilyDescription(GenericFamilyType generic_family,
const FontFamily& family)
: generic_family(generic_family), family(family) {}
String ToString() const;
GenericFamilyType generic_family;
FontFamily family;
const FontFamily& Family() const { return family_list_; }
FamilyDescription GetFamilyDescription() const {
return FamilyDescription(GenericFamily(), Family());
FontFamily& FirstFamily() { return family_list_; }
Size GetSize() const {
return Size(KeywordSize(), SpecifiedSize(), IsAbsoluteSize());
float SpecifiedSize() const { return specified_size_; }
float ComputedSize() const { return computed_size_; }
float AdjustedSize() const { return adjusted_size_; }
float SizeAdjust() const { return size_adjust_; }
bool HasSizeAdjust() const { return size_adjust_ != kFontSizeAdjustNone; }
int ComputedPixelSize() const { return int(computed_size_ + 0.5f); }
FontVariantCaps VariantCaps() const {
return static_cast<FontVariantCaps>(fields_.variant_caps_);
bool IsAbsoluteSize() const { return fields_.is_absolute_size_; }
FontSelectionValue Weight() const { return font_selection_request_.weight; }
FontSelectionValue Style() const { return font_selection_request_.slope; }
FontSelectionValue Stretch() const { return font_selection_request_.width; }
static FontSelectionValue LighterWeight(FontSelectionValue);
static FontSelectionValue BolderWeight(FontSelectionValue);
static Size LargerSize(const Size&);
static Size SmallerSize(const Size&);
GenericFamilyType GenericFamily() const {
return static_cast<GenericFamilyType>(fields_.generic_family_);
// only use fixed default size when there is only one font family, and that
// family is "monospace"
bool IsMonospace() const {
return GenericFamily() == kMonospaceFamily && !Family().Next() &&
Family().Family() == font_family_names::kWebkitMonospace;
Kerning GetKerning() const { return static_cast<Kerning>(fields_.kerning_); }
FontVariantEastAsian VariantEastAsian() const {
return FontVariantEastAsian::InitializeFromUnsigned(
VariantLigatures GetVariantLigatures() const;
FontVariantNumeric VariantNumeric() const {
return FontVariantNumeric::InitializeFromUnsigned(fields_.variant_numeric_);
LigaturesState CommonLigaturesState() const {
return static_cast<LigaturesState>(fields_.common_ligatures_state_);
LigaturesState DiscretionaryLigaturesState() const {
return static_cast<LigaturesState>(fields_.discretionary_ligatures_state_);
LigaturesState HistoricalLigaturesState() const {
return static_cast<LigaturesState>(fields_.historical_ligatures_state_);
LigaturesState ContextualLigaturesState() const {
return static_cast<LigaturesState>(fields_.contextual_ligatures_state_);
unsigned KeywordSize() const { return fields_.keyword_size_; }
FontSmoothingMode FontSmoothing() const {
return static_cast<FontSmoothingMode>(fields_.font_smoothing_);
TextRenderingMode TextRendering() const {
return static_cast<TextRenderingMode>(fields_.text_rendering_);
const LayoutLocale* Locale() const { return locale_.get(); }
const LayoutLocale& LocaleOrDefault() const {
return LayoutLocale::ValueOrDefault(locale_.get());
UScriptCode GetScript() const { return LocaleOrDefault().GetScript(); }
bool IsSyntheticBold() const { return fields_.synthetic_bold_; }
bool IsSyntheticItalic() const { return fields_.synthetic_italic_; }
bool UseSubpixelPositioning() const {
return fields_.subpixel_text_position_;
FontSelectionRequest GetFontSelectionRequest() const;
float WordSpacing() const { return word_spacing_; }
float LetterSpacing() const { return letter_spacing_; }
FontOrientation Orientation() const {
return static_cast<FontOrientation>(fields_.orientation_);
bool IsVerticalAnyUpright() const {
return blink::IsVerticalAnyUpright(Orientation());
bool IsVerticalNonCJKUpright() const {
return blink::IsVerticalNonCJKUpright(Orientation());
bool IsVerticalUpright(UChar32 character) const {
return blink::IsVerticalUpright(Orientation(), character);
bool IsVerticalBaseline() const {
return blink::IsVerticalBaseline(Orientation());
FontWidthVariant WidthVariant() const {
return static_cast<FontWidthVariant>(fields_.width_variant_);
FontFeatureSettings* FeatureSettings() const {
return feature_settings_.get();
FontVariationSettings* VariationSettings() const {
return variation_settings_.get();
float EffectiveFontSize()
const; // Returns either the computedSize or the computedPixelSize
FontCacheKey CacheKey(
const FontFaceCreationParams&,
bool is_unique_match,
const FontSelectionRequest& = FontSelectionRequest()) const;
void SetFamily(const FontFamily& family) { family_list_ = family; }
void SetComputedSize(float s) { computed_size_ = clampTo<float>(s); }
void SetSpecifiedSize(float s) { specified_size_ = clampTo<float>(s); }
void SetAdjustedSize(float s) { adjusted_size_ = clampTo<float>(s); }
void SetSizeAdjust(float aspect) { size_adjust_ = clampTo<float>(aspect); }
void SetStyle(FontSelectionValue i) { font_selection_request_.slope = i; }
void SetWeight(FontSelectionValue w) { font_selection_request_.weight = w; }
