blob: b86c145d17de52f004c5f0f1c097714d4905ebc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Get the ssrc if |report| is an ssrc report.
* @param {!Object} report The object contains id, type, and stats, where stats
* is the object containing timestamp and values, which is an array of
* strings, whose even index entry is the name of the stat, and the odd
* index entry is the value.
* @return {?string} The ssrc.
function GetSsrcFromReport(report) {
if (report.type != 'ssrc') {
console.warn('Trying to get ssrc from non-ssrc report.');
return null;
// If the 'ssrc' name-value pair exists, return the value; otherwise, return
// the report id.
// The 'ssrc' name-value pair only exists in an upcoming Libjingle change. Old
// versions use id to refer to the ssrc.
// TODO(jiayl): remove the fallback to id once the Libjingle change is rolled
// to Chrome.
if (report.stats && report.stats.values) {
for (var i = 0; i < report.stats.values.length - 1; i += 2) {
if (report.stats.values[i] == 'ssrc') {
return report.stats.values[i + 1];
* SsrcInfoManager stores the ssrc stream info extracted from SDP.
var SsrcInfoManager = (function() {
'use strict';
* @constructor
function SsrcInfoManager() {
* Map from ssrc id to an object containing all the stream properties.
* @type {!Object<!Object<string>>}
* @private
this.streamInfoContainer_ = {};
* The string separating attibutes in an SDP.
* @type {string}
* @const
* @private
this.ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR_ = /[\r,\n]/;
* The regex separating fields within an ssrc description.
* @type {RegExp}
* @const
* @private
* The prefix string of an ssrc description.
* @type {string}
* @const
* @private
this.SSRC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX_ = 'a=ssrc:';
* The className of the ssrc info parent element.
* @type {string}
* @const
this.SSRC_INFO_BLOCK_CLASS = 'ssrc-info-block';
SsrcInfoManager.prototype = {
* Extracts the stream information from |sdp| and saves it.
* For example:
* a=ssrc:1234 msid:abcd
* a=ssrc:1234 label:hello
* @param {string} sdp The SDP string.
addSsrcStreamInfo: function(sdp) {
var attributes = sdp.split(this.ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR_);
for (var i = 0; i < attributes.length; ++i) {
// Check if this is a ssrc attribute.
if (attributes[i].indexOf(this.SSRC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX_) != 0)
var nextFieldIndex = attributes[i].search(this.FIELD_SEPARATOR_REGEX_);
if (nextFieldIndex == -1)
var ssrc = attributes[i].substring(
this.SSRC_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX_.length, nextFieldIndex);
if (!this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc])
this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc] = {};
// Make |rest| starting at the next field.
var rest = attributes[i].substring(nextFieldIndex + 1);
var name, value;
while (rest.length > 0) {
nextFieldIndex =;
if (nextFieldIndex == -1)
nextFieldIndex = rest.length;
// The field name is the string before the colon.
name = rest.substring(0, rest.indexOf(':'));
// The field value is from after the colon to the next field.
value = rest.substring(rest.indexOf(':') + 1, nextFieldIndex);
this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc][name] = value;
// Move |rest| to the start of the next field.
rest = rest.substring(nextFieldIndex + 1);
* @param {string} sdp The ssrc id.
* @return {!Object<string>} The object containing the ssrc infomation.
getStreamInfo: function(ssrc) {
return this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc];
* Populate the ssrc information into |parentElement|, each field as a
* DIV element.
* @param {!Element} parentElement The parent element for the ssrc info.
* @param {string} ssrc The ssrc id.
populateSsrcInfo: function(parentElement, ssrc) {
if (!this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc])
parentElement.className = this.SSRC_INFO_BLOCK_CLASS;
var fieldElement;
for (var property in this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc]) {
fieldElement = document.createElement('div');
fieldElement.textContent =
property + ':' + this.streamInfoContainer_[ssrc][property];
return SsrcInfoManager;