blob: 10451467987b0f24455cf376d5db64b879e106b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
is: 'print-preview-pin-settings',
behaviors: [SettingsBehavior, print_preview_new.InputBehavior],
properties: {
/** @type {!print_preview_new.State} */
state: Number,
disabled: Boolean,
/** @private {boolean} */
checkboxDisabled_: {
type: Boolean,
computed: 'computeCheckboxDisabled_(inputValid_, disabled, ' +
/** @private {boolean} */
pinEnabled_: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
/** @private {string} */
inputString_: {
type: String,
value: '',
observer: 'onInputChanged_',
/** @private */
inputValid_: {
type: Boolean,
value: true,
reflectToAttribute: true,
observers: [
'onSettingsChanged_(, settings.pinValue.value)',
listeners: {
'input-change': 'onInputChange_',
/** @return {!CrInputElement} The cr-input field element for InputBehavior. */
getInput: function() {
return this.$.pinValue;
* @param {!CustomEvent<string>} e Contains the new input value.
* @private
onInputChange_: function(e) {
this.inputString_ = e.detail;
/** @private */
onCollapseChanged_: function() {
if (this.pinEnabled_) {
/** @type {!CrInputElement} */ (this.$.pinValue).inputElement.focus();
* @param {boolean} inputValid Whether pin value is valid.
* @param {boolean} disabled Whether pin setting is disabled.
* @param {boolean} managed Whether pin setting is managed.
* @return {boolean} Whether pin checkbox should be disabled.
* @private
computeCheckboxDisabled_: function(inputValid, disabled, managed) {
return managed || (inputValid && disabled);
* @return {boolean} Whether to disable the pin value input.
* @private
inputDisabled_: function() {
return !this.pinEnabled_ || (this.inputValid_ && this.disabled);
* Updates the checkbox state when the setting has been initialized.
* @private
onSettingsChanged_: function() {
const pinEnabled = /** @type {boolean} */ (this.getSetting('pin').value);
this.$.pin.checked = pinEnabled;
this.pinEnabled_ = pinEnabled;
const pinValue = this.getSetting('pinValue');
this.inputString_ = /** @type {string} */ (pinValue.value);
/** @private */
onPinChange_: function() {
this.setSetting('pin', this.$.pin.checked);
// We need to set validity of pinValue to true to return to READY state
// after unchecking the pin and to check the validity again after checking
// the pin.
if (!this.$.pin.checked) {
this.setSettingValid('pinValue', true);
} else {
* @private
onInputChanged_: function() {
* Updates pin value setting based on the current value of the pin value
* input.
* @private
changePinValueSetting_: function() {
if (this.settings === undefined) {
// If the state is not READY and current pinValue is valid (so it's not the
// cause of the error) we need to wait until the state will be READY again.
// It's done because we don't permit multiple simultaneous validation errors
// in Print Preview and we also don't want to set the value when sticky
// settings may not yet have been set.
if (this.state != print_preview_new.State.READY &&
this.settings.pinValue.valid) {
this.inputValid_ = this.computeValid_();
this.setSettingValid('pinValue', this.inputValid_);
// We allow to save the empty string as sticky setting value to give users
// the opportunity to unset their PIN in sticky settings.
if (this.inputValid_ || this.inputString_ == '') {
this.setSetting('pinValue', this.inputString_);
* @return {boolean} Whether input value represented by inputString_ is
* valid, so that it can be used to update the setting.
* @private
computeValid_: function() {
// Make sure value updates first, in case inputString_ was updated by JS.
this.$.pinValue.value = this.inputString_;
return !this.$.pinValue.invalid;