blob: 3e03eee2becbc4aeb13e90db7878d08f0b98e158 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "chrome/common/media/webrtc_logging_message_data.h"
#include "components/webrtc_logging/common/partial_circular_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/network_interfaces.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
const size_t kWebRtcLogSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1 MB
const size_t kWebRtcLogSize = 6 * 1024 * 1024; // 6 MB
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> MetaDataMap;
class WebRtcLogUploader;
class WebRtcLogBuffer {
void Log(const std::string& message);
// Returns a circular buffer instance for reading the internal log buffer.
// Must only be called after the log has been marked as complete
// (see SetComplete) and the caller must ensure that the WebRtcLogBuffer
// instance remains in scope for the lifetime of the returned circular buffer.
webrtc_logging::PartialCircularBuffer Read();
// Switches the buffer to read-only mode, where access to the internal
// buffer is allowed from different threads than were used to contribute
// to the log. Calls to Log() won't be allowed after calling
// SetComplete() and the call to SetComplete() must be done on the same
// thread as constructed the buffer and calls Log().
void SetComplete();
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
uint8_t buffer_[kWebRtcLogSize];
webrtc_logging::PartialCircularBuffer circular_;
bool read_only_;
class WebRtcTextLogHandler
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<WebRtcTextLogHandler> {
// States used for protecting from function calls made at non-allowed points
// in time. For example, StartLogging() is only allowed in CLOSED state.
// See also comment on |channel_is_closing_| below.
// Transitions: SetMetaData(): CLOSED -> CLOSED, or
// StartLogging(): CLOSED -> STARTING.
// StartDone(): STARTING -> STARTED.
// StopLogging(): STARTED -> STOPPING.
// StopDone(): STOPPING -> STOPPED.
// DiscardLog(): STOPPED -> CLOSED.
// ReleaseLog(): STOPPED -> CLOSED.
enum LoggingState {
CLOSED, // Logging not started, no log in memory.
STARTING, // Start logging is in progress.
STARTED, // Logging started.
STOPPING, // Stop logging is in progress.
STOPPED, // Logging has been stopped, log still open in memory.
typedef base::Callback<void(bool, const std::string&)> GenericDoneCallback;
explicit WebRtcTextLogHandler(int render_process_id);
// Returns the current state of the log. Must be called on the IO thread.
LoggingState GetState() const;
// Returns true if channel is closing. Must be called on the IO thread.
bool GetChannelIsClosing() const;
// Sets meta data for log uploading. Merged with any already set meta data.
// Values for existing keys are overwritten. The meta data already set at log
// start is written to the beginning of the log. Meta data set after log start
// is written to the log at that time.
void SetMetaData(std::unique_ptr<MetaDataMap> meta_data,
const GenericDoneCallback& callback);
// Opens a log and starts logging if allowed by the LogUploader.
// Returns false if logging could not be started.
// Must be called on the IO thread.
bool StartLogging(WebRtcLogUploader* log_uploader,
const GenericDoneCallback& callback);
// Stops logging. Log will remain open until UploadLog or DiscardLog is
// called. Must be called on the IO thread.
bool StopLogging(const GenericDoneCallback& callback);
// Called by the WebRtcLoggingHandlerHost when logging has stopped in the
// renderer. Should only be called in response to a
// WebRtcLoggingMsg_LoggingStopped IPC message.
// Must be called on the IO thread.
void StopDone();
// Signals that the renderer is closing, which de facto stops logging but
// keeps the log in memory.
// Can be called in any state except CLOSED. Must be called on the IO thread.
void ChannelClosing();
// Discards a stopped log. Must be called on the IO thread.
void DiscardLog();
// Releases a stopped log to the caller. Must be called on the IO thread.
void ReleaseLog(std::unique_ptr<WebRtcLogBuffer>* log_buffer,
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataMap>* meta_data);
// Adds a message to the log. Must be called on the IO thread.
void LogMessage(const std::string& message);
// Adds a message to the log. Must be called on the IO thread.
void LogWebRtcLoggingMessageData(const WebRtcLoggingMessageData& message);
// Returns true if the logging state is CLOSED and fires an the callback
// with an error message otherwise. Must be called on the IO thread.
bool ExpectLoggingStateStopped(const GenericDoneCallback& callback);
void FireGenericDoneCallback(const GenericDoneCallback& callback,
bool success,
const std::string& error_message);
// Must be called on the IO thread.
void SetWebAppId(int web_app_id);
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<WebRtcTextLogHandler>;
void StartDone(const GenericDoneCallback& callback);
void LogToCircularBuffer(const std::string& message);
void LogInitialInfoOnIOThread(const GenericDoneCallback& callback,
const net::NetworkInterfaceList& network_list);
// The render process ID this object belongs to.
const int render_process_id_;
// Should be created by StartLogging().
std::unique_ptr<WebRtcLogBuffer> log_buffer_;
// These are only accessed on the IO thread, except when in STARTING state. In
// this state we are protected since entering any function that alters the
// state is not allowed.
// Should be created by StartLogging().
std::unique_ptr<MetaDataMap> meta_data_;
// Only accessed on the IO thread.
GenericDoneCallback stop_callback_;
// Only accessed on the IO thread.
LoggingState logging_state_;
// True if renderer is closing. The log (if there is one) can still be
// released or discarded (i.e. closed). No new logs can be created. The only
// state change possible when channel is closing is from any state to CLOSED.
// Can only accessed on the IO thread.
bool channel_is_closing_ = false;
// The system time in ms when logging is started. Reset when logging_state_
// changes to STOPPED.
base::Time logging_started_time_;
// Web app id used for statistics. See
// |WebRtcLoggingHandlerHost::web_app_id_|. Must only be accessed on the IO
// thread.
int web_app_id_ = 0;