blob: 876952e2616c5c1ae169504621e24547b8460da2 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Information about an origin and the intervention it supports.
// Next Id: 4
message OriginInterventions {
// The MD5 hash of the origin, the value used to generate this hash
// should be the ‘host’ part of the origin, e.g. in
// “” the host is “”.
required string host_hash = 1;
// Policy associated with an intervention. A DEFAULT value indicates
// that the existing heuristics should be applied.
enum InterventionPolicy {
OPT_IN = 0;
OPT_OUT = 1;
// The discarding policy.
required InterventionPolicy discarding_policy = 2;
// The freezing policy.
required InterventionPolicy freezing_policy = 3;
// The database that contains all the origins and the interventions they
// support.
// Next Id: 2
message OriginInterventionsDatabase {
repeated OriginInterventions origin_interventions = 1;