void SetStretch(FontSelectionValue s) { font_selection_request_.width = s; }
void SetVariantCaps(FontVariantCaps);
void SetVariantEastAsian(const FontVariantEastAsian);
void SetVariantLigatures(const VariantLigatures&);
void SetVariantNumeric(const FontVariantNumeric&);
void SetIsAbsoluteSize(bool s) { fields_.is_absolute_size_ = s; }
void SetGenericFamily(GenericFamilyType generic_family) {
fields_.generic_family_ = generic_family;
void SetKerning(Kerning kerning) {
fields_.kerning_ = kerning;
void SetKeywordSize(unsigned s) { fields_.keyword_size_ = s; }
void SetFontSmoothing(FontSmoothingMode smoothing) {
fields_.font_smoothing_ = smoothing;
void SetTextRendering(TextRenderingMode rendering) {
fields_.text_rendering_ = rendering;
void SetOrientation(FontOrientation orientation) {
fields_.orientation_ = static_cast<unsigned>(orientation);
void SetWidthVariant(FontWidthVariant width_variant) {
fields_.width_variant_ = width_variant;
void SetLocale(scoped_refptr<const LayoutLocale> locale) {
locale_ = std::move(locale);
void SetSyntheticBold(bool synthetic_bold) {
fields_.synthetic_bold_ = synthetic_bold;
void SetSyntheticItalic(bool synthetic_italic) {
fields_.synthetic_italic_ = synthetic_italic;
void SetFeatureSettings(scoped_refptr<FontFeatureSettings> settings) {
feature_settings_ = std::move(settings);
void SetVariationSettings(scoped_refptr<FontVariationSettings> settings) {
variation_settings_ = std::move(settings);
void SetWordSpacing(float s) { word_spacing_ = s; }
void SetLetterSpacing(float s) {
letter_spacing_ = s;
TypesettingFeatures GetTypesettingFeatures() const {
return static_cast<TypesettingFeatures>(fields_.typesetting_features_);
static void SetSubpixelPositioning(bool b) {
use_subpixel_text_positioning_ = b;
static bool SubpixelPositioning() { return use_subpixel_text_positioning_; }
void SetSubpixelAscentDescent(bool sp) const {
fields_.subpixel_ascent_descent_ = sp;
bool SubpixelAscentDescent() const {
return fields_.subpixel_ascent_descent_;
static void SetDefaultTypesettingFeatures(TypesettingFeatures);
static TypesettingFeatures DefaultTypesettingFeatures();
unsigned StyleHashWithoutFamilyList() const;
// TODO(drott): We should not expose internal structure here, but rather
// introduce a hash function here.
unsigned BitmapFields() const { return[0]; }
unsigned AuxiliaryBitmapFields() const {
SkFontStyle SkiaFontStyle() const;
int MinimumPrefixWidthToHyphenate() const;
String ToString() const;
FontFamily family_list_; // The list of font families to be used.
scoped_refptr<FontFeatureSettings> feature_settings_;
scoped_refptr<FontVariationSettings> variation_settings_;
scoped_refptr<const LayoutLocale> locale_;
void UpdateTypesettingFeatures();
// Specified CSS value. Independent of rendering issues such as integer
// rounding, minimum font sizes, and zooming.
float specified_size_;
// Computed size adjusted for the minimum font size and the zoom factor.
float computed_size_;
// (Given aspect value / aspect value of a font family) * specifiedSize.
// This value is adjusted for the minimum font size and the zoom factor
// as well as a computed size is.
float adjusted_size_;
// Given aspect value, i.e. font-size-adjust.
float size_adjust_;
float letter_spacing_;
float word_spacing_;
// Covers stretch, style, weight.
FontSelectionRequest font_selection_request_;
struct BitFields {
String ToString() const;
unsigned orientation_ : kFontOrientationBitCount;
unsigned width_variant_ : 2; // FontWidthVariant
unsigned variant_caps_ : 3; // FontVariantCaps
is_absolute_size_ : 1; // Whether or not CSS specified an explicit size
// (logical sizes like "medium" don't count).
unsigned generic_family_ : 3; // GenericFamilyType
unsigned kerning_ : 2; // Kerning
unsigned common_ligatures_state_ : 2;
unsigned discretionary_ligatures_state_ : 2;
unsigned historical_ligatures_state_ : 2;
unsigned contextual_ligatures_state_ : 2;
// We cache whether or not a font is currently represented by a CSS keyword
// (e.g., medium). If so, then we can accurately translate across different
// generic families to adjust for different preference settings (e.g., 13px
// monospace vs. 16px everything else). Sizes are 1-8 (like the HTML size
// values for <font>).
unsigned keyword_size_ : 4;
unsigned font_smoothing_ : 2; // FontSmoothingMode
unsigned text_rendering_ : 2; // TextRenderingMode
unsigned synthetic_bold_ : 1;
unsigned synthetic_italic_ : 1;
unsigned subpixel_text_position_ : 1;
unsigned typesetting_features_ : 3;
unsigned variant_numeric_ : 8;
unsigned variant_east_asian_ : 6;
mutable unsigned subpixel_ascent_descent_ : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(BitFields) == sizeof(FieldsAsUnsignedType),
"Mapped bitfield datatypes must have identical size.");
union {
BitFields fields_;
FieldsAsUnsignedType fields_as_unsigned_;
static TypesettingFeatures default_typesetting_features_;
static bool use_subpixel_text_positioning_;
} // namespace blink