blob: 57adf068b0f177c34b35047dec26a9ec4d75677b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "chrome/common/conflicts/module_event_sink_win.mojom.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
class ModuleDatabase;
// Implementation of the mojom::ModuleEventSink interface. This is the endpoint
// in the browser process. This redirects calls to the singleton ModuleDatabase
// object.
class ModuleEventSinkImpl : public mojom::ModuleEventSink {
// Callback for retrieving the handle associated with a process. This is used
// by "Create" to get a handle to the remote process.
using GetProcessCallback = base::Callback<base::Process()>;
// Creates a service endpoint that forwards notifications from the remote
// |process| of the provided |process_type| to the provided |module_database|.
// The |module_database| must outlive this object.
ModuleEventSinkImpl(base::Process process,
content::ProcessType process_type,
ModuleDatabase* module_database);
~ModuleEventSinkImpl() override;
// Factory function for use with service_manager::InterfaceRegistry. This
// creates a concrete implementation of mojom::ModuleDatabase interface in the
// current process, for the remote process represented by the provided
// |request|. This should only be called on the UI thread.
static void Create(GetProcessCallback get_process,
content::ProcessType process_type,
ModuleDatabase* module_database,
mojom::ModuleEventSinkRequest request);
// mojom::ModuleEventSink implementation:
void OnModuleEvent(mojom::ModuleEventType event_type,
uint64_t load_address) override;
friend class ModuleEventSinkImplTest;
// A handle to the process on the other side of the pipe.
base::Process process_;
// The module database this forwards events to. The |module_database| must
// outlive this object.
ModuleDatabase* module_database_;
// The process ID of the remote process on the other end of the pipe. This is
// forwarded along to the ModuleDatabase for each call.
content::ProcessType process_type_;