Signing Scripts for Chrome on macOS

This directory contains Python modules that modify the Chrome application bundle for various release channels, sign the resulting bundle, package it into .dmg/.pkg files for distribution, and sign those resulting .dmg/.pkg files.


The scripts are invoked using the driver located at //chrome/installer/mac/ In order to sign a binary, a signing identity is required. Googlers can use the internal development identity; otherwise you can create a self-signed identity.

A sample invocation to use during development would be:

$ ninja -C out/release chrome chrome/installer/mac
$ ./out/release/Chromium\ Packaging/ --input out/release --output /tmp/signed --identity 'MacOS Developer' --development --disable-packaging

The --disable-packaging flag skips the creation of DMG and PKG files, which speeds up the signing process when one is only interested in a signed .app bundle. The --development flag skips over code signing requirements and checks that do not work without the official Google signing identity.


The signing scripts do not work out-of-the-box with a Chromium build. Until is fixed, in order to have a working (i.e. launch-able), signed Chromium:

  1. Edit chrome/app/app-entitlements.plist and remove the following key/value pairs:
    • keychain-access-groups
  2. touch out/<outdir>/Chromium\ Packaging/
  3. Run as documented above.

Note that the Chromium code sign config only produces one Distribution to sign just the .app. An is_chrome_build=true build produces several Distributions for the official release system.

Running Tests

Simply run the wrapper script at //chrome/installer/mac/signing/

You can pass --coverage or -c to show coverage information. To generate a HTML coverage report and Python coverage package is available (via pip install coverage), run:

coverage3 run -m unittest discover -p '*'
coverage3 html


The code is automatically formatted with YAPF. Run:

git cl format --python