blob: c4758e784dee168aa28fb1f5781bfe02f5649918 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Provides the UI for dump creation.
var DumpCreator = (function() {
* @param {Element} containerElement The parent element of the dump creation
* UI.
* @constructor
function DumpCreator(containerElement) {
* The root element of the dump creation UI.
* @type {Element}
* @private
this.root_ = document.createElement('details');
this.root_.className = 'peer-connection-dump-root';
var summary = document.createElement('summary');
summary.textContent = 'Create Dump';
var content = document.createElement('div');
content.innerHTML = '<div><a><button>' +
'Download the PeerConnection updates and stats data' +
'</button></a></div>' +
'<p><label><input type=checkbox>' +
'Enable diagnostic audio recordings</label></p>' +
'<p class=audio-diagnostic-dumps-info>A diagnostic audio recording is' +
' used for analyzing audio problems. It consists of several files and' +
' contains the audio played out to the speaker (output) and captured' +
' from the microphone (input). The data is saved locally.' +
' Checking this box will enable recordings of all ongoing input and' +
' output audio streams (including non-WebRTC streams) and for future' +
' audio streams. When the box is unchecked or this page is closed,' +
' all ongoing recordings will be stopped and this recording' +
' functionality disabled. Recording audio from multiple tabs is' +
' supported as well as multiple recordings from the same tab.</p>' +
'<p>When enabling, select a base filename to which the following' +
' suffixes will be added:</p>' +
'<p><div>&lt;base filename&gt;.&lt;render process ID&gt;' +
'.aec_dump.&lt;AEC dump recording ID&gt;</div>' +
'<div>&lt;base filename&gt;.input.&lt;stream recording ID&gt;.wav' +
'</div><div>' +
'&lt;base filename&gt;.output.&lt;stream recording ID&gt;.wav' +
'</div></p>' +
'<p class=audio-diagnostic-dumps-info>It is recommended to choose a' +
' new base filename each time the feature is enabled to avoid ending' +
' up with partially overwritten or unusable audio files.</p>' +
'<p><label><input type=checkbox disabled=true>' +
'Enable diagnostic packet and event recording' +
'<label name="placeholder_for_warning"/></label></p>' +
'<p class=audio-diagnostic-dumps-info>A diagnostic packet and event' +
' recording can be used for analyzing various issues related to' +
' thread starvation, jitter buffers or bandwidth estimation. Two' +
' types of data are logged. First, incoming and outgoing RTP headers' +
' and RTCP packets are logged. These do not include any audio or' +
' video information, nor any other types of personally identifiable' +
' information (so no IP addresses or URLs). Checking this box will' +
' enable the recording for ongoing WebRTC calls and for future' +
' WebRTC calls. When the box is unchecked or this page is closed,' +
' all ongoing recordings will be stopped and this recording' +
' functionality will be disabled for future WebRTC calls. Recording' +
' in multiple tabs or multiple recordings in the same tab will cause' +
' multiple log files to be created. When enabling, a filename for the' +
' recording can be entered. The entered filename is used as a' +
' base, to which the following suffixes will be appended.</p>' +
' <p>&lt;base filename&gt;_&lt;date&gt;_&lt;timestamp&gt;_&lt;render ' +
'process ID&gt;_&lt;recording ID&gt;</p>' +
'<p class=audio-diagnostic-dumps-info>If a file with the same name' +
' already exists, it will be overwritten. No more than 5 logfiles ' +
' will be created, and each of them is limited to 60MB of storage. ' +
' On Android these limits are 3 files of at most 10MB each. ' +
' When the limit is reached, the checkbox must be unchecked and ' +
' rechecked to resume logging.</p>';
'click', this.onDownloadData_.bind(this));
'click', this.onAudioDebugRecordingsChanged_.bind(this));
'click', this.onEventLogRecordingsChanged_.bind(this));
DumpCreator.prototype = {
// Mark the diagnostic audio recording checkbox checked.
setAudioDebugRecordingsCheckbox: function() {
this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = true;
// Mark the diagnostic audio recording checkbox unchecked.
clearAudioDebugRecordingsCheckbox: function() {
this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked = false;
// Mark the event log recording checkbox checked.
setEventLogRecordingsCheckbox: function() {
this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].checked = true;
// Mark the event log recording checkbox unchecked.
clearEventLogRecordingsCheckbox: function() {
this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].checked = false;
// Mark the event log recording checkbox as mutable/immutable.
setEventLogRecordingsCheckboxMutability: function(mutable) {
// TODO(eladalon): Remove reliance on number and order of elements.
this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].disabled = !mutable;
if (!mutable) {
var label = this.root_.getElementsByTagName('label')[2]; = 'color:red;';
label.textContent =
' WebRTC event logging\'s state was set by a command line flag.';
* Downloads the PeerConnection updates and stats data as a file.
* @private
onDownloadData_: function() {
var dump_object = {
'getUserMedia': userMediaRequests,
'PeerConnections': peerConnectionDataStore,
'UserAgent': navigator.userAgent,
var textBlob = new Blob(
[JSON.stringify(dump_object, null, ' ')], {type: 'octet/stream'});
var URL = window.URL.createObjectURL(textBlob);
var anchor = this.root_.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
anchor.href = URL; = 'webrtc_internals_dump.txt';
// The default action of the anchor will download the URL.
* Handles the event of toggling the audio debug recordings state.
* @private
onAudioDebugRecordingsChanged_: function() {
var enabled = this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].checked;
if (enabled) {
} else {
* Handles the event of toggling the event log recordings state.
* @private
onEventLogRecordingsChanged_: function() {
var enabled = this.root_.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].checked;
if (enabled) {
} else {
return DumpCreator;